U-M, MHSAA Partner to Bring Athletes Most Up-To-Date Head Injury Care

November 30, 2023

Head injury understanding, awareness and treatment has come a long way over the last few decades, and the University of Michigan Concussion Center has played a major role in helping our state's school-aged athletes receive the most up-to-date care as part of its partnership with the MHSAA. 

This video explains key training U-M provides, with assists from Paw Paw competitive cheer coach Stefanie Miller, St. Joseph football coach Andrew Pratley and MHSAA Executive Director Mark Uyl. 

Click here to read the accompanying story.

Coaches Guide to Nutrition: What are Electrolytes?

Electrolytes are essential minerals that come in the form of sodium, calcium, chloride, potassium, phosphate and magnesium.

Milk Means More logoThey help maintain fluid balance, regulate muscle contractions, and promote healthy brain activity.

Did You Know: An athlete can lose up to two pounds of sweat (or more) after exercising? That is equivalent to 1,000 mg sodium, 200 mg potassium and 20 mg calcium (all of which are found in chocolate milk).

Encourage your athletes to refuel and rehydrate those lost electrolytes with chocolate milk (a.k.a. Nature’s Sports Drink). This can help reduce the risk of stress fractures and muscle cramping.   

Information above is excerpted from UDIM’s A Coach’s Guide to Nutrition.