MHSAA Record Book

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Individual Records

NOTE: Top 10 plus ties; for categories without 10 entries, additional will be added as achieved. Lower Peninsula records are from the current three-division format installed in Fall 2007, with retired records from previous formats listed below.

200-Yard Medley Relay

 Time Athlete(s) School Year
1:41.01      Courtney Bartholomew, Melissa Vandermeulen, Taylor Garcia, Holly Morren Holland                            2011                
1:42.37 Grace Albrecht, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2023
1:42.40  Sara Kraus, Masy Folcik, Rachel Gamm, Ashley Lund Rockford 2019
1:42.78 Ashley Cohagen, Carlye Ellis, Margaret Kelly, Leigh Cole Ann Arbor Pioneer 2005-Prelims
1:42.88  Sara Kraus, Masy Folcik, Rachel Gamm, Ashley Lund Rockford 2019-Prelims
1:42.92 Grace Albrecht, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2023-Prelims
1:43.05 Dalila Brown, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2024
1:43.10  Sophia Tuinman, Erin Szara, Kelsey Macaddino, Laura Westphal Northville 2016
1:43.19 Stella Chapman, Ursula Ott, Sophia Guo, Kate Van Ryn Ann Arbor Pioneer 2022
1:43.27  Casey Chung, Georgia Mosher, Emma Cleason, Maddie McAdams Ann Arbor Skyline 2016
200-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s)  School  Year
1:46.25  Allison Schmitt Canton 2007
1:46.34 Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2002
1:46.82 Allison Schmitt Canton 2007-Prelims
1:46.75 Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2002-Prelims
1:46.84  Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2015
1:47.25  Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2015-Prelims
1:47.54 Allison Schmitt Canton 2006
1:47.58 Heather Strang East Lansing 1981
200-Yard Individual Medley 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:57.25  Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2018
1:57.61  Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2019
1:57.92  Kathryn Ackerman  Grand Haven 2017
1:57.97  Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2018-Prelims
1:58.69  Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2019-Prelims
1:58.94  Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2017-Prelims
1:59.14  Miranda Tucker Waterford 2014
1:59.17 Sophia Umstead Jension 2024-Prelims
1:59.23 Ava Ohlgren Northville 2005
1:59.36 Stella Chapman Ann Arbor Pioneer 2023-Prelims
50-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:22.04  Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2002-Prelims Relay
:22.10  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018-Relay
:22.19  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017
:22.20  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018
:22.29  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018-Prelims
:22.33  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017-Prelims
:22.38  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2017
:22.62 Emily Bos Holland  2008
:22.63 Brady Kendall Plymouth 2021
:22.70  Claire Tuttle Hudsonville 2019-Prelims
1-Meter Diving
Time   Athlete(s) School Year
554.65 Lily Witte Dexter 2022
509.50  Camryn McPherson Saline 2016
503.55 Lily Witte Dexter 2021
494.80  Mackenzie Crawford Milan 2018
492.25 Caroline Li Okemos 2022
489.55  Elyse Lee Albion 2003
488.20 Amy Stevens Saline 2014
487.15  Camryn McPherson Saline 2015
486.95 Lily Witte Dexter 2020
485.20  Erin Neely GR Forest Hills Central 2015
100-Yard Butterfly 
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:53.35 Brady Kendall Plymouth 2021
:53.73  Morgan Kraus Rockford 2017
:53.81 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2023-Prelims
:53.88 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2023
:53.88  Maddie Wright Waterford 2013
:53.93 Brady Kendall Plymouth 2021-Prelims
:53.95 Taylor Garcia Holland 2014
:53.96  Morgan Kraus Rockford 2017-Prelims
:53.98 Margaret Kelly Ann Arbor Pioneer 2005-Prelims
:53.99 Brooklyn Beauch Byron Center 2023-Prelims      
100-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:48.59  Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2002
:48.72  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018
