The Dangers Of Returning Too Soon After An Injury

When you've been hit with an injury, it's natural to want to get back to your regular activities as soon as possible. In fact, it's not uncommon for athletes to sidestep doctors' orders and return to the field or the court before an injury has healed.

"It doesn’t matter how much you train, or how much you prepare, injuries are going to happen, especially if you're an athlete," says Jamie Schwab, an athletic trainer at Henry Ford Health System. "But the real trouble arises when athletes try to play through their pain without allowing sufficient time for recovery."

Risks Of Returning Too Soon After Injury

If you sprain your ankle during a cross country run, it can be tempting to finish the race. Unfortunately, hiding your pain and powering through the activity can actually make matters worse.

"If you continue to work out after suffering from an injury, you run the risk of furthering that injury," Schwab says. So what began as a minor ankle sprain can evolve into a major sprain that sidelines you for weeks.

Returning to play after surgery demands extra precautions. "Athletes are a lot more susceptible to re-injury after returning from surgery, especially if they don't complete the entire 9-month or year-long rehabilitation protocol," Schwab says. In some cases, you can exacerbate an injury to such a degree that you'll never be able to participate in the same capacity.

A Safe Return To Play

The road back to play after an injury is a long and winding one. Before you can even consider returning to exercise, you need to reduce swelling, get pain under control and get your range of motion back to almost normal.

"The recovery process takes time," Schwab says. "But if you stick with it, and you take it seriously, it's going to be a whole lot easier for you to return to the playing field in a timely manner."

Once you get pain and swelling under control, you can focus on agility and weight exercises that will help you regain strength and slowly return to baseline. The key tenets for a safer return to play:

► Be honest about your abilities: "So many athletes are afraid to tell the truth," Schwab says. "But if you're hurting and you're not competing at your full potential, you're letting your team down and yourself down, too." Even worse, you could increase your risk of further injury.

Focus on building strength: Strength training is critical. It can help you become faster, stronger and more agile on the field. It can also help you recover more quickly after an injury.

Listen to your body: If something doesn't feel right, pay attention to it. Talk to your athletic trainer or a physical therapist to get to the bottom of what's bugging you and put a plan in place to address it.

Boosting Performance Over The Long Haul

Unfortunately, not every coach and athletic trainer stresses the importance of a maintenance program. In fact, focused training and maintenance exercises are key to preventing injuries in the first place.

"The rehabilitation exercises you begin doing on day one after injury need to be maintained at least three to four times each week, indefinitely," Schwab says. "If you follow that regimen, all of your muscular nagging strains will no longer be a problem because your body is constantly adapting to the stresses. It's conditioned, it's strong, it can withstand the constant changes in direction."

Most important, don't be afraid to try complementary strategies. Practice using a foam roller, try cupping to release tension in the muscles and enhance blood flow and consider getting a monthly massage.

Jamie Schwab, AT, ATC, SCAT, CSCS, is an athletic trainer with Henry Ford Sports Medicine and works with student athletes at Edsel Ford High School. She is a National Strength and Conditioning Association certified strength and conditioning specialist.

To find a doctor or athletic trainer at Henry Ford, visit or call 1-800-436-7936.

5 Tips to Prevent Sports-Related Injuries

December 3, 2019

Henry Ford Health System

Participating in sports provides so many benefits to kids and teens. There are the obvious benefits of physical fitness and promoting regular exercise. Then, there are also the character-building lessons learned from being part of a team, working hard toward a goal, celebrating tough competition and gracefully accepting defeat. But sports don’t come without some risk.

Sports-related injuries are the leading cause of emergency room visits for kids ages 12-17, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

These injuries impact twice as many males as females. Not surprisingly, contact sports also have higher injury rates. Football, basketball, baseball and soccer account for roughly 80 percent of all sports-related emergency room visits for children.

Sports injuries depend on the age of the athlete and the type of sport played, according to Bridget McArdle, D.O., a Henry Ford pediatrician. Generally, she says, sports injuries are divided into two groups: injuries from overuse like strains and tendonitis, and acute injuries such as concussions, fractures and tears.

The teen years pose special hazards, too. The adolescent growth spurt places teens at higher risk for injuries.

“The growth plates could still be open, which increases the risk for damage,” Dr. McArdle says. “This can lead to long-term problems.”

5 Important Injury Prevention Tips

Fortunately, many sports-related injuries can be prevented — the CDC estimates that as many as half of them could be avoided.

Here are Dr. McArdle’s tips for injury prevention for parents and coaches:

1. Ease into training. It’s important to start gradually in order to decrease the chance of sports injuries. “When you train too quickly at full peak, you are more likely to get hurt. Ease into it – and don’t overdo it,” says Dr. McArdle.

2. Cross train. Changing up the way your child trains is one way to help prevent sports injuries. “Taking a break from one sport to play another is important,” she recommends. Training a different way and using different muscles decreases the strain placed on the same body parts. Practicing gentle stretching exercises such as yoga or Pilates can also help, she adds.

3. Use the right equipment. Everything from the proper shoes and appropriate, properly fitted safety gear for the particular sport are essential for minimizing the risk of injury, as well.

4. Avoid excessive heat. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends young athletes avoid heat illness by wearing light clothing and drinking plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise or play. Coaches should decrease or stop practices during high heat or high humidity periods.

5. Take time to recover. If a sports injury does occur, taking time to recover is very important. Returning to play too soon increases the risk of making the injury worse, and increases the chance of long-term consequences. “Make sure the injury is completely healed before returning. Don’t allow your child to play through pain,” advises Dr. McArdle.

If you have questions or concerns about your child’s readiness to play, be sure to get a sports physical and talk with your pediatrician or primary care provider.

Dr. Bridget McArdle is a board-certified pediatrician, seeing patients at Henry Ford Medical Center – Sterling Heights.

Want to learn more? Henry Ford Health System sports medicine experts are treating the whole athlete, in a whole new way. From nutrition to neurology, and from injury prevention to treatment of sports-related conditions, they can give your athlete a unique game plan.

Visit or call (313) 972-4216 for an appointment within 24 business hours.