Seeing Need, New SE Officials Work to Fill It

October 26, 2018

By Doug Donnelly
Special for Second Half

TEMPERANCE – Clyde Canales says his life experiences have prepared him for this. Bryant Moore says his new role as a football referee has taught him a new respect for the game. And Herb Bertz says he signed up to stay part of a game that has meant so much to his family the last several years.

The three southeast Michigan men are among new high school football officiating recruits for the Michigan High School Athletic Association. And they are a welcome addition to the ranks.

More and more, the lack of high school officials is starting to take its toll, forcing game times to be shifted and leaving athletic directors scrambling to fill crews for sub-varsity and even varsity games.

The shortage has hit southeast Michigan particularly hard. Earlier this season, multiple Tri-County Conference and Lenawee County Athletic Association games were moved from the traditional Friday night under lights start time to Saturday morning. There are several reasons contributing to this shortage – among them officials retiring, some leagues moving toward seven-man crews instead of five and the lack of sportsmanship being shown by adults.

Bertz has watched his sons play the last several years for Ottawa Lake Whiteford. He’s been on the chain gang for much of that time, volunteering his time and getting an on-the-field view of the games. He became a referee just this year.

“I wasn’t ready to give up the game,” he said. “I love football.”

Bertz said he’s worked about 40 games this fall, at all levels, and is already putting together a schedule for next year with a crew made up of all second-year officials. He said his experience has been great. The players, he said, are for the most part very respectful of officials. If the adults are yelling from the stands, he says, he’s able to tune them out.

“I don’t let any of that bother me; I just don’t,” Bertz said. “If you understand that football is an emotional game and emotions are going to run high out there, you won’t let that stuff bother you. Some people are rude, sure, but that doesn’t bother me. If it does bother you, you probably shouldn’t be a ref.”

Two years ago, Moore was a two-way starter for the Sand Creek football team. The only time he worried about the referees was when he’d spot a yellow flag on the field. Now, he’s carrying the flag around and throwing it when necessary.

“Most of the experience has been good,” he said. “Coaches for the most part are supportive, but they’ll let you know when you screw up. You have to be thick-skinned, that’s for sure. It gives you a new perspective and respect for the referee. As a player, you think it would be easy to step into their shoes. It’s not easy being a referee.”

The shortage, he said, is real. He has received text messages and calls on game days asking if he is available. Most of his weeks are filled with football nights, something he is juggling around attending Adrian College. The money he’s earned helps pay the bills, he said, and he’s learned a lot about the sport and interacting with others.

“The more you go out there and do it, the more comfortable you get,” he said. “I’ve been busy every week. They definitely need us.”

Canales was a member of Erie Mason’s 1987 Class C championship football team. He’s worked several jobs since then, from being in the restaurant business to probation officer. He signed up to be an official this year for the first time. He’s working games almost every day of the week, from youth games to varsity competition. And, he said, it’s been an eye-opening ride.

“The first few times, I felt bad taking their money,” Canales said. “I felt like I was out there to give back and these organizations needed the money. After a while, though, for all you have to go through, I don’t mind taking the money.”

For the most part, Canales said, it’s been a positive experience becoming a registered MHSAA official. He researched the rules, took online tests and went through a training period. He had the idea to become a referee because of a shortage of officials that has hit the region, state and, really, the country.

“This is my first year, so it’s good to have a lot of things thrown at me,” said Canales, 49. “Everyone thinks they can make the right call from the stands. It’s not that easy. But, I’m doing this now. I’m enjoying it. I think I’ve made it through the rough times.”

If he and the others do continue being a referee, that’s good news to the MHSAA. Once a referee has been working games for three years, officials say, they tend to stay with it.

The reasons officials cite most when they leave the sport is they are getting older and don’t feel they can continue to perform at the level they want, work or family changes and adult sportsmanship.

The MHSAA held an in-service for athletic directors this month and one of the topics was the situation with officials.

“In 2006-07, there were 12,000 officials; today there are 10,000,” said Whiteford athletic director Jason Mensing. “The numbers are going down. If we want to continue playing games, we need to have people that are willing to step up and do those jobs.”

Mensing said new guys like Canales, Bertz and Moore need to be welcomed.

