6 Tips for the Best Cold-Weather Workout

December 6, 2022

With temperatures getting colder, it may be tempting to get back to the gym.

Henry Ford Health logoBut it’s still possible to get your exercise outdoors if you prepare properly to counter the chillier conditions that accompany living in Michigan this time of year.

Winter Weather Workout Tips

While cold air can make it challenging to breathe, our bodies adjust to reduced temperatures over time. The key thing to watch for is hypothermia (dangerously low body heat).

"Viruses are more likely to attack our bodies if we're in a cold state," says Ramsey Shehab, M.D., a sports medicine specialist at Henry Ford Health. "If your internal body temperature drops significantly, it can suppress your immune system and make you more vulnerable to infection."

The good news: Adopting these six strategies can help ensure your outdoor workouts are safe and effective.

Check the forecast. Know what the outdoor weather is and plan accordingly. Pay attention to the temperature, wind and moisture level. If temps dip below zero, the wind chill is extreme, or it's raining or snowing, exercising outside can be risky.

Dress in layers. Dressing too warmly can increase your risk of overheating (even in frigid air). Instead, dress in layers so you can remove layers as you warm up. "The innermost layer should be made of moisture-wicking material," Dr. Shehab says. "The middle layer should have thermal protection like wool or fleece, and the outermost layer should be waterproof and breathable to protect you from wind, rain and sleet." If you get wet and moisture soaks through your clothing, you may not be able to keep your core body temperature up.

Pay attention to your hands, feet and head. When you're engaged in a heart-pumping workout, blood flows to your core, leaving your fingers, toes and head vulnerable to the cold. Wear a hat, gloves and warm socks. If it's especially chilly, consider wearing a scarf.

Take time to warm up (and cool down). Instead of leaving your cozy house and launching straight into a sprint, take time to warm up your major muscle groups. "Your joints may be stiffer when it's cold, so warming up and stretching out is especially important during the winter months," Dr. Shehab says.

Stay hydrated. People tend to think more about dehydration during the summer months, but you can get dehydrated in the winter, too. "Proper hydration before, during and after exercise is very important, not just to maintain health and well-being, but also to stave off infection," Dr. Shehab says.

Take a vitamin D supplement. Even though you're exercising outdoors, sunlight is in low supply in Michigan during the winter. To keep your immune system humming, consider taking a vitamin D supplement. "Making sure you have sufficient vitamin D can enhance your bone health, boost your immune system and keep your hormones in balance," Dr. Shehab says.

Get Savvy About Outdoor Workouts

Frigid temperatures can create obstacles for even the most enthusiastic exercisers. While it's tempting to table exercise until warmer weather returns, there are things you can do to make outdoor — and indoor — workouts more enjoyable.

You don't have to stick to the same routine of running, walking and circuit training. Take advantage of the winter chill to participate in activities like ice skating, sledding, hiking, skiing and cross-country skiing. You can even take interval workouts outdoors. Climb stairs, hike up hills or just play with a kettlebell in the snow.

"Exercise is medicine," Dr. Shehab says. "It can sometimes replace medication for people who have diabetes, hypertension and other chronic conditions. It's good for the mind and the body, and it can help stave off infections, including COVID-19."

The caveat: Working out, outdoors or indoors, is not recommended for people who are currently battling the coronavirus. Instead, it's important to preserve your energy. Once your symptoms begin to improve, you can gradually increase your exercise level.

To find a doctor or athletic trainer at Henry Ford, visit henryford.com or call 1-800-HENRYFORD (436-7936).

Dr. Ramsey Shehab is the deputy chief of Sports Medicine at Henry Ford Health. He sees patients at the Henry Ford Center for Athletic Medicine and Henry Ford Medical Center - Bloomfield Township.

Why Athletes Should See A Sport Psychologist

By Elizabeth Swanson
Henry Ford Health

January 9, 2024

Whether at the professional or intramural level, there are so many benefits to being an athlete. Participating in a sport teaches communication skills, how to overcome adversity—and regular exercise has so many incredible health effects on the mind and body.     

Henry Ford HealthBut that’s not to say athletes don’t have their own set of challenges. Pressures to perform, physical injuries and intense schedules can take a toll on anyone’s mental health, which is where a sport psychologist comes in. 

“It’s helpful that a sport psychologist knows the culture of athletics and the typical stressors that athletes face,” says Seth Swary, Ph.D., a sport psychology clinician at the Henry Ford Center for Athletic Medicine. “We’re familiar with the influence the world of athletics can have on someone and how it can affect their well-being. 

“Athletes have a whole team around them to help them perform — athletic trainers, nutritionists, etc.— so why shouldn’t they have an expert who is dedicated to supporting their mental health? A sport psychologist acts as a strength-training coach for the mind.”     

Mental Health Challenges That Athletes Face & How Sport Psychology Can Help

Athletes often have a built-in support system: teammates and coaches who know what they’re going through and trainers and physicians who can help manage aches and injuries. But still, it’s not always easy. Some of the difficulties that athletes face include:   

  • Increased attention on body imageEspecially if you play a sport that requires revealing outfits — or a sport with increased focus on weight — it might be difficult to maintain a healthy body image. For some, this can lead to an increased risk of developing an eating disorder.  
  • The pressure to perform. “If you’re an athlete at the college or professional level and play badly during a game, you get roasted on Twitter,” says Dr. Swary. “But even if you’re not in the public eye, there is pressure to perform — from coaches, teammates, family members.”     
  • Navigating demanding schedules. “I work with many college athletes and their schedules are packed — practicing at least two hours a day, team meetings, traveling to and from games — and then they’re trying to keep up with school,” says Dr. Swary. “It can be stressful.”
  • Debilitating physical injuries. The physical demand of sports can also bring about its own set of challenges — especially when injuries occur. “You’re not only dealing with surgery and rehabilitation, but you’re also out of the game for a while,” says Dr. Swary.
  • Making career transitions. “I’ve worked with many athletes who are transitioning from one level of athletics to another (for example, middle school to high school, high school to college, college to professional) along with athletes who are transitioning out of their career,” says Dr. Swary. “They wonder how they can leave this sport they’ve been doing their whole lives — some since they were 3 or 4 years old. It can be a huge part of their identity and a tough transition to make. Even more so if it’s an injury that abruptly derails their career. We can provide them with ways to make a smooth, healthy transition.” 

That said, nothing “bad” has to happen to benefit from sport psychology. As Dr. Swary says, you don’t see a personal trainer because you’re not strong, you see a personal trainer because you could benefit from being stronger. It’s the same with sport psychology — and it can help improve your performance. 

“We have specific skills we work on for performance optimization,” says Dr. Swary. “How do we talk to ourselves? How do we respond in certain situations? How do we stay in the moment when we’re distracted?

“A high school athlete may have had a rough day at school; then they have to refocus and find energy at the end of the day for their game. It can be helpful for any athlete at any time.” 

Reviewed by Seth Swary, Ph.D., a sport psychology clinician at the Henry Ford Center for Athletic Medicine.

To learn more about the sport psychology program at Henry Ford or to request an appointment, visit henryford.com/sportpsychology.