#SocialStudies v12.0

May 10, 2012

Welcome back, video junkies! 

This week, for your viewing pleasure: a collection of baseball clips, plus one very bizarre (but entertaining) mascot race. 

1. Crash course

Remember all those times when your coach hollered something about "communication" or "ya'll gotta talk out there?"  I think this is the precise situation those statement were designed to prevent. Luckily for these outfielders, it all worked out in the end.

2.  Must've been a long road trip

We’re all acutely aware of zany activities that occur in team vans, busses and locker rooms. The Harvard baseball team, apparently, is no exception. Enjoy this extremely macho cover of the Top 40 smash “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen. As of this morning, nearly 2.1 million people have witnessed this greatness.

 3. Gold glover

Good to know that this can happen at any age, right?  For the record, this feat has only happened fifteen times in Major League Baseball history.

4. Highlanders, Mariners and Bears, oh my!

The Mascot Run has become must-see at the annual Algonac Muskrat Relays. Here's the 2009 version; the latest was run last weekend.

Does your team behave oddly on team trips? Haul the FlipCam out and film it!

We’d love to show it off here on #SocialStudies.

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @MHSAA. 

#SocialStudies v6.0

March 8, 2012

Glad to have you back, video junkies.

This week on #SocialStudies, a smorgasbord of ridiculousness including (but not limited to) grenade avocados, tiny terrible soccer players and, of course, this guy…

1. When it Snows, it pours

Brian Snow, now-renowned amateur hoops announcer from Marist High School (near Chicago) has become a viral sensation this week after shredding his vocal chords on a series of playoff calls. We’ve taken the liberty of linking to the best here.

First playoff win, also known as “what greatness is all about in the IHSA.”

2. We can't get enough

Second playoff win, after overcoming a 15-point fourth-quarter deficit.  “My gracious!”

3. We can learn something here 

File this next one under well-produced and heart-warming. “l’equip petit” tells the story of a youth soccer team that has a serious problem: it can’t score goals. Consequently, wins are pretty tough to come by – but after watching this short film, I realized that wasn’t what mattered at all.

4. Seriously, fascinating

Here’s your non-sport awesomeness for the week: a stop-motion short about making guacamole.  Don’t question it: just watch and enjoy.

Remember: if you find something you think should make the grade here on #SocialStudies, send it on over! We’d love to see/hear/read what you’re digging on the World Wide Web each week. 

Until next time…

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @MHSAA.