Did you see that? (Winter begins)

November 27, 2012

Fall has ended and winter has begun. And every Monday we'll post here some of the most headline-worthy results and major news coming from all over our state. 

Hockey, Upper Peninsula bowling, gymnastics, Upper Peninsula swimming and diving and competitive cheer all are underway, although the majority of competitions in the latter four take place after the start of the new year. Girls basketball, Lower Peninsula swimming and diving and bowling all begin this week. 

And next week sees the starts of the rest: boys basketball, boys and girls skiing and wrestling. 

We're busy populating MHSAA.com with schedules for all sports and especially basketball, and will display every score that comes in for any sport. Anyone can enter scores by simply registering on the site. Feel free to give us a hand, and keeping tuning in to Second Half for more features, rankings and the like all winter long. 

Coach's Guide to Nutrition: Window of Opportunity

The 30 minutes following exercise, often referred to as the window of opportunity, is the best time to begin to refuel, rebuild and repair muscles.

Milk Means More logoCarbs plus protein in this window can help your students refuel and be ready to attack their next workout.  

After an exercise session or game, muscles are depleted of glycogen, their primary energy source, and are in need of recovery from the stress of training. A small snack is all that is needed in this “window of opportunity.”

The focus should be on carbohydrates with some protein; the ideal snack would have more carbs than protein. Chocolate milk has both carbs and protein, along with electrolytes and fluids to rehydrate. Liquids are also more easily absorbed by the body to help refueling happen more quickly. Other refueling options could include a smoothie, yogurt and granola, or a cheese stick with fruit.

Within 2-3 hours, have a full meal to continue recovery.

Information above is excerpted from UDIM’s A Coach’s Guide to Nutrition.