:49.18  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018-Prelims
:49.34 Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2015
:49.58  Greta Gidley Farmington Hills Mercy 2019-Prelims
:49.59  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017
:49.60  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017-Prelims
:49.64  Taylor Seaman Brighton 2016
:49.67 Ella Roberson Midland Dow 2022-Prelims
:49.67  Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2015-Prelims
500-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
4:44.47  Lola Mull  Grand Ledge 2017-Prelims
4:44.93  Lola Mull Grand Ledge 2018
4:47.32  Lola Mull Grand Ledge 2017
4:47.46 Allison Schmitt  Canton 2007
4:47.66 Elizabeth Eichbrecht West Bloomfield 2023
4:47.86  Kristyne Cole Ann Arbor Pioneer 2007
4:48.67 Anna Aristeo Livonia Stevenson 1997-Prelims
4:49.23 Kristyne Cole Ann Arbor Pioneer 2007-Prelims
4:49.34  Lola Mull Grand Ledge 2018-Prelims
4:50.08  Georgia Mosher Ann Arbor Skyline 2016
200-Yard Freestyle Relay 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:32.77  Kara Lynn Joyce, Margaret Kelly, Leigh Cole, Jennifer Merte  Ann Arbor Pioneer  2002-Prelims
1:32.85 Grace Albrecht, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2023
1:33.34  Ashley Turak, Lia Munson, Emma Inch, Madeline Greaves Harrison/Farmington 2018
1:33.40  Marie Lehman, Eve Doctor, Laura Levine, Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017
1:33.71 Kara Lynn Joyce, Margaret Kelly, Leigh Cole, Jennifer Merte  Ann Arbor Pioneer 2002
1:33.89  Ileah Doctor, Lexus VanHoven, Hanna Sanford, Gabby Higgins East Grand Rapids 2016
1:33.98  Marie Lehman, Eve Doctor, Laura Levine, Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017-Prelims
1:34.09 Lily Cramer, Vivian VanRenterghem, Amelia Weyhing, Sophia Guo Ann Arbor Pioneer 2021
1:34.37  Hunter Ignasiak, Sydney McDowell, Meegan Snyman, Peyton Rayburn Rockford  2016
1:34.47 Katelyn Van Ryn, Ursula Ott, Reese Heidenreich, Meg Pinkerton Ann Arbor Pioneer 2024
100-Yard Backstroke
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:51.99  Courtney Bartholomew Holland 2011
:52.45  Courtney Bartholomew Holland 2010
:52.95 Taylor Garcia  Holland  2013
:53.13 Taylor Garcia  Holland  2014-Prelims
:53.32 Taylor Garcia  Holland  2013-Prelims
:53.37 Taylor Garcia  Holland  2014
:53.54 Stella Chapman Ann Arbor Pioneer 2023
:53.59 Stella Chapman Ann Arbor Pioneer 2023-Prelims
:53.69 Stella Chapman Ann Arbor Pioneer 2022-Prelims
:53.80  Katie Minnich Farmington Hills Mercy 2017-Prelims
100-Yard Breaststroke 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:00.07 McKenzie Siroky Livonia Stevenson 2022-Prelims
1:00.22 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2023-Prelims
1:00.27 McKenzie Siroky Livonia Stevenson 2022
1:00.48 McKenzie Siroky Livonia Stevenson 2021-Prelims
1:00.56  Miranda Tucker  Waterford  2014 
1:00.58  Miranda Tucker  Waterford  2014-Prelims
1:00.72 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2024
1:00.79  Claire Tuttle Hudsonville 2019
1:00.85 McKenzie Siroky Livonia Stevenson 2021
1:00.90 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2024-Prelims
400-Yard Freestyle Relay 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
3:23.51  Lia Munson, Emma Inch, Madeline Greaves, Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018
3:23.85  Leigh Cole, Liz Koselka, Kristyne Cole, Margaret Kelly  Ann Arbor Pioneer  2005
3:24.44  Maddie Luther, Johanna Jorgenson, Maddy Murphy, Lizzy Spears Saline 2016
3:24.44  Leigh Cole, Liz Koselka, Kristyne Cole, Margaret Kelly  Ann Arbor Pioneer 2005-Prelims
3:24.46  Holly Morren, Taylor Garcia, Klare Northuis, Courtney Bartholomew  Holland  2011
3:24.56  Emma Cleason, Emily Lock, Georgia Mosher, Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2015
3:24.90 Lucy Mehraban, Stella Chapman, Kate Van Ryn, Sophia Guo Ann Arbor Pioneer 2022
3:25.31  Lucy Mehraban, Vivian VanRenterghem, Holly Pringle, Lily Cramer Ann Arbor Pioneer 2019
3:25.39 Vivian VanRenterghem, Stella Chapman, Holly Pringle, Lily Cramer Ann Arbor Pioneer 2021
3:25.91 Leigh Cole, Melissa Jaeger, Jennifer Merte, Kara Lynn Joyce  Ann Arbor Pioneer  2002-Prelims

