#SocialStudies V 2.1

September 13, 2012

By Andi Osters
Second Half social media guru

Welcome back, video mongers! A new school year has begun, and with it #SocialStudies 2.0.

Ready for your weekly dose of clips to peep? I hope so. 

A quick refresher on #SocialStudies – I give you a selection of video clips I spotted in my never-ending quest to find the end of the Internet (which I’m convinced involves a cat video of some sort). These videos will typically highlight the amazing, dazzling, funny or weird side of sports – some high school, some college, some pro… and some which defy categorization.

And sometimes, we’ll simply show you a clip that is interesting and/or unique enough to be worth sharing.

We welcome your submissions and ideas for this weekly feature, so feel free to email us a link or raw footage. Seriously: we love videos. That said, let’s get to the meat & potatoes.

1. Give him a hand (he needs only one)

Here’s a high school football player from South Carolina who apparently was born with mattress springs attached to his legs instead of feet.  The slo-mo replay of this interception (courtesy of PlayOn! Sports) is simply jaw-dropping.

2. Oh, Buddy ...

If Blake Griffin was at a gymnasium and I also happened to be in that very same gymnasium, I would absolutely tell my dignity to have a seat and allow that monster NBA dunk-master slam one over my head.  I’d probably react to the experience just like this guy did, too.

3. Swing, swing a song

And now, for something completely un-sporty. Well, almost. There’s definitely activity happening in this brief short about an art installation in Montreal. I’m always fascinated by the intersection of musical creation and physical motion. Enjoy this giant human-powered instrument.

4. Summer School

And file this last one under In-Case-You-Missed-It-Over-The-Summer – here’s a recap of our Student Advisory Council’s 2nd Annual camp retreat to Mystic Lake in June.  The 16-member council enjoyed time on the high ropes course, team building activities, bonfires and strategizing an action plan for the 2012-13 school year. 

That's enough for this school year's first lesson. See something over the weekend that caught your eye? Snag something at a pep assembly that we should see? Upload it to YouTube and send it on over.

You might just see it on Second Half’s #SocialStudies.

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @MHSAA.

#SocialStudies v2.0

February 9, 2012

It's Week 2 in our #SocialStudies, and we’ve been scouring the Web for the wacky, zany, wild and weird.

We’ve found a few morsels to whet the appetite of our loyal SecondHalf readership. Remember: if you come across something you think needs to be seen – SUBMIT IT!

1. In a Pickle

We’re always on the lookout for the “next big thing” in sports; this story on “Pickleball” caught our eye.

Spring Lake High School was the first to get a visit from a group of senior Pickleballers – follow-up visits to Grand Haven and Muskegon Mona Shores are in the works, too. Needless to say, there’s a faction of MHSAA staffers ready to take on any and all challengers. Anyone out there a fan – or or better yet, an expert – Pickler?

2. Nothing but net

You could give high school senior Jake Norcia 86 repeat tries on this shot; he’d likely miss all 86. It wasn’t a game-winner for Highland Park High School (Ill.), but the sheer distance that the ball travels to eventually find the net here is astonishing. In addition, the way the ball was thrown – looks like the shooter was just tossing a piece of paper in the waste bin.


3. Must have been a big win

From Fairfax, Va. – one of the more impressive court-rushes we’ve witnessed in 2012. A 3-pointer at the buzzer causes absolute pandemonium.

Need another angle?  Sure.

4. Just ... Wow.

Not sure what a Sit Ski is? You’ll know after watching this short clip on paraplegic skier Josh Dueck. Great production in the video, and obviously a terrific support network of friends. We were moved by the story – and think you will be, too.

That's a wrap. See something over the weekend that caught your eye? Upload it to YouTube and send it on over.

It could become part of Second Half’s #SocialStudies.

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @MHSAA.