NFHS Voice: Respect Everyone

November 4, 2019

By Karissa Niehoff
NFHS Executive Director

Case studies have revealed that kids want to participate in high school sports because they are fun. Being a part of a team gives them an identity, a sense of self-worth and, in some cases, a reason for engaging in academics. They are included, accepted and feel like a valued member of a community.

This describes the ideal and the goal of high school sports. Fortunately, that atmosphere exists at a majority of the 19,500-plus high schools within the NFHS family. And since it is the desire of high school leadership throughout the country that these ideals continue, we are concerned about the growing decline in respect, integrity and unacceptable behavior in and around high school sports.

Racism is one of our greatest concerns nationwide. We have heard of students posting videos to social media with racist comments. We read about racial comments by team members of nearly all-white schools to opposing players from schools composed of nearly all minority students. There have been cases of white players disrespecting Native American players on the opposing team by addressing them in an unacceptable manner.

This type of behavior could be a reflection of events occurring in our society, or due to lack of a respectful environment at home. Regardless, they are not defensible reasons for the occurrence of these horrible acts within education-based high school sports and activities.

High school sports and activities exist to lift people up, not demean or tear people down. National politics or lack of role modeling by adults at home aside, coaches, administrators and other leaders in high schools nationwide must direct programs with respect, acceptance and dignity and demand the same from the school participants.

More than 50 years ago, Special Olympics began a global movement to break down barriers and end discrimination against people with intellectual disabilities. Since then, lives have been changed for the better all around the world. Many schools have implemented Unified programs in sports, performing arts and even physical education.

We must do the same for everyone. All student-athletes – regardless of race, religion, political views or gender identity – should be treated equally. As baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson said, “I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me. ... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.”

As schools hire individuals to fill coaching positions, character must be the top prerequisite for the job. They must be guided by honesty, integrity and ethics, and they must be positive role models for students. And this is certainly not a new idea.

H. V. Porter, the first full-time executive director of the NFHS, had the following to say in 1950: “The amount of success (in improving sportsmanship) is largely dependent on the degree to which attention is constantly given to the matter by the school staff.” 

We certainly agree with Mr. Porter but also believe that everyone must pay attention. 

The NFHS has several free online education courses through the Learning Center ( that can assist in establishing a program that teaches and models respect for self and respect for others. We suggest that “Teaching and Modeling Behavior,” “Sportsmanship” and “Bullying, Hazing and Inappropriate Behaviors” be required courses for everyone working with student-athletes.

High schools must establish a culture that values the worth of every single person – both players on the school’s team and players on the opposing team. There must be a no-tolerance policy regarding behavior that shows disrespect for another individual.

Kids today are looking for a community, and high school sports and activities must be that community that is fun, respectful and supportive of everyone. 

Dr. Karissa L. Niehoff is in her second year as executive director of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) in Indianapolis, Indiana. She is the first female to head the national leadership organization for high school athletics and performing arts activities and the sixth full-time executive director of the NFHS, which celebrated its 100th year of service during the 2018-19 school year. She previously was executive director of the Connecticut Association of Schools-Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference for seven years.

Health Tip: Game Day Nutrition

September 24, 2019

By Nick Parkinson, M.Ed., ATC, AT
Henry Ford Health System

Parents, you know how important it is for your student athlete to be well-rested, well-fueled and well-hydrated. Just like a car needs gas, their bodies needs food. 

So, whether they’re doing an intense workout during practice or competing in a strenuous game, it’s crucial for them to be properly hydrated and nourished, both before and after, so they can perform their best and recover properly.

Pre-Training Nutrition

The most important part of pre-training nutrition is making sure your child’s food choices give them the healthy energy boost they need for the type of physical activity they’re engaged in, and not a just quick sugar rush.

Carbohydrates may have a bad reputation, but they’re actually the body’s main source of energy. Before a workout, a healthy snack is a great idea. The trick is to eat far enough in advance to be able to digest before being active.

To ensure proper digestion while fueling up, follow these tips:

If there’s less than two hours until go time, try a quick snack like a banana, apple, or a small bowl of Greek yogurt with granola and fruit.

Have a little time to spare? You could try a brown rice bowl with sautéed vegetables or a cup of oatmeal topped with fruit.

Either way, carbs will fuel the body so your child can perform at his or her peak.

Post-Training Nutrition

After an intense workout or game, your child’s body is depleted of its nutrients. It needs to be recharged, which means eating carbs, fats and proteins. The word “fats” tends to scare people, but they’re actually a crucial component in building muscle and recovering.

After an event where your athlete worked out hard, encourage your child to eat something that includes multiples food groups. Try something simple like avocado or peanut butter toast, hummus with veggies and whole-wheat pita, or even a smoothie.

Hydration No Matter What

Regardless of the intensity of the workout, the most important thing is to keep your kid hydrated before, during and after.

It is recommended to top off water intake approximately two hours before any physical activity. Then, athletes should continue hydrating throughout. And while there are many sports drinks to choose from, the healthiest option is water. If you want to add some fun (and natural) flavors to them, try infusing with fruits and/or veggies.

Want to learn more? Henry Ford Health System sports medicine experts are treating the whole athlete, in a whole new way. From nutrition to neurology, and from injury prevention to treatment of sports-related conditions, they can give your athlete a unique game plan.

Visit or call (313) 972-4216 for an appointment within 24 business hours.