Forgotten Series Named 1st Grid Champs

November 29, 2016

By Ron Pesch
Special for Second Half

“In the first decade of this century, there were some very, very unsavory things going on in high school sports," said MHSAA sports historian Dick Kishpaugh back in 1999. "Though teams used school names as if they represented their high schools, schools didn't set policy, players did. … Serious injuries were common, gamblers arranged games, and shady recruiting practices were the norm.”

On March 31, 1899, at the Michigan State Teachers’ Association meeting hosted in Ypsilanti, discussion took place about a proposal that had been put forth by some high schools. The request was to form a statewide “conference with a view to arranging (a) series of base and football games between those schools which adopt the rules.”

Speaking in 1907, Herbert W. “Buck” Read, a coach at Kalamazoo Central High School (and later head basketball coach at modern-day Western Michigan University) recalled the purpose of the plan was “to do away with the chaotic state of affairs then existing in high school football circles” as teams and communities jockeyed for superiority and arranged games that did little more than create an “opportunity to those of betting proclivities.”

The proposal advanced to the Association’s High School Athletic Committee. There, a plan was formed for a playoff system designed to identify a state football champion. The system would be governed by the Committee and run by the Interscholastic Department of the University of Michigan Athletic Association. The playoffs would then culminate with a championship game played at the university on Thanksgiving Day.

By late summer, it was decided to broach the subject with Michigan’s schools.

As Lewis L. Forsythe noted in his book, “Athletics in Michigan High Schools: The First Hundred Years,” the prosperity of the Technological Revolution, combined with the fact athletics were achieving new popularity in colleges and schools, helped propel expansion of athletic activities across the nation.

At the time, there were 165 high schools in incorporated cities and villages with populations of 1,000 or more scattered across Michigan. Only 72 enrolled more than 100 students (including girls).

A League is formed

Letters were sent to state high schools, offering application for membership in this new Michigan Interscholastic Athletic League. While a number of schools opted to remain independent, by deadline, there were 42 teams accepted into the “Interscholastic.” 

The state was divided into six geographical “sections” and “sectional” games were arranged by the league, designed to allow for sectional championship contests to be scheduled for Nov. 9. District championship title games, designed to produce a Western division and an Eastern division champion, were scheduled for Nov. 23. The state title game between east and west was then scheduled for Thanksgiving Day at the University of Michigan’s Regents Field.

Complications quickly surfaced. Transportation at the time was primarily by rail or trolley line, and many teams had to travel a fairly great distance to face scheduled league opponents. Almost immediately, some schools dropped out of league play or forfeited games because of travel expense. 

Still, 33 games were played by the high school teams belonging to the “Michigan Interscholastic Football League.” Pontiac, which defeated Bay City in the semifinals, emerged as the state’s first playoff champion with a thrilling 6-5 victory over Western representative Plainwell before a reported crowd of 1,000. Plainwell had downed Escanaba in the semis to reach the final game.

U.P. Power

Because of the complications, talk of disbanding the league erupted in the media. But, with some minor modifications, including more local control over scheduling, the playoffs were again planned for the fall of 1900.

Ishpeming and the Michigan Military Academy of Orchard Lake emerged from a field of 34 teams to square off for the title at Regents Field. In a battle of “speed against weight,” the boys from the Upper Peninsula, averaging 135 pounds, completely outplayed their heavier opponent, and grabbed a 12-5 win. According to The Michigan Alumnus, financially, the event lost money, as a crowd of only around 300 attended the title game. Still, the university saw the “Interscholastic” as a success. According to the university’s annual, Michiganian, during the season, the Athletic Association was forced to apply “some severe measures in its governance of the football contests, thus showing members of the league that they must learn to be square and businesslike.”

On the other hand, the championship contest served as a great opportunity to expose athletes to the campus. Without question, recruitment of future university athletes was an underlying desire. Anderson of Ishpeming was identified as the top player of the day. According to the Alumnus, “Michigan needs a few such as he.”

By mid-November, the 1901 interscholastic series saw the race narrowed to Kalamazoo, Lansing, Orchard Lake, Ann Arbor, Alpena and South Haven in the Lower Peninsula, while Ishpeming, which knocked off Escanaba 11-0, had emerged again as the Upper Peninsula champion. Ultimately, Kalamazoo downed Lansing on Thanksgiving Day to set the stage for the title game on Saturday, Dec. 7.

