Reminder: Prepare to Beat the Heat

July 28, 2016

By Geoff Kimmerly
Second Half editor

The heat wave that’s traveled across Michigan during these last few weeks of July is another reminder of the importance of preparing for activity in hot weather in advance of Michigan High School Athletic Association fall practices kicking off the new school year early next month.

Each year, the MHSAA provides information to its member schools to help them prepare for hot weather practice and game conditions during the late summer and early fall. Football practice can begin at MHSAA schools August 8, followed by first practices for all other fall sports August 10.

The topic of heat-related injuries receives a lot of attention at this time of year, especially when deaths at the professional, collegiate and interscholastic levels of sport occur, and especially since they are preventable in most cases with the proper precautions.

“Like many things that remain constant from year to year in educational athletics, preparation for hot weather activity is something we must continue to emphasize for our returning athletes and also a new class taking the field for the first time,” said John E. “Jack” Roberts, executive director of the MHSAA. “If we take the precautions we should and plan as we should, we will avoid more of these tragedies in school sports.”

A number of member schools continue to follow the MHSAA’s Model Policy for Managing Heat & Humidity, which while not mandated for member schools was adopted as a rule for MHSAA postseason competition in 2013. The plan directs schools to begin monitoring the heat index at the activity site once the air temperature reaches 80 degrees and provides recommendations when the heat index reaches certain points, including ceasing activities when it rises above 104 degrees.

To also assist in acclimatization, football practice rule changes adopted in 2014 allow for only helmets to be worn during the first two days, only shoulder pads to be added on the third and fourth days, and full pads to not be worn until the fifth day of team practice. The policy in detail can be found on the Football page of the MHSAA Website.

Heat, hydration and acclimatization also are again focuses of the MHSAA’s required preseason rules meetings for coaches and officials. The online presentation discusses the need for good hydration in sports, regardless of the activity or time of year. The MHSAA requires all head varsity, varsity assistant and subvarsity coaches at the high school level to complete a rules and risk minimization meeting requirement. 

The model heat & humidity policy is outlined in a number of places, including the publication Heat Ways, which is available for download from the MHSAA Website. Roberts reminded that the first days of formal practices in hot weather should be more for heat acclimatization than the conditioning of athletes, and that practices in such conditions need planning to become longer and more strenuous over a gradual progression of time. He noted that schools also must consider moving practices to different locations or different times of day, or change practice plans to include different activities depending on the conditions. 

The Health & Safety Resources page of the MHSAA Website has a number of links to various publications and information and a free online presentation on preventing heat illness from the National Federation of State High School Associations. Also accessible through the MHSAA Health & Safety page are resources from Sparrow Health System, a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, which lends expertise on-site at various MHSAA tournament events and provides an online “Ask the Experts” feature to connect users with Sparrow sports medicine caregivers. 

“It is important for participants and their parents as well as coaches and administrators to become informed on how best to prepare for activity in hot weather,” Roberts added. “All involved need to be knowledgeable about proper hydration and the dangers of practicing and competing when the heat and humidity are too high.”

Spring Preliminary Concussion Data Announced

June 28, 2016

By Geoff Kimmerly
Second Half editor

Similar to information gathered after the first two seasons of the 2015-16 school year, the Michigan High School Athletic Association has found through collection of preliminary data that fewer than one percent of its more than 100,000 spring student-athletes experienced potential concussions during the season that concluded early this month. 

The MHSAA this school year requested for the first time that member schools report possible concussions by their student-athletes during both practice and competition. As expected, the overall percentage of spring student-athletes with potential concussions was lower than for both fall and winter – as many spring sports involve only limited contact. A first set of preliminary data announced in December showed only two percent of more than 100,000 high school fall athletes experienced concussions during that first season of 2015-16. Preliminary data released in May for the winter also showed two percent of that season’s more than 70,000 student-athletes had experienced potential concussions as well.

As it did for the fall and winter, the MHSAA again received data from more than 99 percent of its member high schools at the end of the spring season. The average number of possible spring concussions reported by member high schools through June 27, 2016, was 1.0 concussion per school – fewer than the averages per school reported for the fall (3.2) and winter (1.6) seasons. Just under 50 percent of reporting schools stated they had no concussions by athletes this spring. 

