Seeing Need, New SE Officials Work to Fill It

October 26, 2018

By Doug Donnelly
Special for Second Half

TEMPERANCE – Clyde Canales says his life experiences have prepared him for this. Bryant Moore says his new role as a football referee has taught him a new respect for the game. And Herb Bertz says he signed up to stay part of a game that has meant so much to his family the last several years.

The three southeast Michigan men are among new high school football officiating recruits for the Michigan High School Athletic Association. And they are a welcome addition to the ranks.

More and more, the lack of high school officials is starting to take its toll, forcing game times to be shifted and leaving athletic directors scrambling to fill crews for sub-varsity and even varsity games.

The shortage has hit southeast Michigan particularly hard. Earlier this season, multiple Tri-County Conference and Lenawee County Athletic Association games were moved from the traditional Friday night under lights start time to Saturday morning. There are several reasons contributing to this shortage – among them officials retiring, some leagues moving toward seven-man crews instead of five and the lack of sportsmanship being shown by adults.

Bertz has watched his sons play the last several years for Ottawa Lake Whiteford. He’s been on the chain gang for much of that time, volunteering his time and getting an on-the-field view of the games. He became a referee just this year.

“I wasn’t ready to give up the game,” he said. “I love football.”

Bertz said he’s worked about 40 games this fall, at all levels, and is already putting together a schedule for next year with a crew made up of all second-year officials. He said his experience has been great. The players, he said, are for the most part very respectful of officials. If the adults are yelling from the stands, he says, he’s able to tune them out.

“I don’t let any of that bother me; I just don’t,” Bertz said. “If you understand that football is an emotional game and emotions are going to run high out there, you won’t let that stuff bother you. Some people are rude, sure, but that doesn’t bother me. If it does bother you, you probably shouldn’t be a ref.”

Two years ago, Moore was a two-way starter for the Sand Creek football team. The only time he worried about the referees was when he’d spot a yellow flag on the field. Now, he’s carrying the flag around and throwing it when necessary.

“Most of the experience has been good,” he said. “Coaches for the most part are supportive, but they’ll let you know when you screw up. You have to be thick-skinned, that’s for sure. It gives you a new perspective and respect for the referee. As a player, you think it would be easy to step into their shoes. It’s not easy being a referee.”

The shortage, he said, is real. He has received text messages and calls on game days asking if he is available. Most of his weeks are filled with football nights, something he is juggling around attending Adrian College. The money he’s earned helps pay the bills, he said, and he’s learned a lot about the sport and interacting with others.

“The more you go out there and do it, the more comfortable you get,” he said. “I’ve been busy every week. They definitely need us.”

Canales was a member of Erie Mason’s 1987 Class C championship football team. He’s worked several jobs since then, from being in the restaurant business to probation officer. He signed up to be an official this year for the first time. He’s working games almost every day of the week, from youth games to varsity competition. And, he said, it’s been an eye-opening ride.

“The first few times, I felt bad taking their money,” Canales said. “I felt like I was out there to give back and these organizations needed the money. After a while, though, for all you have to go through, I don’t mind taking the money.”

For the most part, Canales said, it’s been a positive experience becoming a registered MHSAA official. He researched the rules, took online tests and went through a training period. He had the idea to become a referee because of a shortage of officials that has hit the region, state and, really, the country.

“This is my first year, so it’s good to have a lot of things thrown at me,” said Canales, 49. “Everyone thinks they can make the right call from the stands. It’s not that easy. But, I’m doing this now. I’m enjoying it. I think I’ve made it through the rough times.”

If he and the others do continue being a referee, that’s good news to the MHSAA. Once a referee has been working games for three years, officials say, they tend to stay with it.

The reasons officials cite most when they leave the sport is they are getting older and don’t feel they can continue to perform at the level they want, work or family changes and adult sportsmanship.

The MHSAA held an in-service for athletic directors this month and one of the topics was the situation with officials.

“In 2006-07, there were 12,000 officials; today there are 10,000,” said Whiteford athletic director Jason Mensing. “The numbers are going down. If we want to continue playing games, we need to have people that are willing to step up and do those jobs.”

Mensing said new guys like Canales, Bertz and Moore need to be welcomed.

“Our goal as an athletic department is to show them more gratitude if we can,” he said. “We’ll continue to work with our coaches and our community to make sure we are showing them great respect. They aren’t making a lot of money, but they are giving back to the game. It’s something we should be appreciative of.”

The MHSAA has a new executive director and director of officials. They have worked on initiatives to bring attention to the issue and recruit more officials to the avocation, while also developing strategies to retain those currently taking part.

Blissfield athletic director Steve Babbitt cautioned it’s not just football affected by the high school officials shortage. He’s had soccer matches this year forced to go with two instead of three referees.

“There is still a shortage in all sports,” he said. “We had three scheduled for one of our soccer matches, but due to a shortage one was pulled to fill in another match. This is not just a Michigan issue, as there are stories across the country about the same issue.”

Babbitt said if everyone showed a little more respect for the game and officials, the situation likely would improve.

“Officiating is one of the few professions where you are expected to be perfect on day one,” he said, “and get better from there.”

The MHSAA and National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) encourage all interested to consider becoming an official. Click to check out MHSAA resources and the NASO's "Say Yes to Officiating" website.

PHOTO: Clyde Canales officiates a game this season. (Photo by Cari Hayes.)

Payne Game Recalls Official's Legacy

September 9, 2014

By Geoff Kimmerly
Second Half editor

At 4:30 p.m. before the first game of this high school football season, a small group of mid-Michigan officials met at Lansing’s Mount Hope Cemetery.

