The Right Stuff at the Right Time

October 19, 2012

By Rob Kaminski
MHSAA benchmarks editor

MHSAA Championship history is filled with unforgettable moments for participants and spectators alike. Every now and then, the contest on the biggest stage delivers the cliche’ finish of everyone's dreams: close game, final seconds, trophy on the line, someone’s gotta win, someone’s gotta lose.

For the three teams out there, it’s as exciting as it gets. Yes, three teams. For every classic crunch-time moment, there are officials who have earned the right to share that moment with the participants.

Following, benchmarks reflects on two such moments from the viewpoints of those in stripes.

Ford Field, Detroit, Nov. 24, 2006
Muskegon (13-0) vs. Warren DeLaSalle (11-2)
At Stake: MHSAA Division 2 Football Title

Officials: Referee Charles Sprang (3rd MHSAA Final); Umpire Mike Wallace (1st); Linesman Troy Miller (2nd); Line Judge Reginald Smith (1st); Back Judge Trenton Withrow (1st)

THE MOMENT: DeLaSalle trails 32-30 with time running out, when QB Brian Lewis completes a slant pass to Don Fowler. Fowler is into the clear and headed for the end zone when he is hit by Muskegon’s Ronald Johnson at the 4-yard line, and stretches for the end zone. The ball pops loose, Fowler’s knee goes down, and Muskegon’s Bobby Miller recovers the ball in the end zone within a few furious seconds. The Big Reds get the ball, the undefeated season, and the championship.

Withrow: “They were in a hurry-up on the last drive and the game, which was fast-paced the entire time, got even faster. When the receiver got into the open, I knew I had to get back to the goal line and keep my eyes on the play. That was the first thing on my mind; if I don’t get to the goal line, I can’t make that call.

“Immediately after I made the call (correctly, a fumble and touchback), I just remember chills down my spine, the DeLaSalle kids trying to argue that he was down, and hoping I got it right. We don’t have the luxury of replay. It was a bang-bang call; knee coming down, lost ball, goal line right there.”

Smith: “As the play took place, I was telling myself not to rush, but be precise in my call. Just move in to box the play with Trent and watch for the ball at all times as the play developed.”

Sprang:  “I did not see the fumble as I was about 60 yards up field.  I got to Trent and said, ‘What do you have?’  Trent said, ‘Touchback.’ Mike Wallace asked, ‘Are you sure?’ Trent never wavered and said, ‘He never got in the end zone with the ball. It was out at the 1.’ I asked again, ‘Are you sure?’ Trent said, ‘No doubt.’ Trent, as I saw on film, was in perfect position.  That call was the game and he nailed it.”

Miller: “It was great that Reggie and Trent spent very little time communicating and they had the same ruling. Being on the Warren DeLaSalle sideline, I explained to the head coach what we had and there was really no reaction, as I believe he saw exactly what Trent had seen, and knew that Trent was in great position.”

Wallace: “I just remember seeing the play from a distance as I was the umpire. I  saw the call and just said to myself, ‘I hope that was the right call.’  I didn't have any doubt,  but just didn't want a call missed at that point in the game.  The call was so smooth, as if he had made the call a hundred times.

“Moments afterward I just remember telling him ‘That was a heck-of-a-call,’ and I was not even sure if he got it right or not.”

Withrow: “I’ll never forget when Mike came running down the field, he said, ‘That’s why I’m glad I’m the umpire; so I don’t have to make that call.’

“Chuck and I discussed it, and he just wanted to make sure of what I saw; I told him exactly what happened, and then he repeated the signal.”

Sprang: “At every opportunity, we talked about ‘staying in the game.’ Muskegon had a two touchdown lead twice in the game and DeLaSalle fought back each time to either tie or go ahead. I am not sure if Mike Wallace had a crystal ball, but he said, ‘One play is gonna win this game, be ready.’”

