NFHS Voice: Salute Seniors with Spring on Hold

March 27, 2020

By Karissa Niehoff
NFHS Executive Director

A visitor to the local high school in late March would normally find boys and girls engaged in track and field, baseball, softball and lacrosse practices. Inside the building, some students would be involved with speech or debate activities. Unfortunately, this is not a normal year – far from it.

Spring sports playing fields are empty. High school sports and activities, with more than 12 million participants, are on pause, and high school athletes, coaches, athletic directors, parents and other fans are trying to determine when these programs will return. 

The ever-changing news we are receiving almost on an hourly basis is more than one can comprehend as we all deal with this global health crisis. Each day, with the spread of the coronavirus, we try to determine what has changed since the day before. Can we go to work? Can we leave our house to go to the store?

Like every other activity in our nation, high school sports and activity programs are on hold. With all schools closed for varying amounts of time – some to the end of the academic year – millions of participants in spring sports and activities are on the sidelines awaiting the green light for competition to resume.

In past years, our member state associations and the 19,500 high schools across the country have had to postpone or cancel events for short periods of time due to weather or other factors, but this is unprecedented. The reality is that spring sports may never occur in some states – particularly those where schools are closed for the academic year. And this would be doubly disappointing in those states that were not able to conduct or complete state basketball championships.

The possibility of losing spring sports is particularly disappointing for graduating seniors. While everyone is affected by this health crisis and has their own issues to confront, it is important for everyone involved in high school activity programs to salute those seniors – boys and girls in sports and activities programs who have sacrificed for 3½ years but may not be able to reach the finish line.

While they may miss some of the final games and events, the benefits of being involved in these programs will carry them for a lifetime. The early-morning practices, offseason workouts and late-night studying after a day of activities will undoubtedly make them stronger and more dedicated in their future professions.

We thank all high school athletes and performing arts participants for the great memories – especially those who may not be able to complete their races or sing in the music ensemble this year. While some will have more competitive opportunities in sports and activities, for others that continued involvement may be in the form of coaching or officiating, but the impact of involvement in these programs will last a lifetime. 

There have been times in the past when high school sports and performing arts helped individuals in communities through difficult times – events like weather-related disasters or school shootings as examples. We believe that these programs will play an even larger role once the coronavirus pandemic subsides and we are able to return to normalcy.

Why? Because after our days, weeks and perhaps months of social distancing, teamwork will help us all come back together, and there is no better demonstration of teamwork than education-based high school sports and activity programs.

We all anxiously await the day when the whistles blow and the curtains rise again.

Dr. Karissa L. Niehoff is in her second year as executive director of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) in Indianapolis, Indiana. She is the first female to head the national leadership organization for high school athletics and performing arts activities and the sixth full-time executive director of the NFHS, which celebrated its 100th year of service during the 2018-19 school year. She previously was executive director of the Connecticut Association of Schools-Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference for seven years.

Navigating Twists, Turns Of Ankle Sprains

November 30, 2020

Henry Ford Health System

Oh, how the ankle turns! If you’ve had a misstep or wrong turn result in a sprained ankle, you know how painful this injury can be. Henry Ford podiatric surgeon Paul Di Liddo, DPM, discusses ankle sprains and treatments.

Ankle Injury 101

From risk factors to treatments (and nearly everything in between), here’s what to know — and do — about ankle sprains.

Sprained Ankles Are Painfully Common

In fact, they’re among the most frequent injuries in the United States, with up to 25,000 people per day spraining their ankles. Although often associated with sports, ankle sprains can happen to anyone, anywhere. “I see ankle sprains from tripping over curbs, stepping in holes in a yard or simply walking,” says Dr. Di Liddo. “Ankle sprains — like accidents — happen.”

Ankle Sprains Injure Ligaments

“Ankle sprains occur when the ankle suddenly and forcefully twists or rolls past a point that the ankle ligaments can tolerate,” remarks Dr. Di Liddo. “The ankle ligaments will stretch or tear, either partially or completely.” An ankle can twist, turn or roll during a fall, jump or change of direction, while walking on uneven ground and more.

A Weak Ankle Is A Vulnerable Ankle

Most sprained ankles heal without long-term concern. In some cases, however, ligaments may not fully heal, resulting in a weak or unstable ankle. “A weak or unstable ankle can make an individual more susceptible to repeated ankle sprains,” explains Dr. Di Liddo.

High Arches Can Be Risky Business
People who have high-arched feet are more at risk of rolling — and therefore spraining — their ankles. So are people who have “loose joints,” because the ankle can overstretch with a seemingly minor twist. People who are at-risk for ankle sprains should take extra precautions when playing sports or performing other activities.

Some Sprains Can Be Treated At Home — Emphasis On Some
How you treat a sprained ankle depends on the severity of the injury. Minor sprains can be treated at home with the RICE method. The RICE method include:

  • Rest by avoiding use of the injured ankle
  • Ice applied to the ankle (without touching the skin) for no more than 20 minutes every three to four hours
  • Compression with an elastic bandage
  • Elevation above the heart

Ice, compress and elevate your ankle for the first few days. Rest and refrain from sports until ankle pain and swelling have subsided.

At-home treatments aren’t right for everyone — or every ankle injury. “A swollen ankle is typical if you have experienced a sprain,” says Dr. Di Liddo. “However, if you have severe ankle swelling, are in extreme pain or notice an odd ankle appearance, seek medical attention.” This is also true if you can’t walk more than a few steps or have limited ankle mobility. A foot and ankle specialist can diagnose your injury and begin treatment.

Ankle Treatments Abound

Ankle sprain treatments are designed to decrease pain and swelling, while protecting the ligaments from further injury. Treatments include wearing an ankle brace, walking boot or cast. Physical therapy to strengthen the ankle and maintain range of motion may also be incorporated after the ligaments have started to heal.

“Of course, for more severe injuries, a thorough physical exam and X-rays are necessary,” says Dr. Di Liddo. “This helps ensure that there is no other underlying injury, such as a fractured ankle or Achilles tendon rupture.”

Healing Times Vary

The recovery time for a sprained ankle depends on the severity of the injury. Sprains with minimal ligament stretching and no tear require one to three weeks. Partially torn ankle ligaments may take up to six to eight weeks to heal. A fully torn ligament can take several months to fully heal.

What To Do When Ankle Problems Persist

For people who continue to experience ankle instability, there are a host of options. “Physical therapy is the first step — but not the only one,” says Dr. Di Liddo. “If physical therapy has not been beneficial, we can discuss surgical approaches.”

Surgical options include:

  • Ligament repair or reinforcement via an outpatient procedure
  • Osteotomy, which is surgical cutting of bone, to lower arches when ankle instability is caused by high arches

For those with frequent ankle sprains or instability, a medical assessment is necessary and may include:

  • Physical exam
  • X-rays to assess bones and joints
  •  MRI to evaluate ankle ligaments

With this information in mind, you can prevent — or address — the twists and turns of ankle sprains.

Want to learn more? Henry Ford Health System sports medicine experts are treating the whole athlete, in a whole new way. From nutrition to neurology, and from injury prevention to treatment of sports-related conditions, they can give your athlete a unique game plan.

Visit or call (313) 972-4216 for an appointment within 24 business hours.