Although cost concerns related to bringing Ishpeming to Ann Arbor threatened to derail plans for the championship game, the contest was played. In a close battle, the faster Ishpeming squad again prevailed, 27-21. The team returned to the U.P. to a great reception. According to the Detroit Free Press, “a procession was formed at the depot with the footballists occupying seats on a chariot. … Mine whistles and bells of the city sounded for thirty minutes, while thousands of school children and others gave school yells.” It was estimated that 8,000 fans came out, making a procession six blocks long.

In 1902, Escanaba nearly ended Ishpeming’s championship reign, as the teams played to a scoreless tie in early November. However, ties in Interscholastic League action meant the game had to be replayed. Ishpeming downed Escanaba, 11-5, in the rematch and again returned to Ann Arbor for the championship game. There they flexed their speed and skills in a 35-12 victory, this time over Lower Peninsula champion Benton Harbor in a game played at Michigan’s Ferry Field. A total of 34 high schools participated in the Interscholastic League that fall.

Financial challenges and eligibility questions

Benton Harbor returned to the championship game in 1903 with a squad averaging 160 pounds, unusually heavy for the time. Up north, Escanaba defeated Ishpeming 34-2 to punch its ticket to Ann Arbor. The state championship contest, played on Thanksgiving Day, was one-sided and decisive as Benton Harbor rolled to a 22-0 victory. According to press reports, at no time was their goal line “in danger.” The championship series, however, was threatened as university officials again declared the title game was simply unprofitable as travel costs outweighed ticket revenue.

Still, another attempt was made in 1904 as 46 schools, 29 from the Lower Peninsula and 17 from the U.P., opted to battle for the Interscholastic football crown. League contests opened Oct. 1 with the Lower Peninsula championship game scheduled for Nov. 19. Many schools, especially in the larger cities, continued to avoid participation, due to the inconvenience of arranging contests around Interscholastic dates, as well as the simple fact that more revenue could be generated by playing local or familiar opponents.

In a major upset, Mount Pleasant won the 1904 Lower Peninsula championship honor by downing heavily-favored Benton Harbor 11-0 at Fancher Field in Mount Pleasant before a crowd of 1,800. Five passenger coaches, filled with Benton Harbor fans and a band, made the trip north for the early morning game. Fred Norcross, quarterback and incoming captain of the University of Michigan football team, was also in attendance. Quoted in the Michigan Daily, he lent some insight into the way the game was played at the time.

“It was a good clean game, free from slugging and unnecessary roughness, and the way the Mt. Pleasant boys worked to help the man with the ball along was great,” he said. “They would drag a man five yards after he was down.”

Escanaba, a 12-6 winner over Menominee, earned the U.P. crown. The Interscholastic championship game at Ann Arbor on Thanksgiving Day was surrounded with controversy. Just prior to the game, a protest had been raised by Benton Harbor with claims that Mount Pleasant had used an ineligible player in their contest. Bay City, defeated by Mount Pleasant in Interscholastic play the previous week, joined the protest. The complaints, it appears, were dismissed, as Escanaba defeated Mount Pleasant 16-5 for the state title. Following its school’s defeat in the title contest, the Mt. Pleasant Courier “denounced the Escanaba team as having three ineligibles.”

Following the game, newspapers reported that both Detroit Central and Muskegon finished the season undefeated and were considered outstanding teams, but since they did not compete in the Interscholastic series, both were unable to lay claim to the official state title.

Tightening the rules

Perhaps as a result of questions concerning eligibility that surrounded the previous season, the 1905-06 school year brought changes. The management duties of the Interscholastic Athletic League now fell into the hands of a state “Athletic Director,” the duties of which were assumed by Principal C. G. Wade of Flint. A tightening of regulations and rules tied to management of high school athletics in Michigan also were enacted. Very specific requirements for enrollment, age and allowed number of years of eligibility were defined. Players could not be compensated for their athletic skills. Transfer between schools now required certification of eligibility from a superintendent or principal before a student was allowed to compete at a different school. Football players needed to pass a physical examination and have parental consent to compete. Passing marks, as defined by the school, were now a requirement for play.

Participation decreased as some of the state’s larger schools joined the League. 

“What is the matter with the high schools of the third inter-scholastic district?” asked a writer in the Benton Harbor News-Palladium at the beginning of the 1905 season when it was announced that only three teams – Benton Harbor, Plainwell and Allegan – would compete in their section of the Interscholastic League. “Where is Kalamazoo? Is South Haven afraid? Does Hastings know anything about football? Why don’t St. Joseph enter the race? What is the matter with Cassopolis and the other places in the district …”

The tournament fell into disarray in the final weeks of November. Ishpeming was identified as the U.P. champion, but as of Nov. 24, it appeared that the state title would not be decided. Frontrunners for the Lower Peninsula crown were Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids Central, but the schools couldn’t come to an agreement on a location for the game. A ruling by director Wade identified Grand Rapids as the proper venue, but Ann Arbor felt the game should be played locally.

