Students Take Sports Leaders to Class

By Rob Kaminski
MHSAA benchmarks editor

May 2, 2018

Compiled by Rob Kaminski
MHSAA benchmarks editor 

MHSAA Student Advisory Council members were asked their opinions on several of the current issues facing the MHSAA Junior High/Middle School Committee and MHSAA Task Force on Multi-Sport Participation.

Click for Tuesday’s report on advances being made on both topics.

Danny deForest


Holland West Ottawa

Danny has played soccer, basketball, and lacrosse in high school, while being involved in National Honor Society, Dance Marathon, WOBN (West Ottawa Broadcasting Network), and the Ping Pong Club. He played football, basketball and tennis, and ran cross country in junior high school.

Influence to Play Multiple Sports: “Sports have always just been a passion of mine and are something that helps keep all other aspects of my life in order. Without them I feel as if I'm not on a good schedule, and I find much more room to waste time, procrastinate, and overall lose productivity.”

On JH/MS Participation: “I believe it was important for me to start this in middle school because it just instilled a good work ethic in me to continue in high school.”

On Benefits of Multi-Sport Participation: “Playing multiple sports has benefitted me in countless ways. Socially, it has provided me with multiple different friend groups. Soccer alone has helped to give me a much better understanding of Hispanic culture, and I'm grateful to be friends with these teammates. It gives me a great reason to try hard in school, to keep my grades up, and makes me feel better about myself as I am very fit due to it.”

Ways in Which Schools Can Better Promote Multi-Sport Participation: “Schools should really work on having coaches cooperate for summer workouts in order to help multi-sport athletes. It is very difficult for us to make it to everything and we often feel as if it takes up nearly our whole summer, and stresses us out as coaches plan things at the same time. It’s hard on us because coaches get disappointed if we attend some and not others, but it’s very tough to manage it all.”

Grace Reetz

Mount Pleasant Sacred Heart


Grace plays volleyball, basketball, softball, and runs track & field. She is a member of the NHS and in the drama club as well.

Influence to Play Multiple Sports: “I grew up with three brothers who all played baseball so I spent a good portion of my childhood at ballparks baking in the hot sun, but their interest definitely influenced my decision to play softball. After I joined the city youth team it was hard to stay away from any other activities. Softball was always my favorite, but over time I realized I didn't love softball nearly as much as I just loved to compete and be active. When I was younger I played soccer and swam competitively and was even in a dodgeball league. As I got into middle and high school sports I tailored my efforts towards those that I could actually play with my classmates through the school (Sacred Heart doesn't offer swimming or soccer).”

On JH/MS Participation: “Middle school sports for me were more social than anything else, but they helped me understand the game and get a good grasp on it before competing at the JV and Varsity level my freshman year. Being on a sports team as a 7th and 8th-grader gave me an immediate friend group and a sense of importance and helped make those years a little less painful.”

On Benefits of Multi-Sport Participation: “I found out that as much as I love the sports I play, I'm not cut out to play any of them year-round. I played for a travel softball team one year that played throughout the whole year from August to July with practice every weekend. By the end of that year, I basically hated the sport because I hadn't been able to take a break from it.

“I think my success I've had in each sport has been largely due to the fact that when I take some time off I get an itch to start playing them again. It keeps me from getting bored and allows me to stay highly motivated during every season.

“Physically working out different muscles also keeps me in better shape than if I were only playing one sport year-round. Playing defense in volleyball surprisingly translates very well into defense on the basketball court and down-and-backs in basketball practice keep me fit and develop my fast twitch muscles which benefit me in track season.

“I think being a part of many different teams has helped develop me as a person as well. In volleyball I act as the more serious leader and motivator, whereas on my basketball team I'm more of the comedic relief. In softball there's a little more tension so my role is just to keep everyone positive and together, and on the track team I become an ultra supportive teammate and back-up player. It's nice to play different roles on different teams with different people and see what new skills, both athletically and in a leadership sense, I'm capable of developing.”