As has become their tradition, they paid respects to a friend gone too soon, told a few stories, then worked the game in his honor before winding down by rehashing more of the same memories of Tony Payne they recall at the start of each fall.

Payne, a Lansing Harry Hill High School and Ferris State University graduate, served as an MHSAA official for 23 years and also worked in the Big Ten, Mid-American Conference and NFL Europe before dying on April 21, 2006. He was only 44 years old, passing after a lengthy illness.

Each fall since, a group of officials mostly from the Lansing area but representing Jackson and Muskegon as well have gathered to work a “Tony Payne Game,” mostly to honor their friend but also to raise money in his name for a scholarship that could be awarded for the first time next year.

This year’s Payne Game was opening night, Aug. 28, at Haslett as the Vikings took on Walled Lake Central.

“Tony was a mentor to everybody; he pretty much epitomized what we try to do around here,” said Jeff Spedoske, president of the Capital Area Officials Association and one of many who learned under Payne’s tutelage. “When you accomplish something in officiating, get the privilege to be at that level, you try to turn around and help as many behind you as you can. That was him to a T.

 “I can’t believe we’ve done it seven years. Every time I see that date that Tony passed, it doesn’t seem really that long ago.”

Joining Spedoske on the crew for this year’s Payne Game were Rob Stanaway, Bruce Keeling, Mark Coscarella, Craig Weirich, Mike Maisner and Tom Minter. That’s generally the group, along with Mike Conlin, who did not work this year’s game but was in attendance. All worked with Payne at some point during their careers, be it at high school games or as a member of his college crews.

Together, they represent a combined 270 years of MHSAA officiating experience, although for a few the Payne Game is the only high school event they work each year. Conlin, Keeling and Maisner in particular remain active officials in the Big Ten, and the other five all have vast experience at higher levels.

But as Spedoske noted, so did Payne – and how he used that knowledge is part of what the crew annually celebrates.

Payne remained an MHSAA registered official through 2004-05, most years for football, basketball and baseball and also once for softball. He officiated six MHSAA Semifinals in either football, girls or boys basketball, and championship games in 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2001.

Conlin recalled a week when he and Payne worked a junior varsity football game at Leslie on a Thursday with two rookies – taking the opportunity to pass on their skills and experience in front of mostly players’ families.

Two days later, Payne officiated a Big Ten game in front of tens of thousands, not counting those catching the game on TV and the radio waves.

Stanaway’s first girls varsity basketball game was with Payne, a last-minute opportunity for the then-newer official. During the ride to the game, Payne quizzed Stanaway on rules, plays and handling people, then continued that support during the game and provided the “most honest and constructive feedback I have ever received” when the game was done, Stanaway said.

Within a couple of days, Stanaway was contacted by his assigner, who had changed all of his sub-varsity games for the rest of the year to varsity games – per Payne’s recommendation.

“Tony had gone out of his way to help me by contacting the person in charge and recommending me for ‘bigger’ games,” Stanaway said. “I thanked Tony over and over, and he only responded by saying that someday I would have the opportunity to help someone else, and when I did, I had better help them along.

“Tony's words are a driving force in my desire to be a part of the Capital Area Officials Association, added Stanaway, who serves as the CAOA co-director of basketball operations. “Tony has been a role model for me in teaching other officials about our avocation and supporting their officiating dreams. As I've watched new officials grow, improve, and achieve their dreams of working their first varsity game, their first tournament assignment, their first State Final or even advance to collegiate opportunities, I thank Tony for showing me not only how to help them, but why to help them.”

Conlin serves as assigner in the Capital Area Activities Conference and sets the game for the crew to work each year in addition to also working it most seasons. He and Payne went back to 1989, and Conlin hasn’t worked high school games regularly since moving to the Division I college level in 2000 – aside from the last few Tony Payne Games.

The CAOA gives a lifetime achievement award each year in honor of Payne, the association’s first treasurer.

“We work hard to keep Tony’s name out front,” Conlin said, “to make sure people don’t forget where he came from.”

While the crew always donates its fees from working the Payne Game to the scholarship fund, the biggest annual boost comes from the Art Don Tony Memorial golf outing at Arbor Hills in Jackson. Proceeds from the annual event will fund scholarships in three officials’ names: Payne’s for a student attending Lansing Community College, late Grand Rapids official Don Edwards’ for a scholarship at Grand Rapids Community College, and late Jackson official Art Willard’s for a scholarship to Jackson Community College. All three died during a two-year stretch.

The CAOA, with an initial donation from Alro Steel founder Al Glick and later contributions from the West Michigan and Jackson associations and crews Payne knew from college levels, has raised $75,000 – enough to make those three $1,000 scholarships endowed – and make it possible those scholarships could be given for the first time next year.

Comparatively, the money raised by the crew working the Tony Payne Game is only a small percentage. But the game is as much for that group of officials to work together in remembering Payne and then meeting together after at whoever’s house is closest to unwind and remember some more.

“It’s easily the most important game on my schedule in the fall, for me personally, and it’s fun to be able to work with those guys once a year,” Spedoske said.

“After the game we end up at somebody’s house, and that’s kinda what it’s all about. We end up telling a lot of the same stories over and over. It’s about remembering Tony and the times we had on the field and off the field with him, and keeping his memory alive.”

PHOTOS: (Top) The crew for this season’s Tony Payne Game at Haslett lines up for the National Anthem, in order from left: Rob Stanaway, Bruce Keeling, Jeff Spedoske, Mark Coscarella, Craig Weirich, Mike Maisner and Tom Minter. (Middle) Craig Weirich signals between plays. (Below) Tony Payne officiates a basketball during his career that stretched more than two decades.