Then Kalamazoo High School announced it felt it should be the team playing Ann Arbor for the Lower Peninsula crown as it had beaten Grand Rapids earlier in the year.  With an undefeated and unscored upon record, Kalamazoo should be an obvious choice.

Wade noted that while Kalamazoo had impressive record, the school had chosen not to participate in Interscholastic League play. Since the game with Grand Rapids was not considered an Interscholastic contest, the loss didn’t affect Grand Rapids’ pursuit of the League title.

Finally, since Ann Arbor refused to travel, it were forced by the league to forfeit the semifinal game. So, a championship contest between Grand Rapids and Ishpeming was scheduled.

Plans to play the game at Ann Arbor, announced earlier in the season, were scuttled and the contest was scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at Ramona Park in Grand Rapids. The Upper Peninsula again emerged as champion, as Ishpeming exposed a weak Grand Rapids defense and posted a 17-5 victory. The move of the game to the site of one of the participants appeared to be a wise one, as 800 paid admissions were collected.

(In an interesting turn of events, Ann Arbor opted, instead, to play a Thanksgiving Day road game with Kalamazoo High. Kalamazoo downed Ann Arbor 16-0 to finish the year as the state’s first unbeaten, untied and unscored upon team.)

The format unravels

Nationally, the brutality and danger of football was being discussed, and calls were to ban the game. President Teddy Roosevelt heard the cries and convened a panel of football authorities to investigate and suggest changes to save the game he loved. In 1906, sweeping alterations to the rules were unveiled and opened the game to the forward pass.

That fall, Muskegon and Benton Harbor emerged as finalists for the Lower Peninsula title. Muskegon had defeated Benton Harbor earlier in the season; however, in a twist of league rules, since the game had not been scheduled by the League office, the result of the contest had no impact on the championship series. After much debate over location and selection of officials, a record-breaking crowd of 1,500 was expected in Muskegon for the rematch, as the implications from a victory drew interest well beyond the borders of both cities. Extra streetcars were scheduled to move the crowd to the site of the contest, and the newspaper social pages were filled with reports of folks heading to Muskegon for the game.

Outplayed and out punted, the “Red and White of Muskegon” fought to the finish before a crowd of “about 1,600 paid admissions,” but fell 20-0 to the “orange sox” of Benton Harbor. The visitors capitalized twice on Muskegon fumbles, scoring a touchdown early in the game and another off a mishandled punt.

Revenue of over $500 (equaling around $13,000 in 2016) was generated from ticket sales. With expenses of around $175, including the $125 paid to Benton Harbor management, organizers were pleased. The following week Benton Harbor agreed to bear the expense if Escanaba would “defend the championship of the Upper Peninsula” in a Saturday, Nov. 24 game to be played in Benton Harbor, with University of Michigan officials in charge.

The Escanaba team left Wednesday for the event and arrived on Friday. The visitors ran through signals at Benton Harbor’s Fourth Division Armory before retiring for the night.

“Before a madly enthusiastic throng of three thousand spectators, Benton Harbor ran wild, overwhelming their guests from Escanaba, 50-0.

More complications

Still, dissention surfaced. Officials at Muskegon High School announced plans to resume playing an independent schedule in 1907, due to concerns about play of ineligibles appearing in its game with Benton Harbor the previous year, and ringers appearing in a spring baseball championship sponsored by the Interscholastic. A newspaper article in October noted the league was down to three teams: Ann Arbor, Saginaw and Benton Harbor. According to a report in the Muskegon Chronicle, the “arbitrary manner in which the executive committee arranged games” was stated as the primary reason the League was disfavored. Because of this, it was generally expected that the Interscholastic League would wither and die within a year.

Yet by season’s end, Muskegon was involved in the mix for a state title.

After three contests, it appears “the Red and White” had a change of heart and applied for membership in the Interscholastic League. As of Nov. 7, six teams were still in the state title race: Alpena, Saginaw, Muskegon, Big Rapids, Ann Arbor and Lansing.

In a bizarre twist, Muskegon’s later application and delays in paying a $12 membership fee to the League became the pivot point in the Interscholastic’s next move. According to a Nov. 14 Detroit Free Press article, “the question of Muskegon’s eligibility to compete for the state high school championship had been deferred (until a state board meeting) and that Saginaw would therefore play Ann Arbor. …The winner of this game will play Muskegon, if the latter is admitted, in the final of (the) state series.”

