Class in Session: A History in Classification

July 24, 2017

By Rob Kaminski
MHSAA benchmarks editor

This is the first part in a series on MHSAA tournament classification, past and present, that will be published over the next two weeks. This series originally ran in this spring's edition of MHSAA benchmarks.

Conversation and discussion at the March 2017 MHSAA Representative Council Meeting leaned heavily toward the subject of 8-Player Football and how to properly balance its tournament with the growing number of schools sponsoring the sport.

While the proposal to split the tournament into two divisions beginning with the 2017 school year was adopted, the MHSAA then faced questions such as when to set the divisions, how to determine qualifiers and where to host the championship games.

The topic continues to create a buzz in Class D schools across both peninsulas, and likely will do into the start of school this fall.

Likewise, the lone holdouts still conducting tournaments by class – MHSAA Boys and Girls Basketball and Girls Volleyball – took center stage at the May Council discussion, and following the 2017-18 school year, class is out for good. Both genders of basketball, and girls volleyball, will move to divisional formats thereafter.

There is much to be decided to be sure; but as those in education are well aware, history is the best teacher.

Fortunately for the sports in flux and for all sports under the governance of the MHSAA, the Association more or less wrote the book on the subject of sport classification. Following is a history lesson, with a little advanced division thrown in.

Class structure

Credited with being the first state with multiple tournament classifications, Michigan’s attention to trends and shifts in philosophy aimed at fair play and equal tournament opportunity can be traced from 80 years ago to the present.

In the earliest years of the MHSAA, there were four classifications for elections and tournaments –  Classes A, B, C and D. Classes C and D had far more schools than Classes A and B. For example, 80 years ago (1937), there were only 58 schools in Class A, 94 schools in Class B, 297 schools in Class C and 253 schools in Class D.

Gradually through the years, as Michigan’s major cities spawned suburbs, there was a shift in the other direction to the point 30 years ago (1987) when school size became more balanced: 173 Class A schools, 178 Class B schools, 179 Class C schools and 182 Class D schools.

Up until 1987, the MHSAA published the dividing line between each classification, after which schools submitted their enrollments. Then, for 1988 and thereafter, the MHSAA adopted the plan of gathering all enrollments first and then placing 25 percent of the schools in each of four classes. This completed the equalization of the number of schools in each class for elections.

However, the change for 1988 did nothing to equalize the number of teams actually entered by each class in each sport. And unlike the early years of the Association when there were many more Class C and D teams than A and B teams, there were more Class A and B teams than C and D teams entering MHSAA tournaments decades later.

Moreover, the difference in number of teams entered in the different classifications for a sport continued to increase as many small schools, the fastest growing portion of the MHSAA's membership, sponsor only a few sports, or they sponsor no sports at all but enter into cooperative programs with other schools.

Because of these differences, Class A or B schools sometimes had to win twice as many games as Class C or D schools to reach the MHSAA Finals in a sport. At times, the larger classifications had District Tournaments, even rat-tail games, and/or a Quarterfinal game, and the smaller classifications did not. Most Class D Districts have had four teams (some only three), while Class A Districts often had seven or eight teams. In Regional levels of individual sports, the number of entries in the larger classification once greatly outnumbered those in the smaller classifications of the tournament for the same sport.

Over the years, these dividing lines between classes escalated gradually, as did the differences in enrollments of largest and small schools in each class. In 1937 the dividing lines were 700, 300 and 100 between Class A and B, B and C, and C and D, respectively. By 1987, the dividing lines were 1,129, 571 and 298, respectively, leading to the current method of collecting enrollments and then setting the classification.

With the pendulum swinging well past center by the late 1980s, coaches associations, MHSAA sport committees, tournament managers and school administrators began discussion and offered proposals to correct what many believed had become a flawed system of MHSAA tournament classification.

At the 1996 MHSAA Update Meetings, ¾ of 858 respondents to that year’s annual survey indicated they favored a system that would divide schools which actually sponsor each sport into two, three or four nearly equal divisions.

Problem solving

At its meeting May 4-6, 1997, the Representative Council defeated a motion that would have adopted in one action a coordinated plan of reclassification for all sports to equalize the number of schools in each tournament for each respective sport. Instead, the Council discussed and voted on each proposal that had been presented from sport committees.

This resulted in the Representative Council adopting four equal divisions for baseball and softball, four equal divisions for boys and girls tennis, four equal divisions for boys soccer and three equal divisions for girls soccer, effective with the 1997-98 school year. Helping in the decision was the success of the 1995-96 MHSAA Wrestling season, which saw the sport move to four divisions for its tournament structure

The Council delayed action on similar proposals for football and boys golf at that time to glean additional input. The same decision was made with respect to a proposal from the Ice Hockey Committee that would have split the Class A schools in two divisions and left the Class B/C/D Tournament unchanged.