200-Yard Medley Relay 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:42.37 Grace Albrecht, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2023
1:42.40  Sara Kraus, Masy Folcik, Rachel Gamm, Ashley Lund Rockford 2019
1:42.88  Sara Kraus, Masy Folcik, Rachel Gamm, Ashley Lund Rockford 2019-Prelims
1:42.92 Grace Albrecht, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2023-Prelims
1:43.05 Dalila Brown, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2024
1:43.10  Sophia Tuinman, Erin Szara, Kelsey Macaddino, Laura Westphal Northville 2016
1:43.19 Stella Chapman, Ursula Ott, Sophia Guo, Kate Van Ryn Ann Arbor Pioneer 2022
1:43.27  Casey Chung, Georgia Mosher, Emma Cleason, Maddie McAdams Ann Arbor Skyline 2016
1:43.45 Bridgette Kamara, Ursula Ott, Meg Pinkerton, Cecilia Walusek Ann Arbor Pioneer 2024
1:43.45  Dalila Brown, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2024-Prelims
200-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:46.25  Allison Schmitt Canton 2007
1:46.82  Allison Schmitt Canton 2007-Prelims
1:46.84  Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2015
1:47.25 Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2015-Prelims
1:47.54  Allison Schmitt Canton 2006
200-Yard Individual Medley 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:57.25  Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2018
1:57.61  Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2019
1:57.92  Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2017
1:57.97  Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2018-Prelims
1:58.69 Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2019-Prelims
1:58.94  Kathryn Ackerman Grand Haven 2017-Prelims
1:59.14  Miranda Tucker  Waterford 2014
1:59.17 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2024-Prelims
1:59.36 Stella Chapman Ann Arbor Pioneer 2023-Prelims
1:59.49 Stella Chapman Ann Arbor Pioneer 2023
50-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:22.10  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018-Relay
:22.20  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018
:22.29  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018-Prelims
:22.38  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2017
:22.63 Brady Kendall Plymouth 2021
:22.70  Claire Tuttle Hudsonville 2019-Prelims
:22.80  Claire Tuttle Hudsonville 2019
:22.83 Brady Kendall Plymouth 2021-Prelims
:22.83  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2017-Prelims
:22.84  Johanna Jorgenson Saline 2017
1-Meter Diving 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
509.50  Camryn McPherson Saline 2016
488.20  Amy Stevens Saline 2014
487.15  Camryn McPherson Saline 2015
483.80 Cheyenne Cousineau Temperance Bedford 2008
100-Yard Butterfly 
Time Athlete(s) School Year
:53.35 Brady Kendall Plymouth 2021
:53.73  Morgan Kraus Rockford 2017
:53.81 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2023-Prelims
:53.88 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2023
:53.88  Maddie Wright Waterford 2013
:53.93 Brady Kendall Plymouth 2021-Prelims
:53.96  Morgan Kraus Rockford 2017-Prelims
:54:05 Emily Roden Northville 2022
:54.13  Maddie Wright  Waterford Kettering 2012
:54.26 Emily Roden Northville 2022-Prelims
100-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:48.72  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018
:49.18  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018-Prelims
:49.34  Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2015
:49.58  Greta Gidley Farmington Hills Mercy 2019-Prelims
:49.64  Taylor Seaman Brighton 2016
:49.67  Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2015-Prelims
:49.79  Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2017
:49.89 Sophia Guo Ann Arbor Pioneer 2022
:49.91  Taylor Seaman Brighton 2016-Prelims
:49.93 Lucy Mehraban Ann Arbor Pioneer 2022
500-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
4:44.47  Lola Mull  Grand Ledge 2017
4:44.93 Lola Mull Grand Ledge 2018
4:47.32  Lola Mull Grand Ledge 2017-Prelims
4:47.46  Allison Schmitt  Canton  2007
4:47.66 Elizabeth Eichbrecht West Bloomfield 2023
4:47.86 Kristyne Cole  Ann Arbor Pioneer 2007
4:49.23 Kristyne Cole  Ann Arbor Pioneer 2007-Prelims
4:49.34  Lola Mull Grand Ledge 2018-Prelims
4:50.08  Georgia Mosher Ann Arbor Skyline 2016
4:50.71 Allison Schmitt  Canton 2007-Prelims
200-Yard Freestyle Relay 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:32.85 Grace Albrecht, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2023
1:33.34  Ashley Turak, Lia Munson, Emma Inch, Madeline Greaves Harrison/Farmington 2018
1:34.09 Lily Cramer, Vivian VanRenterghem, Amelia Weyhing, Sophia Guo Ann Arbor Pioneer 2021
1:34.37  Hunter Ignasiak, Sydney McDowell, Meegan Snyman, Peyton Rayburn Rockford 2016
1:34.47 Katelyn Van Ryn, Ursula Ott, Reese Heidenreich, Meg Pinkerton Ann Arbor Pioneer 2024
1:34.52 Emma Albrecht, Sophia Umstead, Kylie Coffey, Layla Umstead Jenison 2024
1:34.57 Rosalee Springer, Olivia Schafer, Grace Ackerman, Claudia Busse Grand Haven 2022
1:34.67  Ashley Turak, Emma Inch, Hailey Stewart, Madeline Greaves  Harrison/Farmington 2017
1:34.75  Lily Cramer, Autumn Bullinger, Amelia Weyhing, Lucy Mehraban Ann Arbor Pioneer 2019
1:34.81 Lucy Mehraban, Ursula Ott, Meg Pinkerton, Kate Van Ryn Ann Arbor Pioneer 2022
100-Yard Backstroke 
Time Athlete(s) School Year
:53.54 Stella Chapman Ann Arbor Pioneer 2023
:53.59 Stella Chapman Ann Arbor Pioneer 2023-Prelims
:53.69 Stella Chapman Ann Arbor Pioneer 2022-Prelims
:53.80  Katie Minnich Farmington Hills Mercy 2017-Prelims
:53.92  Casey Chung Ann Arbor Skyline 2017
:53.95  Casey Chung Ann Arbor Skyline 2018
:53.99  Katie Minnich Farmington Hills Mercy 2016-Prelims
:54.07 Stella Chapman Ann Arbor Pioneer 2022
:54.13  Casey Chung Ann Arbor Skyline 2018-Prelims
:54.16  Chanel Bonin South Lyon 2013
100-Yard Breaststroke 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:00.07 McKenzie Siroky Livonia Stevenson 2022-Prelims
1:00.22 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2023-Prelims
1:00.27 McKenzie Siroky Livonia Stevenson 2022
1:00.48 McKenzie Siroky Livonia Stevenson 2021-Prelims
1:00.56  Miranda Tucker  Waterford  2014 
1:00.58 Miranda Tucker  Waterford  2014-Prelims
1:00.72 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2024
1:00.79  Claire Tuttle Hudsonville 2019
1:00.85 McKenzie Siroky Livonia Stevenson 2021
1:00.90 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2024-Prelims
400-Yard Freestyle Relay 
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
3:23.51  Lia Munson, Emma Inch, Madeline Greaves, Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2018
3:24.44  Maddie Luther, Johanna Jorgenson, Maddy Murphy, Lizzy Spears Saline 2016
3:24.56  Emma Cleason, Emily Lock, Georgia Mosher, Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2015
3:24.90 Lucy Mehraban, Stella Chapman, Kate Van Ryn, Sophia Guo Ann Arbor Pioneer 2022
3:25.31  Lucy Mehraban, Vivian VanRenterghem, Holly Pringle, Lily Cramer Ann Arbor Pioneer 2019
3:25.39 Vivian VanRenterghem, Stella Chapman, Holly Pringle, Lily Cramer Ann Arbor Pioneer 2021
3:26.19  Emma Cleason, Emily Lock, Georgia Mosher, Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline  2015-Prelims
3:26.19  Liz Koselka, Carleigh Schwartz, Ashley Cohagen, Kristyne Cole  Ann Arbor Pioneer 2007
3:26.35  Lia Munson, Emma Inch, Madeline Greaves, Ashley Turak Harrison/Farmington 2017
3:26.55  Hunter Ignasiak, Morgan Kraus, Sara Fredricks, Peyton Rayburn Rockford 2016