However, six spring sports — including girls track & field — registered at least 20 possible concussions, and for the second consecutive season a girls sport reported the highest percentage. Following girls basketball in the winter, girls soccer revealed 53 percent of possible concussions reported this spring – despite only 12 percent of spring student-athletes participating in that sport. Softball, also with roughly 12 percent of spring student-athletes, followed with 19 percent of possible concussions reported. Boys lacrosse, with 11 percent of possible concussions, ranked third-highest overall and highest among boys sports this spring. Roughly five percent of spring student-athletes play boys lacrosse.

Girls soccer has produced 58 percent more potential concussions than boys soccer did during the fall, despite seven percent fewer student-athletes playing girls soccer.  Boys lacrosse, meanwhile, had nearly three times as many possible concussions as girls lacrosse – with only 48 percent more participants. 

Schools also are required to designate if potential concussions occurred during competition or practice and at which level – varsity, junior varsity or freshman – and this spring those designations provided additional compelling data. In girls lacrosse, 63 percent of possible concussions occurred at the varsity level, while softball saw its most at the junior varsity level and baseball saw as many at the varsity level as the junior varsity and freshman levels combined.

“The preliminary data we were able to collect this spring again shows, and especially with girls soccer, why we must work for solutions to limit head injuries in all sports and not focus solely on sports that are most publicized,” MHSAA Executive Director John E. “Jack” Roberts said. “As we now move toward solidifying our research from this school year, we expect to learn even more about which factors contribute most to the sustaining of concussions at the high school level, and what our administrators, coaches, rule-makers and others might be able to do to make our games even safer and healthier for our student-athletes.”

Data collected by the MHSAA remains preliminary, in part, because results noted include pending reports that have not been verified. After completion of these follow-up reports, the final number of concussions that actually occurred this past season and during the fall and winter may be lower than the preliminary numbers being reported at this time.

The data analyzed to date is for high schools only, although middle schools also have the opportunity to report possible concussions. A full breakdown of the data including concussions by gender, sport, team level (varsity through junior high) and setting (practice or event) will be reported at the end of this summer.

The reporting of possible concussions is part of a three-pronged advance by the MHSAA in concussion care begun during the 2015-16 school year which is producing data related to the frequency and severity of head injuries. The MHSAA in fall 2015 launched the largest ever state high school association sideline concussion testing pilot program, with 62 schools taking part by using one of two screening tests designed to detect concussions. One of the objectives of the pilot was to increase awareness of concussions and improve sideline detection; and preliminary results have indicated that the average number of possible concussions reported by pilot schools exceeds the average reported by schools outside the pilot group.

Of 15 schools reporting the most possible concussions this spring, six are part of the MHSAA’s pilot sideline detection programs. Those programs – King-Devick Test and XLNTbrain Sport – utilize technology to provide on-site testing of athletes who have sustained possible concussions, with results of those examinations then compared against baseline tests taken by athletes previously. Schools participating in the pilot programs for the 2016-17 school year received training at the MHSAA office in East Lansing on June 16 and 17.

The MHSAA also is the first state association to provide all participants at every member high school and junior high/middle school with insurance intended to pay accident medical expense benefits – covering deductibles and co-pays left unpaid by other policies – resulting from head injuries sustained during school practices or competitions and at no cost to either schools or families. The program has produced additional data about the frequency and severity of head injuries. As of June 27, only 144 claims had been made on the insurance policy designed to assist in payment for concussion care. Fifty-one of the claims are for football, 39 are for basketball (girls and boys combined) and 14 are for boys soccer.

Schools report possible concussions online via the MHSAA Website. Reports are then examined by members of the MHSAA staff, who follow up with school administrators as those student-athletes continue to receive care and eventually return to play. Student privacy is protected. 

Previously, the MHSAA also was among the first state associations to adopt a return-to-play protocol that keeps an athlete out of activity until at least the next day after a suspected concussion, and allows that athlete to return to play only after he or she has been cleared for activity by a doctor (M.D. or D.O.), physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner. The follow-up reports schools are providing the MHSAA reveal that the majority of students are being withheld from activity for a week or longer following the reported concussion. This will be discussed in more detail when the MHSAA releases a more comprehensive review that covers the entire school year.  

The MHSAA is a private, not-for-profit corporation of voluntary membership by more than 1,400 public and private senior high schools and junior high/middle schools which exists to develop common rules for athletic eligibility and competition. No government funds or tax dollars support the MHSAA, which was the first such association nationally to not accept membership dues or tournament entry fees from schools. Member schools which enforce these rules are permitted to participate in MHSAA tournaments, which attract more than 1.4 million spectators each year. 