“The gist of the move from classes to divisions was to equalize the path to championships for students of all schools, regardless of the size of those schools,” said MHSAA Executive Director Jack Roberts.

While the restructuring accomplished that goal for the majority of competitors, opposition exists now as it did then. The primary argument in opposition to the changes is that, in some sports, it increases the range between largest and smallest schools in the division for smallest schools, even as the range is usually reduced for other divisions.

Larger schools offered a counterpoint.

“The larger schools suggested that while they may have more students, they also attempt to sponsor more sports than the smaller schools, in some cases spreading the enrollment as thin as a much smaller school with fewer sports,” Roberts said.

“Even today, the idea of four equal divisions can be unpopular among some Class D schools which feel especially burdened by the equal division concept,” Roberts said. “There was enough opposition in 1997 that equal divisions were rejected for boys and girls basketball and girls volleyball, and some of that opposition remains.”

The numbers of schools sponsoring each MHSAA tournament are still close to the totals today, with the exception of soccer in both genders, which has enjoyed substantial increases. This spring, 466 girls teams were scheduled to compete in the MHSAA Soccer Tournament, while 473 boys teams will suit up this fall.

Since the beginning of MHSAA divisions in 1996 with wrestling, 147 additional team champions have been crowned and countless individuals have known the thrill of victory due to an extra level of Finals in various sports. Girls soccer has seen the most growth in opportunity, moving from two classes in 1987 to three divisions the following year, and then four divisions in 2000. Boys soccer had enjoyed four classes for two years prior to the new four-division format, and it was the sport of soccer that helped to create a caveat in the nearly equal division movement.

Lower Peninsula boys and girls swimming & diving expanded from two to three divisions in 2008, while boys and girls bowling are the most recent sports to enjoy increased tournament opportunity, adding a fourth division in 2010.

“Fairness is in the eye of the beholder. While having the same number of schools in each division is one kind of fairness, holding in check the enrollment range between the largest and smallest schools in Division 4 is another kind of fairness that is dear to a great number of people,” Roberts said. “Because more schools sponsor basketball and volleyball than other sports, Class D schools would have been least affected by the equal divisions concept in those sports; but that, and ‘tradition,’ did not dissuade the opponents in the 1990s.”

The shift to divisions not only paved the way for student-athletes, but also assisted administrators and schools hosting tournaments. MHSAA tournament mangers looked to equal divisions to more closely equalize the number of schools in District or Regional Tournaments and to better equalize the length of day required for these rounds of tournaments, both for management and participating teams and individuals.

Pinning down an answer

Wrestling became the first MHSAA Tournament to be conducted in nearly equal divisions when team and individual champions were crowned in Divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4 rather than Classes A, B, C/D for the 1996 winter championships. 

The movement was well received, as schools saw more opportunity for success: four champions where there once were three at the District, Regional and Final levels, and a smaller range of enrollment between the smallest and largest school in all four tournaments, leading to the impetus for the Fall 1996 Update Meeting Survey of schools regarding similar movement in other sports.

Team champions that year were Holt (D1), Petoskey (D2), Middleville Thornapple Kellogg (D3) and Dundee (D4).

Getting their kicks

When the "equal divisions" concept was approved by the Representative Council for most MHSAA Tournaments for the 1997-98 school year, there was opposition from the smallest schools which, under the equal divisions, are forced to play against larger schools than reside in Class D. Compelling arguments were made – and still are – that an enrollment difference between schools with smaller enrollments (e.g., Class D) is more difficult to overcome in athletic competition than an even larger enrollment difference between schools with larger enrollments (e.g., Class A).

The opposition was most intense in soccer because of the number of students needed to field a team and the physical nature of the sport. As a result, from 2000-01 through 2010-11, soccer operated with a “20-percent modification.” This placed 20 percent of all schools that actually sponsored soccer in Division 4, and the remaining 80 percent were placed equally in Divisions 1, 2 and 3.

At the time the 20 percent modification was adopted, it was also established that soccer would return to four equal divisions when the largest Division 4 soccer school had an enrollment equal to or smaller than the mid­ point for Class C schools. That occurred in 2010.

Last class on the schedule

In the same volume of “history being the best teacher,” one can also find the adage, “times change.” While the division format was a welcome change in some sports, others were left to hold class without change.