200-Yard Medley Relay 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:41.01   Courtney Bartholomew, Melissa Vandermeulen, Taylor Garcia, Holly Morren  Holland                                2011              
1:43.59 Grace Albrecht, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2022
1:43.98  Nichole McMaster, Allie Russell, Linnea Anderson, Haley Dolan Birmingham Seaholm 2016
1:44.02  Sophia Layton, Ileah Doctor, Ashley Ward, Marie Lehman East Grand Rapids 2017-Prelims
1:44.21  Annette Schultz, Lizzy Merriman, Kate Mesaros, Gretchen Schultz Dexter 2015
1:44.20 Taylor Garcia, Melissa Vandermeulen, Abi Johns, Clara Steeby  Holland  2012
1:44.24 Grace Albrecht, Sophia Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Layla Umstead Jenison 2022-Prelims
1:44.25  Annette Schultz, Lizzy Merriman, Kate Mesaros, Gretchen Schultz Dexter 2015-Prelims
1:44.57  Nichole McMaster, Allie Russell, Linnea Anderson, Haley Dolan Birmingham Seaholm 2016-Prelims
1:44.76  Sophia Layton, Ileah Doctor, Ashley Ward, Marie Lehman East Grand Rapids 2017
200-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:47.88  Mollie Pulte  Bloomfield Hills Marian  2014-Prelims
1:47.89  Annette Schultz Dexter 2015
1:47.90 Mollie Pulte  Bloomfield Hills Marian  2013-Prelims
1:48.03  Annette Schultz Dexter 2016-Prelims
1:48.27  Annette Schultz Dexter  2016
1:48.28 Mollie Pulte  Bloomfield Hills Marian  2014
1:48.37 Mollie Pulte  Bloomfield Hills Marian  2013
1:48.43 Katie Portz Ann Arbor Skyline 2014
1:48.64 Samantha Clifford Birmingham Seaholm 2022
1:48.65  Samantha Clifford Birmingham Seaholm 2022-Prelims
200-Yard Individual Medley 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
2:00.06  Courtney Bartholomew  Holland  2011
2:00.33 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2022
2:01.07 Tess Heavner Fenton 2024
2:01.07 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2022-Prelims
2:01.58 Gracie Olsen Fenton 2021
2:02.31 Tess Heavner Fenton 2024-Prelims
2:02.50 Jordyn Shipps DeWitt 2020
2:02.72 Courtney Bartholomew  Holland 2010
50-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:22.19  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017
:22.33  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017-Prelims
:22.62  Emily Bos  Holland  2008
:22.92 Emily Bos  Holland  2008-Prelims
:22.95  Claire Newman Midland Dow 2019
:22.99  Claire Newman Midland Dow 2019-Prelims
:22.99  Sophia Schott Bloomfield Hills Marian 2015
:23.00 Ella Roberson Midland Dow 2022-Relay
:23.02 Sophia Schott Bloomfield Hills Marian 2015-Prelims
1-Meter Diving 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
554.65 Lily Witte Dexter 2022
503.55 Lily Witte Dexter 2021
492.25 Caroline Li Okemos 2022
486.95 Lily Witte Dexter 2020
485.20  Erin Neely GR Forest Hills Central 2015
468.40  Lily Witte Dexter 2019
450.75  Erin Neely GR Forest Hills Central 2014
450.30 Caroline Li Okemos 2021
447.50 Caroline Li Okemos 2020
442.80 Allie Murphy Walled Lake Western 2012
100-Yard Butterfly
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:53.95  Taylor Garcia  Holland  2014
:53.99 Brooklyn Beauch Byron Center 2023-Prelims
:54.01 Taylor Garcia  Holland  2013
:54.04  Felicity Buchmaier GR Forest Hills Central 2016
:54.19 Gracie Olsen Fenton 2021
:54.24 Rhian Russell Rochester Adams 2022-Prelims
:54.30 Rhian Russell Rochester Adams 2022
:54.39 Taylor Garcia  Holland  2011
:54.55 Taylor Garcia  Holland  2014-Prelims
:54.56 Sophia Lickman South Lyon East 2022
100-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:49.59  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017
:49.60  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017-Prelims
:49.67 Ella Roberson Midland Dow 2022-Prelims
:49.87  Mollie Pulte  Bloomfield Hills Marian 2013
:49.96 Emily Bos Holland 2009
500-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
4:53.87 Kelley Hassett Birmingham Seaholm 2023
4:54.41 Adrienne Schadler Ann Arbor Skyline 2024
4:54.97 Angelina Baker Portage Northern 2021
4:55.38  Krissy Harmon  Bay City Western 2014
4:56.04 Adrienne Schadler Ann Arbor Skyline 2024-Prelims
4:56.20 Karen Austin Birmingham Groves 2021
4:56.50 Jessica Powers Kalamazoo Central 2010
200-Yard Freestyle Relay 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:33.40  Marie Lehman, Eve Doctor, Laura Levine, Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017
1:33.98  Marie Lehman, Eve Doctor, Laura Levine, Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2017-Prelims
1:34.48  Lexus VanHoven, Hanna Sanford, Emily Converse, Gabby Higgins East Grand Rapids 2015
1:35.03  Mary Kate Nodland, Christina Schott, Kailyn Swantek, Sophia Schott Bloomfield Hills Marian 2015
1:35.19 Campbell Shore, Mackenzie Conway, Ella Hafner, Avery Tack Farmington Hills Mercy 2024
1:35.24  Maren Taylor, Hannah Richard, Sophia Schott, Mollie Pulte  Bloomfield Hills Marian 2013
1:35.32 Taylor Steffl, Elliott Schinella, Sato Kakihara, Nikki Barczak  Farmington Hills Mercy 2010
1:35.41  Lexus VanHoven, Hanna Sanford, Emily Converse, Gabby Higgins East Grand Rapids 2015-Prelims
100-Yard Backstroke  
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:51.99  Courtney Bartholomew  Holland 2011
:52.45  Courtney Bartholomew  Holland 2010
:52.95  Taylor Garcia  Holland 2013
:53.13 Taylor Garcia  Holland 2014-Prelims
:53.32 Taylor Garcia  Holland 2013-Prelims
:53.37 Taylor Garcia  Holland 2014
:53.81  Taylor Garcia  Holland 2012
:53.90 Lily Cleason Ann Arbor Skyline 2022-Prelims
:53.95 Lily Cleason Ann Arbor Skyline 2022
:54.05  Emily Bos  Holland  2008
100-Yard Breaststroke 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:01.11 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2022
1:02.10  Annie Lazor  Birmingham Groves 2010
1:02.13 Sophia Umstead Jenison 2022-Prelims
1:03.04  Charlotte Pierce Birmingham Groves 2016
1:03.17  Allie Russell Birmingham Seaholm 2016
1:03.18 Amelia Malarz Midland Dow 2024
1:03.22 Ashleigh Shanley Ann Arbor Skyline 2012
1:03.24 Shannon Cowley Ann Arbor Skyline 2012
400-Yard Freestyle Relay 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
3:24.46  Holly Morren, Taylor Garcia, Klare Northuis, Courtney Bartholomew  Holland  2011
3:27.18 Layla Umstead, Emma Albrecht, Grace Albrecht, Sophia Umstead Jenison 2022
3:27.24  Olivia Samoray, Sato Kakihara, Maria Bargardi, Nikki Barczak  Farmington Hills Mercy 2010

