#SocialStudies v6.0

March 8, 2012

Glad to have you back, video junkies.

This week on #SocialStudies, a smorgasbord of ridiculousness including (but not limited to) grenade avocados, tiny terrible soccer players and, of course, this guy…

1. When it Snows, it pours

Brian Snow, now-renowned amateur hoops announcer from Marist High School (near Chicago) has become a viral sensation this week after shredding his vocal chords on a series of playoff calls. We’ve taken the liberty of linking to the best here.

First playoff win, also known as “what greatness is all about in the IHSA.”

2. We can't get enough

Second playoff win, after overcoming a 15-point fourth-quarter deficit.  “My gracious!”

3. We can learn something here 

File this next one under well-produced and heart-warming. “l’equip petit” tells the story of a youth soccer team that has a serious problem: it can’t score goals. Consequently, wins are pretty tough to come by – but after watching this short film, I realized that wasn’t what mattered at all.

4. Seriously, fascinating

Here’s your non-sport awesomeness for the week: a stop-motion short about making guacamole.  Don’t question it: just watch and enjoy.

Remember: if you find something you think should make the grade here on #SocialStudies, send it on over! We’d love to see/hear/read what you’re digging on the World Wide Web each week. 

Until next time…

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @MHSAA. 

#SocialStudies v9.0

April 12, 2012

While thousands of high school students return to class this week after Spring Break -- surely ready to regale their friends, teammates and teachers with tales of their adventures on vacation (or "stay-cation" for some), I thought it might be fun to show you what we've been privy to over the past week.

Welcome to #SocialStudies, the Back-to-School-In-Spring Edition.  

As usual, it's a hodgepodge of ridiculous, funny and sporty. Enjoy, and don't forget that a little moisturizer makes that tan last a lot longer.

1. Stayin' Alive in the Magic Kingdom

For the marching band at Dexter High School, Spring Break meant traveling to Orlando, Fla. -- and performing before the Main Street Electric Parade at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. Congratulations to the Dreadnaughts Band, who clearly enjoyed its time down south, and gave the Mickey & Minnie-loving crowd a sweet Bee Gees jam.

 2. Buckle up

Any adrenaline junkies out there? Yeah, I figured as much. If you haven't ridden this coaster at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio -- think about making the trip. Just try not to get all amped up around 50 seconds into this front-row POV vid from the spectacular Erie-lakeside Millenium Force. Keep your hands and arms inside the car at all times, and enjoy your ride.

3. Even the pros do it once in a while

We've all been there. If you've played a sport, you know that sometimes the desire to try something spectacular can sometimes end in sheer disaster. This is why coaches tell you to take the "easy two." In that spirit, I give to you a sure-fire NBA Hall-of-Famer, Vince Carter, missing a wide-open layup.

4. Lots of Laughs

To be perfectly honest, when schools are out of session, our office gets a little too quiet. The phones ring less, several staff members take vacations to coincide with Spring Break, and it's typically the week after our winter tournaments (read: CRAZY TIME!) conclude.  

As such, those of us left in the office need to get creative with how we stay engaged. Here's one way we got through last week without you all. I make no excuses.  (As an aside, big congratulations to our Assistant Director of IT, Jordan Cobb, on the birth of his first child, Zoey!)

As always -- if you find something worthy of us watching, send it over. Links, photos, stories ... whatever strikes your fancy that week. Make it part of our #SocialStudies!

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @MHSAA.