In the sports of boys and girls basketball, and girls volleyball, the number of schools sponsoring the sports were so close to the overall membership of the MHSAA that divisions were not necessary; the enrollment breakdowns themselves were enough to delineate equal opportunity for tournament success.

That is no longer the case, according to MHSAA membership. The last move from classes to divisions occurred for the 2006-07 school year following Council action. Before this May, that is. Action at the most recent Representative Council meeting, May 2017, called for the shift to divisions for MHSAA Boys and Girls Basketball, and Girls Volleyball, beginning with the 2018-19 season.

“Because the MHSAA Volleyball Committee had requested this change several times a number of years ago, and because the Council felt the change inevitable, there should not be further delay,” Roberts said. “It is an important detail that the Class D maximum has dropped 50 students over the past decade so the objection that much larger schools would be competing in Division 4 isn’t very strong now.”

Using the 2017-18 enrollment figures, just eight Class C schools would be competing in Division 4 for boys basketball, 11 for girls basketball and 14 for girls volleyball.

Good things came of the previous most-recent switches in 2006-07. Competitive Cheer was re-classified from Class A, B and C-D into four equal divisions assisting in the rapid growth of sponsoring schools (approximately 80 schools per division). Alpine skiing was changed from Class A and B-C­ D to two equal divisions.

At that time, the MHSAA Basketball Committee had recommended to the Council the study of increased classifications, but status quo remained.

Back on the grid

As such, MHSAA Basketball and Volleyball remained the only holdovers of the MHSAA class structure. Discussion resurfaced periodically during the last two decades to bring those tournaments in line with the other MHSAA sports.

Regular-season football-playing schools are separated by class, then are reshuffled by divisions for the playoffs. Football, as we know, underwent a significant postseason facelift in the late 1990s.

While MHSAA Football also remained a class sport through 1998, it had expanded from four to eight classes from 1990-98, becoming the first MHSAA sport to crown more than four team champions. Member schools were asked to consider a pair of options in November of 1997. One called for eight equal divisions, and the second would leave Class D by itself as division 8, and split Class A, B and C schools into seven nearly equal divisions.

After much discussion, retooling, and crunching of formulas, the MHSAA unveiled its revised Football Playoff model that continues to roll today, nearly 20 years later. It was determined that 256 teams would qualify for the tournament based first on a minimum of six wins, then by Playoff Points determined by formula. From there, the field would be divided into eight divisions, with the field being filled out by a nearly equal number of five-win teams in each division as needed to reach 256.

Eight championships would indeed be enough, until football sponsorship among the MHSAA’s smallest schools – some with rich football traditions – began to trend downward. The MHSAA again went to the drawing board, examining the viability of 8-player football. After an experimental year in 2010 without a tournament, the 8-player game was playoff-ready for 2011, with a field of 16 qualifiers embarking on a four-week tournament.

Not only did the 8-player option restore recently canceled programs, but it also created teams in schools which previously had none, and convinced some 11-player schools that this new division was the best path to take.

What did this do for the Class D holdovers staying in the traditional 11-player game? Well, a couple of things, positive and negative. As two and three dozen Class D schools opted for the 8-player game, the remaining 11-player Class D schools at times found themselves in disrupted leagues and had to travel further to complete schedules. They also competed against larger teams in Division 8 of the 11-player MHSAA Football Playoffs.

However, the growth of the 8-player game among the smallest schools also resulted in more Class D schools qualifying for the MHSAA Football Playoffs than ever before. In 2012, an all-time high 44 percent of Class D schools sponsoring football qualified for either the 8-player tournament or Division 8 of the 11-player tournament. That compared to 42.2 percent of Class C schools, 44.9 percent of Class B schools and 41.6 percent of Class A schools which qualified for the 2012 playoffs.

Much is to be determined in the most recent chapter of MHSAA Tournament expansion as the 8-Player Football Playoffs welcome a second division. As the past illustrates, there will be pluses and minuses. History also shows that the MHSAA has received maximum input from its constituents, researched all possibilities, and will find solutions to questions still in the balance before an additional group of athletes hoists a new trophy in November.

Through the Years

A chronology of when which sports moved from Class to Division in the MHSAA. 