200-Yard Medley Relay
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:44.72  Sophie Williams, Claire Witting, Emma Israels, Barbara Bart East Grand Rapids 2019-Prelims
1:44.97  Sydney Higgins, Ileah Doctor, Emma Rao, Laura Levine  East Grand Rapids 2016
1:45.04  Sophie Williams, Claire Witting, Emma Israels, Barbara Bart East Grand Rapids 2019
1:45.46  Maeve McHugh, Rachel Dekar, Alex Miller, Taylor Abbott  BH Cranbrook Kingswood  2008 
200-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:48.07  Mallory Comerford Plainwell 2012
1:48.19 Kate Simon East Grand Rapids 2024
1:48.31 Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2020
1:48.37  Sophie Housey GPW University Liggett 2018
1:48.61  Sophie Housey GPW University Liggett 2018-Prelims
1:48.76 Kate Simon East Grand Rapids 2024-Prelims
1:48.85  Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2019-Prelims
1:49.07  Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2019
1:49.77 Kate Simon East Grand Rapids 2023
1:49.78  Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2018
200-Yard Individual Medley
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
2:03.78  Madelyn Cislo Milan 2017-Prelims
2:04.62  Madelyn Cislo  Milan 2016
2:05.01  Madelyn Cislo Milan 2017
2:05.25 Justine Murdock BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2020
2:05.40  Erin Cameron  Gibraltar Carlson  2008
50-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:22.73  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2016
:22.94  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2016-Prelims
:23.13  Sophia Schott Bloomfield Hills Marian 2016-Prelims
:23.18  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2016-Relay
:23.19 Camryn Siegers Holland Christian 2024
:23.24  Katherine Carl  Bloomfield Hills Lahser  2008 
:23.28 Katherine Carl  Bloomfield Hills Lahser  2008-Prelims
1-Meter Diving 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
494.80  Mackenzie Crawford Milan 2018
484.35  Randi Brown  East Grand Rapids 2009
100-Yard Butterfly 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:54.88  Alysa Wager Battle Creek Harper Creek 2019
:55.25 Lauren McNamara Flat Rock 2022-Prelims
:55.26 Lauren McNamara Flat Rock 2022
:55.37  Alysa Wager Battle Creek Harper Creek 2019-Prelims
:55.40  Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2019-Prelims
:55.63  Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2019
:55.67  Rhianna Hensler Pontiac Notre Dame Prep 2018
:55.67  Rhianna Hensler Pontiac Notre Dame Prep 2017
:55.68 Lauren McNamara Flat Rock 2023
:55.73  Emma Israels East Grand Rapids 2019-Prelims
100-Yard Freestyle  
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:50.06 Kate Simon East Grand Rapids 2024
:50.23  Sophie Housey GPW University Liggett 2018
:50.29 Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2020
:50.46  Mallory Comerford Plainwell 2011
500-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
4:53.14  Mallory Comerford Plainwell 2012
5:00.00 Maura Donahue Milan 2008
200-Yard Freestyle Relay 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:33.89  Ileah Doctor, Lexus VanHoven, Hanna Sanford, Gabby Higgins East Grand Rapids 2016
1:34.70  Kailyn Swantek, Mary Kate Nodland, Lauren Biglin, Sophia Schott Bloomfield Hills Marian 2016
1:34.95  Gabby Higgins, Hanna Sanford, Emily Converse, Lexus VanHoven  East Grand Rapids  2014 
1:35.98 Charlotte DeSantos, Hale Oal, Charlotte Trunsky, Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2020
1:35.99  Kailyn Swantek, Mary Kate Nodland, Lauren Biglin, Sophia Schott  Bloomfield Hills Marian 2016-Prelims
1:36.01  Ileah Doctor, Lexus VanHoven, Hanna Sanford, Gabby Higgins  East Grand Rapids  2016-Prelims
1:36.05 Lexus VanHoven, Hanna Sanford, Emily Converse, Gabby Higgins  East Grand Rapids 2013
1:36.13 Ellery Chandler, Ivy Chu, Alyssa Hein, Kate Simon East Grand Rapids 2023-Prelims
1:36.20 Barbara Bart, Norah Murphy, Greta Milnes, Kate Simon East Grand Rapids 2021
1:36.20  Jordan Murrell, Charlotte Trunsky, Hale' Oal, Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2019
100-Yard Backstroke 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:54.53  Justine Murdock BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2019
:55.04 Justine Murdock BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2020
:55.37 Camryn Siegers Holland Christian 2023
:55.62  Justine Murdock BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2019-Prelims
:55.68  Erin Cameron  Gibraltar Carlson  2008
100-Yard Breaststroke 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:02.60  Ileah Doctor East Grand Rapids 2016
1:02.66  Rachel Dekar  BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2008-Prelims
400-Yard Freestyle Relay
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
3:27.85  Kailyn Swantek, Gabby Granata, Lauren Biglin, Sophia Schott Bloomfield Hills Marian 2016
3:27.93  Jordan Murrell, Charlotte Trunsky, Justine Murdock, Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2019
3:29.63  Kailyn Swantek, Gabby Granata, Lauren Biglin, Sophia Schott  Bloomfield Hills Marian  2016-Prelims
3:29.66  Greta Milnes, Sophie Williams, Sydney Higgins, Emma Israels East Grand Rapids 2018
3:28.96  Lexus VanHoven, Hanna Sanford, Sydney Higgins, Gabby Higgins East Grand Rapids 2016
3:30.02  Emma Israels, Greta Milnes, Allison Alguire, Sophie Williams East Grand Rapids 2019
3:30.06  Emma Israels, Greta Milnes, Allison Alguire, Sophie Williams East Grand Rapids 2019-Prelims
3:30.35  Lexus VanHoven, Emily Lundquist, Emily Converse, Gabby Higgins  East Grand Rapids  2013
3:30.83 Charlotte DeSantos, Charlotte Trunsky, Justine Murdock, Gwenyth Woodbury BH Cranbrook Kingswood 2020
3:31.14 Allison Alguire, Sophie Williams, Greta Milnes, Kate Simon East Grand Rapids 2021

