Is Baseline Concussion Testing Right For You?

November 2, 2021

Did you know there’s a test that can aid your recovery if you sustain a concussion?

Read on to get the facts about baseline testing from Michelle Gambino-Gorney, a certified athletic trainer for Henry Ford Health System.

What Is Baseline Concussion Testing?

“Baseline testing is an evaluation of your normal brain function that tests for neurocognitive abnormalities,” explains Gambino-Gorney. “We recommend baseline testing prior to the start of a sports season, before tryouts or practice.”

During baseline concussion testing, athletic trainers or physicians collect extensive information about an athlete’s brain health. They evaluate health, family history and neurocognitive function. Gambino-Gorney says that might include assessing everything from balance and reflexes to memory, vision and concentration. “If the athlete does sustain a concussion during the season, we can compare pre-injury test results to post-injury test results and find out how the injury is affecting an athlete’s brain. It helps us make the right recovery plan and determine when it’s safe for them to return to their sport.”

Myth: Concussion Baseline Testing Is Only for Football Players

While baseline testing is ideal for athletes (ages 9 and up) who play high-impact collision sports, any athlete at risk of a concussion should consider baseline testing. This includes football, lacrosse and hockey players, in addition to gymnasts, snowboarders, skateboarders and lots of other athletes.

In fact, even if you just take the occasional weekend bike ride, go jogging or lift weights, there’s no harm in having baseline test results on file. Pre-concussion screenings can also benefit people with physically demanding jobs, such as first responders, military personnel and tactical athletes.

Myth: You Only Need to Get Baseline Testing Once

Just as your joints and muscles change as you get older, your brain changes, too. It’s best to get annual baseline testing. Yearly tests help your healthcare team keep track of your brain health over time. They can spot problems or changes early, before they develop into serious issues. Ask your physician about baseline neurocognitive testing as part of your annual sports physical.

Myth: Baseline Testing Is Only Useful If You Get a Concussion

First and foremost, baseline testing tracks your physical and mental well-being. Even if you never sustain a concussion, the test is a way to stay proactive about your brain health. Gambino-Gorney explains that they can look at test results across seasons to detect changes in neurocognitive function that can indicate disorders such as:

► Anxiety
► Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
► Depression
► Learning disabilities

Myth: Baseline Testing Diagnoses a Concussion

Baseline testing is not a diagnostic tool for concussions. It’s one piece of all the information a healthcare provider needs to determine if you sustained a mild traumatic brain injury. In addition to comprehensive neurocognitive testing, your provider assesses a broad range of concussion signs and symptoms to confirm a diagnosis after you’ve sustained an impact to your head.

To find a primary care or sports medicine specialist at Henry Ford, visit or call 1-800-436-7936.

Michelle Gambino-Gorney is a certified athletic trainer in the Henry Ford Kutcher Clinic for Concussion and Sports Neurology.

How To Stay Hydrated: 7 Tips For An Active Summer

June 4, 2024

Not only is water an essential nutrient, it makes up your entire being. We’re 40 to 70 percent water, depending on fitness level and age. And while staying hydrated is always important, it may become more challenging as the weather heats up. Hard-working muscles generate more heat when they’re surrounded by hot air, making it harder for your body to maintain a normal temperature.

Henry Ford HealthEven a 1 to 2 percent loss of body weight from water can compromise your performance and impact your body’s ability to cool itself. The heart pumps harder, circulation slows and muscles fatigue more quickly. If the loss creeps up to 3 or 4 percent, you’ll be at increased risk of developing heat-related illness and injury, including cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Even when you’re not active, your body loses more than a quart of water every day through urine, perspiration, sweat and breath, according to the National Institutes of Health. And most days, it’s more than 2.5 quarts.

The goal, of course, is to replace what’s lost. And with a little planning and preparation, you can during any outdoor activity, no matter what the thermometer says. Here’s how:

  • Drink before you’re thirsty. Need to quench your thirst? Chances are you’re already dehydrated. Your best defense against dehydration is drinking water on a consistent basis so you never reach the point of thirst.
  • Take frequent water breaks. While you might not want to disrupt your workout for a water break, taking time out for some much-needed liquid nourishment will pay off in the long run. Drink 8 to 10 ounces of water (about one full glass) before starting any activity. Once the games begin, drink another 7 to 10 ounces every 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Track your intake. Many people don’t know how much water they should drink daily—or even how much water they’re typically downing. If you’re sipping on a 16-ounce bottle, drink eight of them each day—and even more if you’re exercising heavily.
  • Consider an electrolyte drink. Working out for more than an hour? Consider sipping a sports drink—or nibbling on some pretzels or a banana to restore lost electrolytes (minerals in the blood that regulate bodily systems). Your body loses important electrolytes like sodium, potassium and chloride when you sweat. A good sports drink can help you replenish them. Coconut water is a great choice, but there are a slew of healthy, low-sugar options on the market.
  • Munch on water-rich produce. Water-packed snacks, including melon, berries, bell peppers and grapes, are all good options. A bonus: All of these foods boast a decent hit of electrolytes, too!
  • Step on the scale. Weigh yourself before and after a workout. If the scale shows a loss, replenish it with water (gulp 20 to 24 ounces of water for every pound lost). If you’ve lost 3 percent or more of your body weight, chances are you’re severely dehydrated.
  • Watch your urine stream. It may seem gross, but checking your pee is probably the best way to determine whether you’re dehydrated. If it looks like watered down, colored lemonade, you’re probably in the clear. But if it’s a deep yellow or light orange, you’re probably not drinking enough fluids.

Keep in mind that heat exhaustion happens quickly—especially during summer activities. It can easily turn into heat stroke, a dangerous condition that can lead to organ damage, seizures, coma and even death. If you feel dehydrated, dizzy or overheated, get out of the sun, sip some water (slowly) and apply cooling compresses to your head, neck and chest. If your symptoms don’t improve quickly, get to a doctor or call 9-1-1.

Nick Parkinson, M.Ed., AT, ATC, TSAC-F, is the supervisor of athletic training and sports performance at Henry Ford Health. Learn more about Nick.

To find a sports medicine provider at Henry Ford Health, visit or call 313-651-1969.