1995-96: LP Wrestling

1997-98: Baseball, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Softball, LP Girls Tennis, LP Boys Tennis

1998-99: LP Boys Golf, LP Girls Golf

1999-2000: Ice Hockey, LP Boys Track & Field, LP Girls Track & Field

2000-01: LP Boys Cross Country, LP Girls Cross Country, UP Boys Cross Country, UP Girls Cross Country, UP Boys Golf, UP Girls Golf, UP Boys Tennis, UP Girls Tennis, UP Boys Track & Field, UP Girls Track & Field

2002-03: LP Girls Swimming & Diving, LP Boys Swimming & Diving

2005-06: Boys Bowling, Girls Bowling

2006-07: Girls Competitive Cheer, Boys Skiing, Girls Skiing

2018-19: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Girls Volleyball

Note: Boys and Girls Lacrosse has been a divisional sport since it began in during the 2004-05 school year.

Mendon Focused on Taking Last Remaining Step to Claim 1st Finals Championship

By Scott Hassinger
Special for

April 3, 2024

MENDON – Mendon's run to the Division 4 softball championship game last spring may have shocked outsiders, but it wasn't a surprise to the Hornets or co-coaches Steve Butler and Mike Smith.

Southwest CorridorMendon gave four-time reigning champion Unionville-Sebewaing a major scare before falling 5-4 to the Patriots in the Final at Michigan State University's Secchia Stadium.

But there could be a new Division 4 champion in the near future as Mendon, ranked No. 10 in the Michigan High School Softball Coaches Association preseason poll, returns all but two players from its 2023 squad.

In finishing 35-6, the Hornets set a program record for most wins in a single season last spring and also were Southwest 10 Conference champs, claimed District and Regional trophies, pulled off dramatic wins over Fowler (13-12) in the Quarterfinal and Johannesburg-Lewiston (4-2) in the Semifinal before a seventh-inning rally fell short in the loss to USA.

That was Mendon's first Finals appearance since 1992, when it lost in the Class D championship game 2-0 to Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes.

While Butler admits last year's run was a bit unexpected, he said the Hornets showed their potential by winning a prestigious early-season event. With a squad featuring just two seniors and 10 sophomores and freshmen, Mendon defeated three state-ranked teams, all via the 10-run mercy rule, to win the Holton Tournament.

Rowan Allen pitches for Mendon in a 2023 Regional game at Colon."Quite honestly, I figured we'd be lucky to go 8-5 those first couple of weeks last season. We had a difficult early-season schedule. Winning the Holton Tournament was a big momentum builder for us," Butler said.

Butler and Smith, both former standout athletes at Mendon, took over the softball program seven years ago.

"At Mendon, the goal is always to make it to the state championship no matter what sport you're in,” Butler said. “Mike and I have played a lot of baseball and softball over the years. We both had daughters coming up through the program. So when the coaching opening came up, we just felt our knowledge and desire to win would help us provide the program with the best experience and chance for the girls to get to the championship game.”

Modest goals were set the first few seasons of their coaching tenure.

"That first year we set a goal of winning 20 games, and we fell one game short of that. Then we set a goal of winning a District, getting state-ranked and getting that Regional trophy. Then the goal was to become state-ranked, win Districts and Regionals and then we set the bar higher and higher," Butler said.

The experienced Hornets hope to complete their mission of winning it all this spring.

"This is a special group of kids, probably one of the best to ever come through this school. The tenacity and ferociousness they show is amazing. There's no quit in them, and that's evident in every sport they play. They believe they can win every game, are calm under pressure and work hard. They just have that championship aura and won't be satisfied until they win one," Butler said.

Several Mendon softball players were members of the state-ranked volleyball team this past fall and the basketball squad that reached the Division 4 Quarterfinals last month.

Abby and Ally Butler, Steve's junior twin daughters, return for their third season on Mendon's softball varsity, along with classmates Brielle Bailey and Kaidee Gonser.

Abby, a two-year starter, can play all three outfield positions and is working hard on being a slap hitter.

"I feel like I'm very useful in right field, especially when Rowan (Allen) is pitching for us. Her speed is a big adjustment for teams with right-handed hitters, so they tend to hit the ball more to me," Abby Butler said. "I'd like to be a more versatile hitter at the plate. I enjoy the other team not really knowing what I'm gonna do when I'm up there."

Abby Butler hit .302, Ally Butler .287, and Bailey .330 last season. Ally Butler is 15-0 for her career as a varsity pitcher and has played in more than 50 games. She'll be Mendon's No. 2 pitcher.

Abby Butler makes contact during last season’s Division 4 Final against USA. "We probably could've used her more as pitcher before now, but she is our biggest leader on the team. The kids really look up to her," Steve Butler said.

Ally Butler has a lot of trust in her teammates as well. "I think I communicate well with my team and lift them up when we're down. We have lots of trust in each other and are confident in ourselves," she said.

