Things change; lessons are the same

February 29, 2012

Let's start with the obvious: High school sports have evolved a bit since 1927.

But the MHSAA Bulletin from March of that year -- dug up by one of our directors on another research pursuit -- reminds us how some of our challenges remain the same.

Below are a few excerpts from the section titled "Baseball and Sportsmanship." Keep in mind, baseball was the football and basketball of the first half of the 1900s. The 1927 New York Yankees arguably were the greatest baseball team of all-time, finishing 110-44 thanks to Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and others. 

Those names alone make us think in a historical context -- which makes the parallel between today and the following that much more intriguing:

Baseball games furnish a difficult problem to schools in the matter of sportsmanship, spectator control and their education.

Many more people are familiar with the game of baseball and its rules than is true of either football or basketball. Consequently, they feel even more qualified to criticize.

In many places, absence of seating facilities bring the spectators into close proximity to players with the result that criticism of players and of the official and sometimes abusive remarks to the visiting team can occur. No school can hope to improve this situation by ignoring it.

The MHSAA Bulletin went on to cite suggestions for improvement that had been published by the Delaware association. Again, a sampling:

Treat the visiting team as guests, not as deadly enemies. Small youngsters often offend through ignorance. Educate them along this line.

Fair and impartial applause of good plays by either side should be encouraged in the student body, and the outside fans will soon fall in line.

"Razzing" or "riding" visiting players is poor sportsmanship.

Caution your boys to pay no attention to the "grandstand experts" who feel it their duty to offer suggestions as to the work of the team. They can sometimes do more harm in an hour than can be overcome in days of practice.

And a final note from the 1927 MHSAA on the subject:

An athletic contest properly staged and handled creates a favorable impression on the part of visitors toward your school and community. A game that deteriorates into a backyard squabble hurts not only the school and its executives, but the town as well.

You Can Create a Thriving Cheer Section

January 8, 2013

By Carly Joseph
Pontiac Notre Dame Prep senior

This time last year, I spent an entire cold winter evening alone in my room on the computer watching the surprisingly large number of Battle of the Fans entries. 

I remember being amazed not only by the number of entries, as it was the first year of BOTF, but by the spirit, participation, and positivity of those schools as well.

Though it was both exciting and inspiring to witness such an overload of school spirit all at once, a hint of jealousy crept into my mind. “My school could never do this,” I thought.  

I wondered what it would be like to be part of a school that actually had a decent student section. Throughout my first three years of high school, it seemed as if most kids were usually too busy to come to football and basketball games, myself included. Especially since students attending my school, Notre Dame Prep, come from all different cities, the drive back out to school for the game was always a convenient excuse not to attend.

Even with a slightly pessimistic approach for changing my school’s general attitude toward attending games for this year, I learned that with the help of other students and a lot of organization, the student section at NDP could be transformed from essentially non-existent to the place to be on a Friday night. 

Aided by the success of our football team and a group of junior and senior boys who really started to embrace the idea of having a good student section, everything really started to pick up. We held weekly Varsity Club meetings to decide the theme for each game, and even formed a designated group of student section leaders called the Irish Guard, who are responsible for leading cheers and keeping everyone paying attention to the game. We also started to promote the games and the theme for each game on Twitter, which really helped remind students to come out to games and get excited to support our teams.

The NDP student section has by no means reached its full potential, but it is definitely moving forward and will only improve in the years to come. Despite the fact that our student section may not be the best in the state (yet) or even have enough organization to create an entry for this year’s BOTF competition, I think that our transformation truly shows that any school can create a thriving student section – if they really want it to happen.  

Whether your school has an impressive student section or maybe needs a little help starting up, keep in mind that organization and positivity are the keys to making it better.

Click for more information on the Battle of the Fans contest. Deadline for school entries is Saturday. 

Carly Joseph, Pontiac Notre Dame Prep senior

  • Sport: Cross country
  • Non-sports activities: Varsity Club, Spanish National Honor Society
  • Favorite class: AP Spanish
  • Up next: Joseph will attend Michigan Technological University and study biomedical engineering.
  • Career sports highlight: Running a personal best at my cross country Regional (21:15) this fall.
  • Pump-up jam: "Round and Round" by Imagine Dragons
  • Must-see TV: "Dexter"
  • Favorite film: "She's the Man"

PHOTO: The Pontiac Notre Dame Prep student cheering section roots on its football team during "Neon Night" this fall. (Photo courtesy of Carly Joseph.)