Miller: “I remember walking up the tunnel going back to the locker room and walking past a reporter from one of the Detroit papers and having him say, ‘Nice job guys, that was a great call.’”

Sprang: “I knew at that point Trent had it right and the replay only confirmed it.  When I saw the replay, it sure was a great feeling to see that ball pop out at the 1-yard line and Trent on the goal line with his bean bag.  He made four other guys on the field that day look very, very good.”

Withrow: “Looking at the replay, I was surprised my bean bag came out, because I didn't remember that during the play. It’s a reaction, and I just relied on mechanics. If you do all the right things mechanically, you’ll be in position to make the calls, and it certainly paid off at that moment.”

Wallace: “In the locker room it felt like we just went 15 rounds with Apollo Creed and we were still standing.  We knew that we all worked hard, concentrated and nailed it.  Maybe it was just that one  call, but it was an incredible feeling of success that you strive for when you officiate.”

Breslin Center, East Lansing, March 27, 1999
Muskegon Western Michigan Christian (25-2) vs. Detroit City (22-3)
At Stake: MHSAA Class D Boys Basketball Title

Officials: Dick Kalahar (4th MHSAA Boys Final),  Mike Robillard (2nd), Tim Belt (1st)

THE MOMENT:  Game tied, clock ticking down, as  Muskegon Western Michigan Christian’s Nick Bultema uses a screen and goes airborne to launch a last-second three-point shot. The ball is tipped by Detroit City’s Michael Williams, but momentum takes his body into Bultema’s before the shooter reaches the floor. Foul. 0:00 on the clock. Bultema makes the second free throw, and secures the title.

Kalahar: “I was the trail official, and as the clock  was winding down I was looking for a three-point shot, as Detroit City’s defense on the inside was very good. As the player (Bultema) attempted the shot, a very big Detroit City player tried to block the shot. The WMC shooter was still in the air after releasing the ball, when the Detroit City player contacted the shooter and drove him into the table at press row.

“I made a foul call on the Detroit City player just before the horn went off. Before I went to the table to report the foul, I met with Mike and Tim to confirm the foul was called before time ran out. We all agreed there would be three shots given to the WMC player.”

Robillard: “I knew going into the game I was with two outstanding officials, and we would handle any situations that might occur. As the game was getting into the final minutes I was hoping for overtime because both teams had competed so hard and the game had such a great flow.”

Kalahar: “I reported the foul and explained to the table what we were going to do. I also called both head coaches together to explain what the call was and how we would proceed. Both coaches were gentlemen.”

Robillard: “As the end of the game approached, our crew communication was outstanding. We knew we had to be out on the perimeter and protect the shooters. So when the left-handed shooter pulled up behind the three-point arc, both Dick and I had him booked in. It was Dick's primary, but I was doubling back to protect the backside of the shooter. As soon as the defender ran into the shooter, Dick nailed the whistle.”

Kalahar: “Experience always helps. Trying to anticipate what might happen as well as good concentration in a game like this comes with experience. Having two good partners is also a key.

“As we entered the locker room, much to my surprise, Jack Roberts, Nate Hampton and Tom Minter of the MHSAA office were there. I will always remember their support. Our crew then talked about the game, and felt we gave the teams a good game. Mike or Tim told me they thought the last call took courage and they were proud to be a part of this crew.

“I had some very anxious moments the first time I saw the replay. As officials, we always want to get the call right, especially in a game like this. I've seen it many times, and to this day I believe the right and fair call was made.”

PHOTOS: (Top) Warren DeLaSalle's Don Fowler loses control of the ball just before reaching the goalline during the 2006 Division 2 Final at Ford Field. (Middle) Muskegon Western Michigan Christian's Nick Bultema is about to be engulfed by a teammate moments after sinking the winning free throw during the 1999 Class D Final at the Breslin Center. 

NOTE: This is the fourth installment in the series "Making – and Answering – the Call" detailing the careers and service of MHSAA officials. Click the links below to view the others.