Ways in Which Schools Can Better Promote Multi-Sport Participation: “In small schools like mine, if kids don't play multiple sports then there won't be multiple teams; there's just not enough kids. I play most of my sports with the same core group of girls, and it really makes team chemistry and switching from season to season an almost effortless process. I personally think it's kind of lame to only play one sport every day year-round. I think a lot of kids think the only way their dreams of playing at the collegiate level will come true is if they give up all their other activities to focus on that single sport. But that doesn't develop you as a person or as a leader; it only makes you a slightly more skilled athlete.”

Neil Bazaj


Ann Arbor Greenhills

Neil is a soccer, basketball and track athlete, who played those sports and tennis in junior high school. He also adds Peer-to-Peer Math Tutoring, Captains Club and Gryphon Ambassadors to his activities.

Influence to Play Multiple Sports: “I have been playing soccer from a very young age, but have also had a natural love for basketball. I began running track as a way to stay fit, but I really enjoyed being part of the team and loved my coaches, so I stayed with the team. My decision to play numerous sports was mostly influenced by my love for the atmosphere that surrounds team sports and how much I enjoy sports myself.”

On JH/MS Participation: “I don’t think that it’s very important to start school sports in middle school; however, I do recommend it. It is an easy way to meet people, and if you are planning to play in high school it helps grow your skill in the respective sport.”

On Benefits of Multi-Sport Participation: “Participation in multiple sports has helped me physically by giving me more stamina and strength. It has also helped me stay in shape. Sports have helped me mentally by giving me something that is normally away from all the drama and problems that arise in high school (and lets me) just focus on the sports that I love.

“They have helped me socially by giving me opportunities to meet new people from each team for all grade levels. Track is co-ed, so it gives me a way to interact with girls as well as guys. Some of my best friends came from the teams I play on. Sports have helped me academically by giving me better time-management skills, which are important for when I do my homework and for my future.”

Ways in Which Schools Can Better Promote Multi-Sport Participation: “To help promote multi-sport participation, schools should show the bond that players on teams enjoy and show people how every team is like another family for someone. Also they could do a better job of making it clear that the school supports student-athletes, because I know at my school it often times feels like we lack support because we can barely get 10 people from the community to come out to events.”

Chloe Idoni



Chloe competes on the basketball and volleyball teams at Fenton, and also ran track in middle school in addition to those two sports. She also is a member of the NHS and Captains Club.

Influence to Play Multiple Sports: “It’s fun to be a part of a team and I love competing in sports.”

On JH/MS Participation: “It benefitted me a lot. You become familiar with your future teammates and the sport, which will help significantly when you get to high school.”

On Benefits of Multi-Sport Participation: “It taught me to manage my time well, and I made so many good friends that I still have today. It’s good to forget about everything that has happened that day and focus on the sport, and it keeps me in shape.”

Ways in Which Schools Can Better Promote Multi-Sport Participation: “I believe if your coach supported it, many more athletes would be multi-sport athletes. Sometimes athletes only play one sport because the coaches of different sports want to practice at the same time and the two overlap. Schools can also build up team chemistry within their sports teams because that will influence people to want to join the team because of how much fun they have.”

Aaron Fahrner



Aaron is a member of the school's football, basketball, and baseball teams, as he was in junior high school. He also is in the NHS and currently serve as the chapter’s president, and serves on the student council and youth advisory committees.

Influence to Play Multiple Sports: “Going to a small school, just about everyone has to play in order for there to be a team, so that is one of the main reasons I've played all the sports available.”

On JH/MS Participation: “I have an older brother who played every sport in high school. I always wanted to follow in his footsteps, so that led me to play all sports available in junior high, which carried over into high school.

“For me it was very important to start young. I started playing basketball on a school team in 5th grade, and that really helped me to develop my skills into the basketball player that I am today. I believe that if you start young you will learn the right way to play that sport and will continue to grow and further develop your skills.”

On Benefits of Multi-Sport Participation: “Playing in three sports helps me stay in shape for the next sports season. I am fortunate to be a 4.0 student and playing sports hasn’t had an effect, but I have seen teammates who keep better grades in order to be eligible to play that sport. I have met some of my closest friends through sports, whether they were on my team or an opposing team. Living in a rural area, many kids in the schools around me play many sports. By seeing these same kids throughout the year during sports, I have built many lasting friendships.”

