Coach's Guide to Nutrition: Fueling with Fast Food

Life is busy, and sometimes getting food fast is the only option.

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Fueling up with fast food can provide the proper nutrition to students when they are in a pinch.

Learning to identify more nutritious foods on restaurant menus will help provide the macronutrients students need in a meal. 

Fast food for breakfast, lunch, or dinner can be part of a balanced diet.

Encourage students to keep the macros in mind when choosing from the menu. Giving students tips, such as choosing baked or grilled chicken, fresh fruit or salads, and milk as a beverage can make it easier for athletes to choose foods that will nourish their bodies.      

Information above is excerpted from UDIM’s A Coach’s Guide to Nutrition.

Coach's Guide to Nutrition: Fuel with School Lunch

School lunches can provide a number of healthy options for student-athletes and students in after-school clubs and activities. Fueling your brain is just as important as fueling your body. By eating lunch at school every day and including milk, protein, carbs, and color, you are setting yourself up for success on the field and in the classroom.    

Milk Means More logoSchool meals are a great option for student-athletes because they are planned with growing bodies in mind. Your athletes might need a second meal or additional snacks, though, if they are still hungry or are not meeting their calorie needs.

COACHES: Contact your school's food service department to learn how they can support your team’s nutrition goals.

School lunches are made with student nutrition in mind!

Information above is excerpted from UDIM’s A Coach’s Guide to Nutrition.