The Official View: Official Thanks

By Brent Rice
MHSAA Assistant Director

September 13, 2021

A return to the start of another school year means a return to school sports contests – and what separates those contests from simply being kids playing a pick-up game is the attendance of assigned officials.

The steady declining trend of MHSAA registered officials was accelerated last year in the complicated world of facemasks, testing and late cancellations, when the MHSAA lost nearly 15 percent from its previous year’s ranks. Now that we have returned to some (relative) normalcy, it’s more important than ever to recognize those officials who allowed athletes to play a season last year and to welcome back those who had to take the season off.

A new program being instituted in Detroit’s Catholic High School League does just that. This year, CHSL schools will be presenting officials throughout the season with “thank you” cards to express their gratitude for the dedication and hard work these individuals provide to ensure students have an opportunity to compete.

These gestures of appreciation serve to retain officials by recognizing how important they are to the game, and to recruit new officials by showing that officiating is an honorable avocation that allows them to serve the community and stay in athletics.

The MHSAA will be rolling out a new Game Day Ambassadors Program in Spring 2022 which will include similar ideas for increasing the morale of officials and developing long-lasting, cooperative relationships between schools and officials. Some of the ways outlined include:

► “Thank an Official” events where the team and spectators recognize the officials in their community.

► Adding alternative “compensation” to officials by occasionally providing promotional items, small gift certificates from local businesses and eateries, and snacks and refreshments in the locker room.

► Presenting mid-game sportsmanship PSAs.

► Regularly reviewing officials game fees to ensure that officials are being fairly paid for their work.

The most surefire way to recruit and retain officials is to treat them with respect. The No. 1 reason given for individuals leaving officiating is negative behavior and treatment by adult spectators and coaches. These folks that give up their time to officiate school contests do so by scheduling around their day jobs, family commitments and other personal responsibilities. They are required to make real-time, split-second decisions in a world filled with zoomed in and slow-motion video, social media and camera phones at every turn, but without the luxury of replay review. And in the end, they aren’t paid nearly the amount as their college and professional counterparts.

Maintaining reasonable perspective and expectations is a core value in educational athletics … and it should be with the officials as well.

Thank you, MHSAA officials, for your commitment to school sports, and thank you to the Catholic League and others willing to acknowledge the same.

It’s Official!

Postseason Assignments: A number of changes have been instituted for postseason consideration over the past few years. Notably this year, officials in most sports must opt into tournament consideration. This means officials this season for football, soccer and volleyball must submit their availability in the MHSAA website – otherwise the default is that they are unavailable. This is in addition to other postseason requirements such as completion of the rules meeting, the tournament exam and submission of the official’s regular-season schedule through the MHSAA website. These requirements are due by Sept. 15 for soccer and volleyball, Sept. 22 for football and Oct. 6 for girls swimming & diving.

Officials Review Committee: The Officials Review Committee is scheduled to convene the first week of October to discuss issues and make proposals. Agenda items this year include volleyball and swim uniforms, video review, officials fees, sport committees including officials, registration fee deadlines and the basketball District officials assignment process. An update on these subjects will be provided in next month’s Official View.

Know Your Rules

VOLLEYBALL Team A’s server steps on the end line before contacting the ball in her serve. As she makes contact with the ball, CB (center back) and RB (right back) on Team R are overlapping.

Ruling: When the server illegally contacts the ball while in contact with the floor on the end line, the ball remains dead. Even though Team R is out of position on the play, the ball never became live, and so the foot fault is enforced and it is a loss of rally/point against Team A.

It’s Your Call

FOOTBALL This month’s It’s Your Call comes on a play from the gridiron. As Team A’s lead blocker comes around the end, Team B’s No. 17 moves up to take him on at the A 32-yard line. The ballcarrier is sprung for another eight or nine yards before being tackled. What’s the call?