Ann Arbor High School, which had beaten Muskegon earlier in the year and stood unbeaten and unscored upon, was extremely upset by the decision. Ann Arbor now had to face Saginaw, also unbeaten, with the winner still facing the possibility of meeting once-beaten Muskegon.

A bizarre safety assessed against Ann Arbor in the final minutes of its battle with Saginaw made matters worse. Leading 6-5 near the close of the contest, an Ann Arbor player fielded a bounding punt, “lost his head” and “deliberately ran back (of) his own goal line,” where he touched it down “instead of trying to make a gain or calling ‘down’ when he picked up the ball.” The two points awarded to Saginaw were all that were necessary to win.

With that victory, many felt Saginaw had gained rightful ownership of the Lower Peninsula title. The state athletic board of control, at its meeting in Ann Arbor, formalized Muskegon’s acceptance into the Interscholastic, and voted to give Muskegon, as a member, the right to demand a game with Saginaw. Noting the earlier Ann Arbor loss, the board also suggested that, in the interest of true sportsmanship, Muskegon should concede the state crown.

Muskegon High School officials contacted Saginaw and did concede the Lower Peninsula title, but still requested a game.

Casting aside the format of past Interscholastic championships, Saginaw did not play the Upper Peninsula champion, Escanaba, but rather accepted the Muskegon challenge.

Some 400 Muskegon enthusiasts brought to Saginaw by train helped form the largest crowd ever at Recreation Park, estimated at 5,000. In the end, disappointment reigned on both sides as the contest ended in a scoreless tie.

Following the showdown, the Upper Peninsula media weighed in.

“The recent dispute between the high school football teams of Escanaba and Saginaw over conflicting claims to the state championship has caused much discussion, but as there exists no court for the decision on a controversy between an upper and lower peninsula athletic team, the matter will very likely die as it is at present and the state will have two champion football elevens,” stated the Hancock Journal.

According to the Sault Ste. Marie Evening News, Michigan needed a state interscholastic athletic association, and “it is evident that until some such organization is formed, there will be no deciding of a championship in case of contention from any of the teams in the race.”

At the conclusion of the season, “Buck” Read spoke about the failure of the Interscholastic as time went on.

“The interscholastic divided the state into sections, played the winners of the sections against each other, and finally by a process of elimination managed to arrive pretty closely at the real championship,” he said.

“The plan looked good on paper, and as long as the university exercised a direct regulation particularly in that game which was for several seasons played at Ann Arbor, the interscholastic awakened a general, definite interest. But a season prosecuted under such an uncertainly arranged schedule, as was necessarily the case, proved unusually ruinous financially to the schools participating. Often a match had to be played between towns several hundred miles apart, entailing great expense, and often providing a poor drawing card when one of the contestants was a team ordinarily of little reputation. So a number of the bigger schools drew out and arranged schedules on a financial basis. The university authorities too, finally refused to guarantee the concluding game.”

One last gasp, and a new beginning

Somehow, the Michigan Interscholastic League survived for another season, although with few participants.

Ann Arbor, led by three touchdowns from future U-M great John Maulbetsch, earned the League title, upsetting Benton Harbor, 16-5, at University of Michigan’s Ferry Field. Pontiac and the Detroit University School, teams with outstanding undefeated marks, then clamored for a chance to play Ann Arbor.

Both had competed outside the M.I.A.L. during the 1908 season. Ann Arbor ignored Detroit University School, likely the stronger of the two teams based on season results, and scheduled a contest with Pontiac for Thanksgiving Day. The game was won by Ann Arbor 24-0.

At the Schoolmasters’ Club meeting on April 2, 1909, the High School Athletic Committee addressed the broadest issue that the Michigan State Teachers’ Association faced. It was recommended “there be formed a State organization to be composed of all high schools of the State that will sign an agreement to abide by the laws passed at the meetings of the Schoolmasters’ Club.”

It is also recommended to the committee, “that (athletically) a full schedule of all the schools in this organization shall not be made but that the different schools make out their own schedule and from such schools in the organization as they most prefer.”

The upcoming 1909 season saw a further tightening of the athletic rules, as the Michigan Schoolmasters’ Association issued strict code that barred paid coaches, requiring instead that a school’s coach must be part of the faculty of the school. In addition, “sweaters and such awards cannot be made to the athletes, only ribbons and banners being given.”

