Post-Event Celebrations

March 16, 2012

In my last posting I praised the high school participant as the best behaved athlete on any level of sport.  It’s ironic: based on what we see on higher levels, the older the athlete becomes, the more immature he or she is allowed to behave.

But we do have at least one conduct problem; and it’s one with potential for much bigger problems.  It’s post-event celebrations.

Post-event celebrations have led to property damage, and they will lead to personal injuries unless we give the problem more careful attention and supervision.

Post-event celebrations are largely outside of the published playing rules, and they are usually beyond the jurisdiction of contest officials.

So, they will end up being the responsibility of game administration, and injuries will become the liability of game administrators.

This spring, the Representative Council may adopt more policies and procedures to which the MHSAA will direct more attention. The initial focus, as proposed, is on MHSAA team tournaments and to hold participating schools more explicitly accountable for property damage caused by celebrating teams and spectators.

Hopefully, attention to the broader topic and tougher policies for this narrow slice of the problem will reverse what we see as an unhealthy trend in school sports – excessive post-event celebrations.


January 9, 2018

Editor's Note: This blog originally was posted May 01, 2012, and the timeless message is worth another read.

A University of Wisconsin football player from my hometown years ago was hit from behind in the closing minutes of spring football practice. It caused an injury that required surgery. That caused him to miss the next fall’s football season; and to protect him from further injury, he was allowed to skip the following spring’s football practice and to work out with the Badgers baseball team.

He ended up leading the Big Ten Conference in hitting, and he eventually received the largest signing contract in the history of professional baseball, becoming the first “Bonus Baby” for Gene Autry’s Los Angeles Angels.

“If not for that injury in football,” he once told an audience, “caused by an unskilled walk-on in the last five minutes of the last spring football practice, I would never have played college baseball. I would never have played Major League Baseball for 11 seasons.

“You never know,” he said, “when you are five minutes from your destiny.”