“Our goal as an athletic department is to show them more gratitude if we can,” he said. “We’ll continue to work with our coaches and our community to make sure we are showing them great respect. They aren’t making a lot of money, but they are giving back to the game. It’s something we should be appreciative of.”

The MHSAA has a new executive director and director of officials. They have worked on initiatives to bring attention to the issue and recruit more officials to the avocation, while also developing strategies to retain those currently taking part.

Blissfield athletic director Steve Babbitt cautioned it’s not just football affected by the high school officials shortage. He’s had soccer matches this year forced to go with two instead of three referees.

“There is still a shortage in all sports,” he said. “We had three scheduled for one of our soccer matches, but due to a shortage one was pulled to fill in another match. This is not just a Michigan issue, as there are stories across the country about the same issue.”

Babbitt said if everyone showed a little more respect for the game and officials, the situation likely would improve.

“Officiating is one of the few professions where you are expected to be perfect on day one,” he said, “and get better from there.”

The MHSAA and National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) encourage all interested to consider becoming an official. Click to check out MHSAA resources and the NASO's "Say Yes to Officiating" website.

PHOTO: Clyde Canales officiates a game this season. (Photo by Cari Hayes.)

Right Where She’s Always Been

January 3, 2013

By Rob Kaminski
MHSAA benchmarks editor

It was between seasons for WNBA player Stacey Thomas. She sat in her Northwestern University basketball office, where she worked as the Wildcats' director of basketball operations, and listened to a message that she’d heard somewhere before.

“It was before a game in 2004, when an official for that night’s game – Marvin Sykes – stopped into my office and was chatting up officiating,” Thomas recalls. “He gave me recommendations for different associations, and various contacts, and that's when I actually registered and started reading rules books and studying mechanics.”

Suffice to say, basketball was her life. From her days as a prep standout at Flint Southwestern to a brilliant career at the University of Michigan, and ultimately to the sport’s pinnacle with a six-year career in the WNBA, Stacey Thomas had achieved hoops success beyond her wildest dreams.

Yet, it was two instances off the court – mere blips among the thousands of chance meetings and casual introductions in one’s lifetime – which steered Thomas where she is today. Ironically, it’s still on the basketball court.

The conversation with Sykes was the second moment, and it struck a familiar chord with a message she had heard years earlier as a collegiate player in Ann Arbor.

“The first time I ever thought about officiating was when I was playing at the University of Michigan. A little bug was put in my ear during the preseason when officials come in to talk about officiating, the rules changes, how the game is going to be called; that sort of thing,” Thomas recalls. “It was Patty Broderick (professional and collegiate official who currently serves as Coordinator for the Women's Basketball Officiating Consortium). And at end of that talk she told us how officiating could be a great career and a way to stay in the game.”

In the short term, however, Thomas had other ways to stay in the game. You could even say, she stole her way into extending her playing career. As a Wolverine, Thomas set a Big Ten Conference record with 372 career steals, 157 more than any player in U of M history. Her 1,556 points rank fifth in the Wolverine books.

Those numbers and her work ethic led to six seasons in the WNBA, highlighted by a championship with the 2003 Detroit Shock. Thomas played 175 games over six seasons with four teams. And, when her days in “The League” were done, Thomas’ skills took her overseas to stints in Sweden, Turkey and Latvia over three years.

All the while, however, Thomas had her sights set further down the road, for when the game stopped. As it turns out, it hasn’t stopped at all.

“As the years went by and I decided I was done playing, I thought about what I really wanted to do. I knew I wanted to stay in basketball,” Thomas said. “I was an assistant coach at Central Connecticut State in 2004; it was a good experience, but I liked the administrative job at Northwestern better.”

And, of course, there was always that officiating thing she’d heard about.

“While I was looking, I thought maybe I needed to really explore the officiating option,” Thomas said, and she now enters her sixth year as an MHSAA registered basketball official. “As involved as I was with basketball, it gave me the opportunity to stay in the game and be surrounded by the game. It’s a source of pride, and for me it’s the ongoing concept of getting it right and always striving to be better. I want to be professional, set goals and be the best official I can be.”

In other words, she approached officiating in the same manner she attacked opponents on the basketball floor. It’s still the game she’s known her whole life, just from a different perspective.

