Be the Referee: Football Rules Changes

August 23, 2018

In this week's edition, assistant director Brent Rice discusses a pair of rules changes coming to high school football this fall.

Be The Referee is a series of short messages designed to help educate people on the rules of different sports, to help them better understand the art of officiating, and to recruit officials.

Below is this week's segment – Football Rules Changes - Listen

The biggest rules changes in high school football across the country this year involve player safety.

When any required player equipment is missing or worn improperly, an official's time-out shall be declared, and the player must come out of the game for one down. This includes players not wearing knee or thigh pads or rolling their pant legs up over their knees and equipment such as shoulder pads or back pads being exposed.

The other change continues to hone the definition of a defenseless player, this time affecting the quarterback once he has thrown the ball and becomes a passer. Until that time, he is defined as a runner. As a passer, he continues to be defenseless until the pass ends or he moves to participate in the play.

The penalty for hitting a defenseless player is 15 yards.

Be the Referee: Bounced Pitch

May 9, 2019

This week, assistant director Brent Rice offers a baseball/softball "You Make the Call" regarding a pitch that bounces before reaching the plate.

Be The Referee is a series of short messages designed to help educate people on the rules of different sports, to help them better understand the art of officiating, and to recruit officials.

Below is this week's segment – Bounced Pitch - Listen

Let’s test your rules knowledge with a “You Make the Call” on a baseball-softball situation.

The pitcher delivers a ball that bounces in front of the plate. The batter takes a swing and hits the ball over the fence. You make the call. Is it a home run, a dead ball, or something else?

A pitch in baseball or softball that hits the ground before reaching home plate can result in anything – except a called strike. The batter can hit the ball and put it in play; the batter can be hit by the ball and be awarded first base; a swing and a miss by the batter results in a strike; and the list goes on and on. Everything can happen that occurs on every pitch – except a called strike.

Past editions

May 2: Boys Lacrosse Safety - Listen
April 25: Softball Illegal Pitch - Listen
March 21: Instant Replay in Basketball - Listen
March 14: Basket Interference - Listen
March 7: Primary Areas - Listen
February 28: Under the Bus - Listen
February 21: You Make the Call - Listen
February 14: Because They Love It - Listen
February 7: Coach/Official Communication - Listen
January 31: Backcourt Violation? - Listen
January 24: Required Hockey Equipment - Listen
January 17: You Make the Call: 10-Second Clock - Listen
January 10: Tripping in Hockey - Listen
January 3: Sliding in Basketball - Listen
December 27: Stalling in Wrestling - Listen
December 20: Basketball: You Make the Call - Listen
December 13: Basketball Uniform Safety - Listen
December 6: Coaching Box Expansion - Listen
November 29: Video Review, Part 2 - Listen
November 22: Video Review, Part 1 - Listen
November 15: You Make the Call - Sleeper Play - Listen
November 8: 7-Person Football Crews - Listen
November 1: Overtime Differences - Listen
October 25: Trickery & Communication - Listen
October 18: Punts & Missed Field Goals - Listen
October 11: What Officials Don't Do - Listen
October 4: Always 1st-and-Goal - Listen
September 27: Unique Kickoff Option - Listen
September 20: Uncatchable Pass - Listen
September 13: Soccer Rules Change - Listen
September 6: You Make the Call: Face Guarding - Listen
August 30: 40-Second Play Clock - Listen
August 23: Football Rules Changes - Listen