200-Yard Medley Relay
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:52.20 Anna Hildebrand, Aliah Robertson, Julie Innerebner, Joanne Arbic Sault Ste. Marie 2021
1:54.26  Anna Hildebrand, Aliah Robertson, Julie Innerebner, Joanne Arbic Sault Ste. Marie 2020
1:54.92  Claire Tembreull, Sydney Herioux, Abby Rouleau, Taylor McFarlane Gladstone 2018
1:55.95 Adrianna Getzloff, Mary Hook, Irene Neumeier, Ava Getzloff Gladstone 2024
1:56.87 Ella Whalen, Kelsey Glover, Delaney Marchiol, Grace Sobczak Marquette 2021
1:57.06 Ella Whalen, Kelsey Glover, Delaney Marchiol, Grace Sobczak Marquette 2022
1:57.20  Lexi LaCombe, Kelsey Glover, Erin Vanderschaaf, Mollie Kilpela Marquette 2019
1:57.26  Heather Nobert, Lauren Humphrey, Jennifer Gallagher, Olivia Montgomery  Marquette  2007           
1:57.28  Heather Nobert, Hanna Cowley, Jennifer Gallagher, Olivia Montgomery  Marquette 2008
1:57.63  Katie Stephenson, Sydney Herioux, Claire Tembreull, Taylor McFarlane Gladstone 2016
200-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:59.19  Megan King Sault Ste. Marie 2000
2:01.53 Terri Baysore Gwinn 1994
200-Yard Individual Medley  
Time Athlete(s) School Year
2:08.40 Aliah Robertson Sault Ste. Marie 2021
2:10.02  Aliah Robertson Sault Ste. Marie 2019
2:11.10  Peyton Johnson Kingsford 2019
2:11.34 Adelaide McRoberts Kingsford 2022
2:13.87  Jenny Laughna  Marquette 1995
50-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:24.21 Adelaide McRoberts Kingsford 2022-Relay
:24.22 Adelaide McRoberts Kingsford  2022
:24.49  Joanne Arbic Sault Ste. Marie 2020
:24.60  Hanna Cowley  Marquette  2008
:24.53 Joanne Arbic Sault Ste. Marie 2022
:25.03 Joanne Arbic Sault Ste. Marie 2021
:25.16 Trista MacDowell Rudyard 2017
:25.35  Joanne Arbic Sault Ste. Marie 2019
:25.36 Kiersten Thompson  Marquette 2005
:25.40 Kaye-Lani Laughna  Marquette 1996
1-Meter Diving
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
256.10  Sheila Peterson Houghton 2000
235.55 Faith Spiroff Ishpeming Westwood 2023
215.60 Lynsay Masters Hancock 1999
100-Yard Butterfly  
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:58.89 Adelaide McRoberts Kingsford 2021
:59.27 Aliah Robertson Sault Ste. Marie 2018
:59.40  Aliah Robertson Sault Ste. Marie 2019
1:01.88  Heather Nobert Marquette 2006
1:02.24 Kinsey Vear Marquette 2012
1:02.24 Heather Nobert Marquette 2007
1:02.50 Jenny Laughna Marquette 1993
100-Yard Freestyle 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:52.39 Aliah Robertson Sault Ste. Marie 2021-Relay
:52.40  Hanna Cowley Marquette 2008
:54.09  Peyton Johnson Kingsford 2016
:55.30 Jenny Laughna Marquette 1995
500-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
5:13.60  Jenny Laughna Marquette 1994
200-Yard Freestyle Relay 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:42.00  Anna Hildebrand, Aliah Robertson, Julie Innerebner, Joanne Arbic Sault Ste. Marie 2020
1:43.12  Mollie Kilpela, Jayme Winn, Paige Whaley, Lexi LaCombe Marquette 2020
1:43.51  Emily Bruns, Sydney Scott, Ailie Schoenborn, Peyton Johnson Kingsford 2019
1:43.74 Joanne Arbic, Julie Innerebner, Mia Woolever, Anna Hildebrand Sault Ste. Marie 2022
1:44.23 Adelaide McRoberts, Sierra Scott, Sydney Scott, Samantha Scott Kingsford 2022
1:44.45 Grace Sobczak, Ella Whalen, Delaney Marchiol, Lexi LaCombe Marquette 2021
1:44.65  Paige Whaley, Lexi LaCombe, Jayme Winn, Mollie Kilpela Marquette 2019
1:44.75  Sarah Williams, Liz Hegedus, Laura Merz, Erin Merz Houghton  2000 
1:44.86  Sydney Herioux, Liz Stephenson, Kirsten Williams, Taylor McFarlane Gladstone 2018
1:45.18 Amanda Lancour, Olivia Montgomery, Kim Thompson, Kiersten Thompson  Marquette  2006
100-Yard Backstroke 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
:56.71  Peyton Johnson Kingsford 2019
:59.68 Adelaide McRoberts Kingsford 2021
1:01.81 Adrianna Getzloff Gladstone 2024
1:02.70 Ava Getzloff Gladstone 2023
1:03.32  Ashley Oliver Painesdale Jeffers 2005
1:03.43 Ella Whalen Marquette 2021
1:03.52 Shelly Ruspakka Ishpeming Westwood 2000
1:03.98  Lexi LaCombe Marquette 2018
1:04.00 Trista MacDowell Rudyard 2017
1:04.01  Katie Stephenson Gladstone 2016
100-Yard Breaststroke 
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
1:03.68 Aliah Robertson Sault Ste. Marie 2021
1:05.50  Aliah Robertson Sault Ste. Marie 2020
1:06.31 Aliah Robertson Sault Ste. Marie 2018
1:08.40  Jenny Laughna Marquette  1994
400-Yard Freestyle Relay  
Time  Athlete(s) School Year
3:43.70 Aliah Robertson, Anna Hildebrand, Julie Innerebner, Joanne Arbic Sault Ste. Marie 2021
3:48.46 Joanne Arbic, Julie Innerebner, Alyvia Lori, Anna Hildebrand Sault Ste. Marie 2022
3:48.56  Paige Whaley, Delaney Marchiol, Jayme Winn, Erin Vanderschaaf Marquette 2019
3:49.56  Sydney Scott, Samantha Scott, Ailie Schoenborn, Peyton Johnson Kingsford 2019
3:51.31  Amanda Lancour, Heather Nobert, Kim Thompson, Kiersten Thompson  Marquette  2006 
3:51.45 Ella Whalen, Delaney Marchiol, Hannah Winn, Grace Sobczak Marquette 2022
3:53.07 Paige Davis, Elena Henry, Logan McFarren, Grace Sobczak Marquette 2023
3:53.11  Rhonda Rossway, Jennifer Gallagher, Heather Nobert, Hanna Cowley  Marquette  2008 
3:53.45  Paige Whaley, Erin Vanderschaaf, Jayme Winn, Mollie Kilpela Marquette 2018
3:54.26  Sarah Williams, Anne Kuiper, Cathlene Lett, Erin Merz  Houghton  1999 

