Coach's Guide to Nutrition: Window of Opportunity

The 30 minutes following exercise, often referred to as the window of opportunity, is the best time to begin to refuel, rebuild and repair muscles.

Milk Means More logoCarbs plus protein in this window can help your students refuel and be ready to attack their next workout.  

After an exercise session or game, muscles are depleted of glycogen, their primary energy source, and are in need of recovery from the stress of training. A small snack is all that is needed in this “window of opportunity.”

The focus should be on carbohydrates with some protein; the ideal snack would have more carbs than protein. Chocolate milk has both carbs and protein, along with electrolytes and fluids to rehydrate. Liquids are also more easily absorbed by the body to help refueling happen more quickly. Other refueling options could include a smoothie, yogurt and granola, or a cheese stick with fruit.

Within 2-3 hours, have a full meal to continue recovery.

Information above is excerpted from UDIM’s A Coach’s Guide to Nutrition.

Coaches Guide to Nutrition: What are Macros?

Planning your meals and snacks shouldn’t be challenging.

Break foods down into three categories: Carbs (energy), Protein (build and repair muscles), and Color (vitamins, minerals).

Adjust your plate based on your level of activity that day. Remember that your body needs carbohydrates like grains, fruits and vegetables for muscle fuel.

On hard training days, up to half of your plate should be carbs. On a recovery or rest day, make a quarter of your plate carbs. 

Plan your meal

Check out these examples for your day’s main meals:

Milk Means More logoBreakfast

  • Overnight oats with fruit
  • Egg wrap with spinach, cheese and salsa
  • Cereal with fruit and milk topped with nuts
  • Smoothie made with milk, fruit, spinach and oats
  • Don’t forget about school breakfast!


  • Turkey roll-up with cheese, tomato and lettuce, fruit and milk
  • Grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup, small salad, milk and pear
  • Large salad with your choice of berries, grilled chicken, cheese and vinaigrette dressing, garlic bread and milk
  • School lunches are made with student nutrition in mind!


  • Pasta with chicken, pesto, tomatoes and peas with milk
  • Shrimp or tofu fajita bowl with brown rice, peppers, onions and shredded cheese. Add guacamole and plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream.
  • Cheeseburger made with 90 percent lean beef or turkey on a whole grain bun with lettuce and tomato and a glass of milk. Add baked sweet potato fries on the side.

Information above is excerpted from UDIM’s A Coach’s Guide to Nutrition.