Ways in Which Schools Can Better Promote Multi-Sport Participation: “At my school almost everyone who plays sports, plays all the sports. In other schools, I know that some kids don't play because they don't think they will make tryouts. If schools encouraged more kids to try out, then more kids will want to play.”

Taylor Adams



Taylor has played basketball and soccer since middle school, and is currently a member of the NHS.

Influence to Play Multiple Sports: “I really love soccer; it's my favorite sport. But when my mom started hyping up basketball, I really wanted to play it. In 7th grade I went out for basketball, and since then I've really enjoyed it. It's good to be a well-rounded two-sport or more athlete, especially if you're looking for athletic-related scholarships.”

On JH/MS Participation: “It was important to gain the knowledge and understanding of the sport before jumping into the big play at high school. It was great being able to get the opportunities and playing time that I needed to get good at the sport. It's important to learn the basics at a younger age so that you are able to compete once you get into high school.”

On Benefits of Multi-Sport Participation: “I've learned so many new skills and met so many new people. I've been able to grow as a leader and help others grow as well. From being a captain to being an underclassman on varsity, to being a part of the MHSAA SAC, sports have helped to shape my behavior and personality. It's pretty awesome when you can know people from all over your state and even outside your state because of sports. People are surprised when they hear how many connections I have because of my sports. And, it hasn't hurt my academics whatsoever; I've actually been able to still keep up my studies and continue to achieve a 4.0.”

Ways in Which Schools Can Better Promote Multi-Sport Participation: “I think that if sports games and teams are better advocated for both genders, as well as for every sport, that would be beneficial to the cause. If every sport is advocated, more people will know about them and want to participate.”

Shane Dolan


Clarkston Everest Collegiate

Shane plays soccer, football, basketball, and runs track at the high school level, and is an NHS member. He participated soccer, football and basketball during middle school.

Influence to Play Multiple Sports: “Originally, it was my desire to try new things and see how well I could do. This led to me enjoying and constantly playing all of the sports I still play today.”

On JH/MS Participation: “It’s very important if you want to be elite or be one of the top players in a given sport at your school. The sooner you start, the sooner you can get a feel for the game and constantly work to improve yourself and your skills.”

On Benefits of Multi-Sport Participation: “Physically it has helped make me stronger and kept me in good shape. Mentally it has helped me make quick decisions and hone my reaction time. Socially it has helped me to make so many new friends and form strong bonds with others. Academically it has taught me the importance of time management and hard work.”

Ways in Which Schools Can Better Promote Multi-Sport Participation: “The one thing I would say that schools can improve upon is promoting all sports equally so that students will be encouraged to join any team they would want to as the school and other students show support for all sports, not just football and basketball.”

PHOTO: Mount Pleasant Sacred Heart's Grace Reetz comes off the court to congrats from her teammates after a win this winter. (Click to see more from

And the 2017 BOTF Winner is ...

February 17, 2017

By Geoff Kimmerly
Second Half editor

When Shafer Webb and his classmates were middle schoolers, they watched the high school student section turn into a party at every Frankenmuth home game.

Webb's older brother Brennan led the 2012 section that won the inaugural MHSAA Battle of the Fans. And, of course, older brother told younger that no student section would ever measure up to the original champion.

Shafer, and about 300 of his friends, took that as a challenge – and have responded by earning a second championship banner as the first two-time winner in BOTF history. 

"It shows we had good leadership this year, and it sets the standard for next year," Shafer Webb said. "It helps we won; now we have something tangible to show how good we were, and hopefully that will inspire them to continue next year."

Frankenmuth will accept its Battle of the Fans VI championship banner during halftime of the Class B Girls Basketball Final on March 18 at Michigan State University’s Breslin Center. The other four finalists also have been invited to Breslin to be honored for this season’s achievement.

Frankenmuth was chosen based on a vote by the MHSAA’s 16-member Student Advisory Council influenced by public vote on the MHSAA’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram sites. A total of 20,125 social media votes were received, with those results then equated against a school’s enrollment.

The Council based its vote on the following criteria: positive sportsmanship, student body participation, school spirit, originality of cheers, organization of the group, section leadership and overall fun. 