200-Yard Medley Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:42.78 Ashley Cohagen, Carlye Ellis, Margaret Kelly, Leigh Cole Ann Arbor Pioneer 2005-Prelims
200- Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:46.34 Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2002
200-Yard Individual Medley
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:59.23 Ava Ohlgren Northville 2005
50-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:22.04 Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2002-Prelims Relay
One-Meter Diving
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
424.50 Alexandra Miller Pinckney 2006
100-Yard Butterfly
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:53.98 Margaret Kelly Ann Arbor Pioneer 2005-Prelims
100-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:48.59 Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2002
500-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
4:50.79 Allison Schmitt Canton 2006
200-Yard Freestyle Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:32.77 Kara Lynn Joyce, Margaret Kelly, Leigh Cole, Jennifer Merte Ann Arbor Pioneer 2002
100-Yard Backstroke
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:55.11 Margaret Kelly Ann Arbor Pioneer 2005
100-Yard Breaststroke
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:02.82 Carlye Ellis Ann Arbor Pioneer 2005
400-Yard Freestyle Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
3:23.85 Leigh Cole, Liz Koselka, Kristyne Cole, Margaret Kelly Ann Arbor Pioneer 2005

200-Yard Medley Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:46.55 Maeve McHugh. Rachel Dekar, Erin Kennedy, Zoe Lukas BH Cranbrook-Kingswood 2006
200- Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:49.57 Adrienne Woods Dexter 2006
200-Yard Individual Medley
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
2:03.43 Dana Christ Birmingham Groves 2006
50-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:23.44 Hannah Smith Dexter 2004
One-Meter Diving
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
489.55 Elyse Lee Albion 2003
100-Yard Butterfly
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:54.19 Dana Christ Birmingham Groves 2006
100-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:50.39 Adrienne Woods Dexter 2006
500-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
4:52.35 Katya Bachrouche North Farmington 2006
200-Yard Freestyle Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:37.47 Lauren Daugherty, Ally Daily, Jessie Boren, Adrienne Woods Dexter 2006
100-Yard Backstroke
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:56.25 Dana Christ Birmingham Groves 2005
100-Yard Breaststroke
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:03.84 Megan Evo Birmingham Groves 2003-Prelims
400-Yard Freestyle Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
3:30.26 Brittany McGowan, Carrie Howe, Dana Christ, Megan Evo Birmingham Groves 2004