Bailey becomes the full-time starter at third after splitting time there with Carlie Doehring, who graduated.

"Brielle played third base and spent a lot of time as our designated hitter. She came up with a lot of big hits, including the game-winning RBI and a couple doubles in our Quarterfinal win over Fowler," Steve Butler said.

Gonser returns at catcher. She hit .496 with 60 hits and 34 runs scored last season. "Kaidee has improved defensively and is the best hitter on our team. She does a nice job back there for us. We hope to get her more rest this season so she's more effective for us the whole season," Butler said.

Sophomore Rowan Allen takes over as Mendon's No. 1 pitcher replacing Lauren Schabes, a three-time all-stater. Allen posted a 12-3 record with 150 strikeouts and a 1.64 ERA in 2023, and batted .419 with 44 hits, 49 runs scored and 31 RBI.

"Rowan had a phenomenal freshman season pitching. We're looking forward to seeing where she can take us this year. She's been in lots of big-pressure moments and has beaten many ranked teams," Butler said. "Her change-up pitch is her equalizer; it's nasty and she also throws a good fastball and dropball."

Allen closed out Mendon's Quarterfinal win over Fowler and locked down USA the last two innings in the championship game, giving the Hornets a chance to win in the seventh.

“My biggest strength is my fastball and being able to go to a changeup and being able to mix it up whenever I want,” Allen said. “Our teammates are always there to pick us up, and they never let us down. We have the confidence we need to reach our goals."

Other key sophomores include Mattea Bingaman, Gracie Schultz, Cienna Nightingale, Brooke Gerth and Jadyn Samson. Samson, Mendon's starting shortstop and No. 3 pitcher, fills another vital role as the lead-off hitter. She set a school record as a freshman with 46 stolen bases and was thrown out only once, also batting over .435 with 53 hits, 60 runs scored and 35 RBI.  

"Jadyn is the leader of our infield. She covers a lot of ground and doesn't make many errors. We're looking forward to having her and our entire infield back the next two years. She threw only one inning for us last year, but she's another hidden gem on the mound and will see some time there as well," Butler said.

Ally Butler readies to make a throw from her spot at second base."The experience last year was huge,” Samson added. “I have to keep working hard to be productive. We're young, but I think everyone is going to continue to grow. I feel the energy I bring to my position is a big help, and I'm always talking to my teammates. We are all in this for each other, like family.”

Nightingale is another key returning starter at first base. "Cienna is the best defensive first baseman we've ever coached. It's not the easiest position to play. She's very agile, quick, can scoop balls out of the dirt, stretch high and makes everyone else look good," Butler said.

Bingaman is Mendon's centerfielder. She finished last spring with a .434 average, 52 hits and 31 runs scored. "Mattea has a really strong arm and is very fast," Butler noted.

Gerth is pegged as Mendon's top utility player, while Schultz is another valuable contributor in the outfield.

"Depending on who's pitching and where we move people around, I feel we are one of the best defensive teams in the state. Our pitchers don't give up many runs. Offensively, five of our top nine hitters batted over .400. I expect our lineup to have more power too. We're more of a gap-hitting team though. We take a lot of walks, and we stress being aggressive on the basepaths," Steve Butler said. "All 10 of our players are in the mix and could be starters.

"The biggest thing is these girls feel they should've won a state title last season. They were immediately focused on this season after that loss. After their basketball Quarterfinals loss, I got a text at work at 11 p.m. from one of them wanting to know when softball practice started the next day. They are ready to go."

Mendon joined the Southern Central Athletic Association at the beginning of this school year, and preseason Division 4 honorable mention Burr Oak is among opponents on the schedule. The Hornets’ goals are to win the league and get back to Michigan State with a chance to hoist the first-place trophy.

"Repeating what we accomplished last year won't be easy because now everyone expects it,” Butler said. “We won't sneak up on anyone. It's a tough road. All the teams we played last year will be there again in the championship hunt.”

Scott HassingerScott Hassinger is a contributing sportswriter for Leader Publications and previously served as the sports editor for the Three Rivers Commercial-News from 1994-2022. He can be reached at [email protected] with story ideas for Berrien, Cass, St. Joseph and Branch counties.

PHOTOS (Top) Mendon starting shortstop Jadyn Samson fields a ground ball during a home game last season against Kalamazoo Christian. (2) Rowan Allen pitches for Mendon in a 2023 Regional game at Colon. (3) Abby Butler makes contact during last season’s Division 4 Final against USA. (4) Ally Butler readies to make a throw from her spot at second base. (Photos by Nicci Plummer.)