Boyne City totaled the most public social media support, finishing first across all four ways votes were accepted (Facebook likes and shares, Twitter re-tweets and Instagram likes) – despite being the smallest school among our finalists. Votes were scaled to take into account a school’s size – although Traverse City West received the most social media votes total, Boyne City’s when compared to its student enrollment pushed the Rambler Rowdies to the top of the list. Frankenmuth finished second in the social media voting.

Other numbers to consider from this season's contest: The application videos have been watched more than 16,600 times, and the MHSAA-produced videos from our tour stops have nearly 5,700 views. The stories on the five finalists plus Tuesday’s explanation of how to vote had been viewed 10,270 times as of 8:30 this morning. The five Snapchat stories covering our visits were viewed nearly 13,000 times combined.

We were excited at the beginning of this Battle of the Fans because we received our most entries since the first BOTF in 2012, and our most first-time entries ever (of course not counting that first contest). That means the spirit of Battle of the Fans is thriving in a number of communities, while also catching on in more every year. This year’s finalists no doubt will inspire student leaders at more schools to create championship-caliber student sections – and below is why we were inspired during our five BOTF tour stops.

Now See This Award: Boyne City

What we saw: The “Rambler Rowdies” burst on the scene for Battle of the Fans VI with a hype machine that would be the envy of many organizations. It didn’t take us long after entering the school to find messaging advertising the night’s theme (Fright Night) and activities, and the in-house television promos were especially impressive. Of course, our visit was on Friday, Jan. 13, which made the horror film-style night a perfect choice. And the Rowdies played it well, filling the stands for a makeshift graveyard of living fans, opening the festivities with students rushing in screaming from all corners of the gym and putting together some fun props (including an impressive surf board) with a consistent message of “R.I.P. Bad Sportsmanship.”

Why we’re fans: As people who focus on promoting the benefits of high school sports on a daily basis, we were immediately impressed with Boyne City’s marketing work. But we also were impressed quickly with how the section draws from all different communities within the school, not just athletes, and with one of the leaders not involved in sports at all but instead part of the band and theater cast. Boyne City also was our smallest finalist this season, but packed in enough fans to at least feel comparable in section size to the other four – all while being our first stop and having to set the tone for this year’s tour. The Rowdies set it well.

Be the Change Award: Charlotte

What we saw: We returned to Charlotte for the second straight year and anticipate it won’t be our last BOTF trip to see the “Flight Club,” which is anything but a one-hit wonder. You want something built? Call the Orioles, who have the best props we’ve seen/heard about over our six years on tour. We didn’t see the “bird cage” used before football games but were intrigued by the description; we did see the two giant tifos and wonder why more schools aren’t making the same to drape over their student sections. The Flight Club also came up with a sharp idea of posting their “pilots” with megaphones on raised platforms at each side of the section so they can lead cheers and be seen and heard by all of their classmates – another great idea from a group that literally has built from nothing one of the strongest student section programs in the state in just two years.

Why we’re fans: The Flight Club is having a lot of fun, and we loved hearing the stories – whether they were telling us about the mostly-failed slip-n-slide at a football game or the much more popular “highlight” games where the section attended events for every sport, including bowling. In a short time, they’ve created a lot of memories – one that sticks out is how the driver for a spirit bus during football season took a 10-minute detour after an away game to allow the students to hang out a little bit longer. As a whole, the last two years in Charlotte have been a fun trip. And we're sure the Flight Club will continue to thrive.  

Draw the Blueprint Award: Petoskey

What we saw: The “Blue Crew” returned as one of the north’s best-known student sections by following a blueprint – pun only slightly intended – that any school could follow. After becoming a finalist for the first Battle of the Fans in 2012, the Blue Crew dwindled especially the last few years and into this past fall. But following a few proven steps, the Crew returned to its former height. First, student leaders attend an MHSAA Sportsmanship Summit in November. Then, on the way home, they started a section Twitter feed so they could communicate with classmates en masse. They set expectations, like featuring girls basketball games just as much as boys and letting students sit based on when they showed up to games, not their seniority. And with a leadership group including students from multiple classes, they ensured there will be student section veterans to pick up the reins again after these seniors graduate.