200-Yard Medley Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:46.13 Melissa Jaeger, Jennifer Merte, Ally Wyatt, Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2001
200- Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:47.58 Heather Strang East Lansing 1981
200-Yard Individual Medley
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
2:00.06 Jenny Vanker Birmingham Seaholm 1997-Prelims
50-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:22.73 Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2001-Prelims
One-Meter Diving
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
483.60 Jennifer Dixon Bloomfield Hills Lahser 1991
100-Yard Butterfly
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:54.86 Jennifer Crisman Jenison 1997
100-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:49.63 Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2001-Prelims
500-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
4:48.67 Anne Aristeo Livonia Stevenson 1997-Prelims
200-Yard Freestyle Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:35.64 Kallie Deters, Riley Rigoli, Abby Seskevics, Eve Brusie Grand Haven 2001
100-Yard Backstroke
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:54.41 Jennifer Crisman Jenison 1997
100-Yard Breaststroke
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:02.78 Keri Reynolds Okemos 1990
400-Yard Freestyle Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
3:28.47 Cari Carr, Jennifer Merte, Kathryn Taylor, Kara Lynn Joyce Ann Arbor Pioneer 2001

200-Yard Medley Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:48.54 Hannah Smith, Amalia Sarnecki, Lindsey Smith, Kuzon Dexter 2001-Prelims
200- Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:49.73 Gwen DeMaat Grand Rapids Christian 1985
200-Yard Individual Medley
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
2:08.21 Amalia Sarnecki Dexter 2000
50-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:23.48 Karen Campbell Kalamazoo Hackett 1994
One-Meter Diving
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
481.35 Elyse Lee Albion 2000
100-Yard Butterfly
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:56.36 Karen Campbell Kalamazoo Hackett 1994
100-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:51.10 Lindsey Smith Dexter 2001
500-Yard Freestyle
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
4:51.09 Gwen DeMaat Grand Rapids Christian 1985
200-Yard Freestyle Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:35.69 Kristen Nagelkirk, Tara Drenten, Dana VanSingel, Cara Ford Zeeland 1990
100-Yard Backstroke
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
:57.37 Lindsey Smith Dexter 2001
100-Yard Breaststroke
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
1:04.75 Amalia Sarnecki Dexter 2001-Prelims
400-Yard Freestyle Relay
Time  Athlete(s)  School Year
3:33.49 Dana VanSingel, Tara Drenten, Tracie DeBoer, Kristen Nagelkirk Zeeland 1991


Team Records

27 – East Grand Rapids (1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1993, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
21 – Ann Arbor Pioneer (1979, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
13 – Farmington Hills Mercy (1972, 1998, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023, 2024)
7 – Birmingham Seaholm (1995 1996, 1997, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021)
6 – Bloomfield Hills Andover (1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986)
6 – East Lansing (1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978)
5 – Birmingham Groves (1988, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006)
5 – Zeeland (1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1994)

26 – Marquette (1980, 1981, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2022, 2023, 2024)
7 – Houghton (1985, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2013, 2017)

11 – Marquette, Upper Peninsula (2002-12)
9 – Ann Arbor Pioneer, Lower Peninsula (2000-08)
6 – East Grand Rapids, Lower Peninsula (1981-86)
6 – East Lansing, Lower Peninsula (1973-78)
* 5 – Ann Arbor Pioneer, Lower Peninsula (2020-24)
5 – Farmington Hills Mercy, Lower Peninsula (2007-11)
5 – Marquette, Upper Peninsula (1989-93)
5 – Bloomfield Hills Andover, Lower Peninsula (1980-84)
* 4 – East Grand Rapids, Lower Peninsula (2021-24)
4 – East Grand Rapids, Lower Peninsula (2016-19)
4 – Birmingham Groves, Lower Peninsula (2003-06)
4 – East Grand Rapids, Lower Peninsula (1998-2001)
4 – Houghton, Upper Peninsula, (1998-2001)
4 – Ann Arbor Pioneer, Lower Peninsula (1989-92)
* 3 – Marquette, Upper Peninsula (2022-24)
3 – Birmingham Seaholm, Lower Peninsula (2019-21)
3 – Farmington Hills Mercy, Lower Peninsula (2017-19)
3 – Holland, Lower Peninsula (2011-13)
3 – Birmingham Seaholm, Lower Peninsula (1995-97)
3 – Marquette, Upper Peninsula (1995-97)
3 – Ishpeming Westwood, Upper Peninsula (1982-84)