Giving Value to Victory

January 13, 2013

The older I get, the longer I pause over sunsets; and I’ve learned that the sunset with the brightest colors, the greatest variety of colors, the most texture, the most uniqueness – the most character – is the sunset on a partly cloudy evening.

As clouds add character to an early evening sky, so do disappointments add character to a life.  And also to that slice of life we call sports.

Without losses in sports, victories are less sweet.

As a player, coach, parent of players and administrator, I’ve come to know with certainty that the experience of defeat is a large part of what gives value to victory.

Tending a Small Garden

June 12, 2015

I offer this posting as an important qualifier to my previous posting.

Year after year I expanded the borders of my garden. And year after year the overall quality of the garden declined.

I didn't notice at first. I failed to see as I introduced new plants that some of the older plants were struggling, or that other plants were growing without shape or direction. I didn't see that some weeds were taking hold in the original space that was receiving less of my attention than the newer space.

I am unable to miss this metaphor for school sports.

When we try to grow interscholastic athletics too large, we risk becoming incapable of maintaining the essential beauty and purity of educational athletics. Certain programs grow out of control, other programs weaken. Influences are introduced, some of which can be aggressive enough to take over the whole enterprise.

Let international, professional, major college and even youth sports grow out of control. Ours is and must continue to be a small garden, tended closely and carefully.