Why we’re fans: For starters, we love a good comeback story. We’re also a big fan of sections cheering on more than the boys basketball team; we always hear that they do, but we saw it with our own eyes as the Blue Crew began filling during the girls varsity basketball game (played before boys on this night) during our trip, despite the fact junior varsity and freshman teams also were playing at other locations and it was a Wednesday. We also try to emphasize every year that the best student sections are those who remember they’re at games to cheer for their classmates – not become the event themselves. The Blue Crew was all in, cheering on both the girls and boys varsities against Sault Ste. Marie, starting early and taking their fever to the final buzzer. Most of all, the Crew showed there’s a plan for any school that would like to accomplish the same – and we’ll surely be using Petoskey as an example in years to come.

Legacy Award: Traverse City West

What we saw: With three BOTF finals appearances, Traverse City West – our 2016 champion – has entered something of an unofficial ring of honor as one of the student sections that always will be in the mix to win this contest any year it applies. The setup of a Student Senate running the show is proven and provides West an opportunity to affect student life at its school to a degree others could emulate. The Bleacher Creatures built a sizable section for our visit despite not having school that day, and with it put on display some of the same great traditions we’ve come to enjoy during past visits. This section was around long before Battle of the Fans, and would be just as great even if it wasn’t competing regularly to be known as best in the land.

Why we’re fans: It’s hard to watch the Creatures do their thing and not think it would be fun to be a part. Ask Petoskey – watching West at a game last season helped motivate the Blue Crew to get back in the game this winter. The Creatures are loud, they’re together, the chants and cheers they do are all their own, and their most notable traditions also include the “Bucket Brigade” leaders who stand at the front and bequeath the honor from year to year. What we’ve noticed especially the last two years is how much West students love their school and community – and no wonder there’s a sense of pride that continues to get passed down to those who will fill the bleachers next.

Battle of the Fans champion: Frankenmuth

What we saw: In some ways, what we saw resembled a lot of what we saw on our first BOTF visit ever in 2012 – a few hundred students making up at least half (or more) of the student body dressed up in sometimes ridiculous costumes putting on a dance party and singing along. Section leaders have played on successful teams in other sports, and it was obvious their competitiveness boiled over into this contest. But as much as Frankenmuth enjoys the thrill of the fight, cheerers simply were having fun – from the costumes to the songs, to the original cheers and well-placed side shows. Be it the fullback taking an imaginary football handoff and diving in to knock down 270 people, or the “fake” wrestling match complete with good guys and bad guys, foreign objects and a championship belt, we saw some things we hadn’t seen before – and will be laughing about for years to come.

Why we’re fans: At the end of the day, Battle of the Fans is about a few things – bringing together a large group of the student body and drawing that crew from all grades and social groups, cheering classmates the right way with sportsmanship, and having the kind of fun that would make someone on the other side of the gym wish he or she could be a part. This year, Frankenmuth is that section – be it for the student from a rival school who shows up and always seems to know the theme of the night, or the parents across the floor during our visit who also got into “Costume Night’ and showed up in half-German and half-basketball garb. Frankenmuth’s student section no doubt riles up fans from opposing sides – but from a wider view, it’s a good bet those across the floor would love to join in, or hopefully start the same success story at their schools.

"It shows we give our student athletes a lot of support, and certainly we encourage kids that it's OK to be different," Webb said.

"I think it would be a lot more fun that whoever we're playing had just as good a student section as us. ... Hopefully this encourages other student bodies to participate in something like this at the other schools around us."

The Battle of the Fans is sponsored in part by the United Dairy Industry of Michigan.   

Check out below our stories and videos behind the finalists. Also, click to see student-produced videos from all sections that entered the contest. (Photos by Chip DeGrace.)

Boyne City

Read all about it: 5 Ways Boyne City's Ramblers Get Rowdy


Read all about it: 5 Ways Charlotte's Fight Club Soars


Read all about it: 5 Ways Frankenmuth is Flying High


Read all about it: 5 Ways the Blue Crew Has Us 'Believin'

Traverse City West

Read all about it: 5 Ways West's Creatures Continue to Crush