Coach's Guide to Nutrition: Pre-Workout Snacks

Heading into practice or a game under-fueled may take away from athlete performance. Encourage student-athletes to not only eat regularly throughout the day, but to have a small, carbohydrate-focused snack about 30-60 minutes before activity. This will top off their energy stores so they are ready to hit the field.

Pre-workout snacks don’t have to be complicated. Choose easy, high-carb snacks that can be stored safely in a gym bag.   

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Snacking can be detrimental when done out of boredom or in place of regular, balanced meals. But, for an athlete, healthy snacks can aid performance and recovery.

In planning to eat every 3-4 hours, a mid-morning snack may be ideal. Having a snack in the hour or two before practice and in the ‘window of opportunity’ following practice can help maintain energy levels and ensure proper recovery. 

Work with your athletes to create simple snacks that are easy to transport. Encourage athletes to include a carb and protein in each snack when possible. Fresh fruit, granola bars with 8-10 grams of protein, or trail mix that includes nuts/seeds and dried fruit are easy to keep in a gym bag and relatively affordable. A small cooler with an ice pack is a great way to keep snacks cold and fresh.

Snacks are important to maintain energy between meals, before exercise and after workouts. Snacks before and after exercise help performance as well as aid optimal recovery. Try to include carbs and protein in every snack.

Information above is excerpted from UDIM’s A Coach’s Guide to Nutrition.

How To Be Proactive About Concussions In Student Athletes

December 5, 2023

Most people have seen the headlines about concussions as a common sports injury—and it's natural that parents of athletes may have concerns. A large misconception in sports is that previous concussions are to be blamed for ongoing headaches, blurred vision and memory loss, among other symptoms.

Henry Ford Health“It’s really important to think about concussions in tandem with overall brain health,” says Jake Carpenter-Thompson, M.D., Ph.D., a board-certified neurologist at the Henry Ford Kutcher Clinic for Concussion and Sports Neurology. “Concussions can be concerning, but they shouldn’t be looked at in a vacuum. It is important to understand an athlete’s overall brain health to help manage recovery after any impact.”

One way to do that is to consult with your child’s doctor or a sports neurologist for an annual evaluation. A sports neurologist focuses on managing sports-related brain and nervous system injuries and conditions in athletes, such as concussions, post-concussion syndrome, peripheral nerve injuries, migraines, epilepsy and more.

“Having an annual evaluation of your athlete’s brain health when they are at their baseline – and uninjured – can help diagnose and treat issues when they arise,” says Dr. Carpenter-Thompson.

A qualified healthcare professional can use the baseline evaluation results as an important comparison tool if an athlete develops a suspected concussion.

Best Practices For Keeping Athletes Safe

Dr. Carpenter-Thompson shares these tips to ensure you keep front of mind your child’s brain health and safety, not just their athletic performance:

  • Get a brain health baseline test. This should include a personal and family neurological history, with a focus on current issues. It is important to note any neurological conditions that may influence concussion recovery, such as ADHD, depression, anxiety or migraine headaches.
  • Encourage your children to listen to their body. There are risks to playing any sport. Encourage your child to listen to and be honest about how they’re feeling. It’s the best way to prevent and treat injuries.
  • In the event of an injury, look for the signs. Within 24 hours after an injury, an athlete should be evaluated if they are experiencing: headaches, fatigue, dizziness and nausea, changes in sleep habits, trouble with memory, confusion, irritability and anxiety, or light sensitivity.
  • Know that brain injuries don’t just occur with a blow to the head. They can also occur from falls, car accidents or even whiplash. If your child is experiencing any symptoms, consult your physician.
  • Remember that brain health is more than just concussions. If your athlete is complaining of chronic headaches, migraines, dizziness, memory or mood issues, there may be an underlying issue.

“There is no magic number of concussions a brain can sustain. Each person is different,” says Dr. Carpenter-Thompson. “The severity of the impact and recovery time can vary greatly for numerous reasons. By getting a brain health assessment before the injury, we can provide more targeted care to improve an athlete's overall clinical course.”

To find a sports medicine doctor or athletic trainer at Henry Ford, visit