“As a player, I was around a lot of different coaches and a lot of different teammates, and they all have their own personalities. Understanding that really helped in the transition to officiating,” Thomas said. “You learn to pick your battles and to take things in stride. You can't take things personally. Some coaches try to rattle you by being vocal and boisterous, and others are sarcastic and joking. As a player or as an official you have to read personalities. Playing the game helped me learn how to react, speak to them, and communicate.”

At times, her fame comes into play as well. It’s not easy to hide when officiating in the same state where Thomas’ star began to rise, and coaches often remind her that she used to be on the floor reacting to, rather than blowing, the whistle.

“I am a very laid-back individual, and it takes a lot for me to get rattled, so I use that to my advantage. I might hear from certain coaches, ‘Come on, you played in The League; they didn't call that in The League,’” she laughs. “I just take it for what it is, whether they are trying to get under my skin, or be humorous. I  know as an official to just let them have their say.”

The former prep all-stater who finished second in Michigan’s “Miss Basketball” voting as a senior in 1995, also was a three-time high jump champion and ran cross country at Southwestern. She hasn’t totally left track and field behind either, as she is a registered track & field/cross country official with the MHSAA as well. 

Thomas, who now resides in Novi, regularly works boys and girls high school basketball in the Metro Detroit Area, and runs on Michigan’s community college circuit and at the NAIA level in the Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference. The competitive fire that drove her as a player transfers to her uniform in stripes, as she eventually hopes to land NCAA Division I assignments.

“My playing experience helped me learn that you’ve got to pay your dues. You’ve got to work hard and have patience,” Thomas said. “I know that there are plays I have to still see over and over and over, so I will get them right on a consistent basis. I need to get to the camps, continue to learn the rules book, and my  time will come. The more games, the more reps, the more situations, the more you learn.”

It’s a quality and regimen she tries to impress upon up-and-coming officials, and she also expresses that it’s important the many benefits of officiating aren’t lost in the quest for top games.

“I’ve developed so many friendships and made so many friends by getting into officiating. What better way to have an impact on a sport?” Thomas asks. “I tell people to have fun, enjoy it and work hard. Most of all, I always tell them being compensated is a bonus for doing something you love to do.

“Sometimes the younger officials get too caught up in what other officials are doing,” she continued. “Who’s got the big games, the pay rates, and so on. I played in The League, and I knew going in I wouldn't just come in and have the best games. You’ve got to put the time in.”

Thomas has noticed impatience not only among young officials, but in the playing ranks as well.

“On certain levels, the speed and physical nature of the game has increased,” she said. “There’s all this talent, but at the same time the players have become a little bit lazier compared to back in the day. Years ago, kids had more passion for the game, because nothing was given to them. They were better listeners to coaches, peers and parents.”

When Thomas shares the floor with today’s high schoolers, they are definitely getting her best effort and maximum attention. She understands what’s at stake, and what the high school game is all about. It’s why she accepts games nearly every night of the week during the season, and why she relishes those weeknights in the gyms.

“First of all, it's a special time in their lives, and it’s their turn to shine and to play at a high level and to be seen by their classmates and by the community,” Thomas says. “There’s nothing like that seven o’clock  rivalry game, with a big crowd packing the gym, and it’s a close game and you are right there in the fire. It’s an adrenaline rush that pumps you up. Those are the games you strive for.”

Thomas has been on the floor for plenty of those games, and will have countless more in the future. That’s what makes it most special to know where she was this June when she could have been elsewhere. Thomas spent some time at the Healthy Kids Club in Detroit, helping director Mariah Lowson with basketball leagues for kids who ranged from 8 years old to high school age. Officials paid $20 to attend the camp and gain experience that will help them down the road. It certainly doesn’t hurt to see someone there like Thomas helping out.

“The nice thing is, it’s younger kids in the league, so young officials would not be intimidated,” Thomas said. “The motivation for them is to do well in these games, understanding that they can make money doing peewee leagues while continuing to learn. There were some kids as young as 13 or 14 years old, up to 17 years old, working games.”

And there was Thomas, right on the court as she’s always been.

PHOTO: Stacey Thomas drives to the basket as a member of the WNBA's Detroit Shock. 

NOTE: This is the seventh installment in the series "Making – and Answering – the Call" detailing the careers and service of MHSAA officials. Click the links below to view others or the blue "Officials" tag at the top of the this story for the entire series plus other Second Half coverage on the subject.