In mid-August, the Detroit Free Press stated that the new rules would be unacceptable to most: “Most of (the state schools) are not prepared, and it looks like a safe bet that the Michigan Interscholastic contenders are not going to chase out some professor that knows football of a few years back and risk their reputations on his game.

“Then there is the matter of awards. The schoolmasters have tabooed the sweaters and that stuff, and will in the future award a ribbon or something similar,” continued the paper.  “Where will the big old numeral of days gone by come in? How many football men will play for the honor of the school, and not have the pleasure of sporting the big letter on their manly breasts?”

The new rules, along with complaints concerning the handling of previous tournaments and various other issues, resulted in the final unraveling of the Interscholastic League.

“… Interest in high school football will not decline because of the death of the interscholastic league,” stated a September 1909 syndicated article that appeared in the Benton Harbor News-Palladium and the Grand Rapids Press. “The leading high school teams of the state have banded together in much the same old way and will play for the championship of the state just as though the league or even something better existed.”

With a number of athletes back, Ann Arbor again ended the year with Lower Peninsula laurels. Its schedule included wins over Muskegon, Detroit Central, Saginaw and Grand Rapids. On Thanksgiving Day, the “Purples” defeated Menominee, a power from the Upper Peninsula, 42-0.

“This victory gives the local high school a clear title to the state championship,” stated the Ann Arbor Daily Times News.

The following year saw a major change that eventually would set wheels in motion to create the system of determining football champions we have today. 

On Oct. 28, 1910, at the M.S.T.A. convention held in Bay City, a new organization, the Michigan Interscholastic Association, was formed. It served the state’s schools until December 1924, when it was replaced by today’s Michigan High School Athletic Association.

The first MHSAA Football Playoffs were conducted in 1975. The 42nd version of the tournament concluded this Thanksgiving weekend.

Ron Pesch has taken an active role in researching the history of MHSAA events since 1985 and began writing for MHSAA Finals programs in 1986, adding additional features and "flashbacks" in 1992. He inherited the title of MHSAA historian from the late Dick Kishpaugh following the 1993-94 school year, and resides in Muskegon. Contact him at [email protected] with ideas for historical articles.

PHOTOS: (Top) Ishpeming's 1900 football team, the second Interscholastic League champion. (Middle top) Pontiac's 1899 team, which won the first League title. (Middle) Benton Harbor's 1903 championship team. (Middle below) An advertisement tells of the 1907 Saginaw/Benton Harbor final. (Below) Ann Arbor's 1909 championship team. (Photos collected by Ron Pesch.)

1st & Goal: 2022 Week 2 Review

By Geoff Kimmerly senior editor

September 6, 2022

We don’t keep track of losing streaks at the MHSAA. But we’re plenty glad to celebrate teams after those streaks have been broken.

MI Student Aid

Holland West Ottawa and Litchfield surely are enjoying these first few weeks, as both have started the fall 2-0 after multiple seasons without a victory.

Theirs are among several potential turnaround stories beginning to be told, and we highlight more below as we review Week 2 across Michigan.

Bay & Thumb

HEADLINER Lapeer 56, Traverse City Central 42 The Lightning (2-0) scored first and impressively on the road against last season’s Division 2 runner-up. Quarterback Zak Olejniczak ran for a touchdown and threw for seven more, including four scoring passes to Connor Brown. Although Central (1-1) went over 40 points for the second week in a row, Lapeer’s defense was the difference during the fourth quarter with two interceptions and a fumble recovery. Click for more from the Traverse City Record-Eagle.

Watch list Swartz Creek 36, Lake Fenton 14 The Dragons are 2-0 for the first time since 2018 and after starting 1-3 a year ago but still eventually making the playoffs. This win avenged a 13-0 loss to Lake Fenton (0-2) from last fall.

On the move Elkton-Pigeon-Bay Port Laker 39, Cass City 12 The Lakers (2-0) have opened with two commanding wins as they head into Greater Thumb Conference West play, while Cass City is 1-1 heading into GTC East action. Standish-Sterling 31, Ithaca 27 The Panthers (2-0) trailed throughout the first half before making their move during the second to earn a one-score win over Ithaca (1-1) for the second-straight season. Marlette 38, Unionville-Sebewaing 12 Marlette (2-0) last played USA in a 2020 playoff opener, and the Red Raiders hadn’t come within 40 of the Patriots (0-2) two of the three times they’d faced each other over the last seven seasons.

Greater Detroit

HEADLINER Clarkston 62, Southfield Arts & Technology 56 Southfield A&T (1-1) is becoming must-see football this fall – and that’s a strong vote of confidence for Clarkston after the Wolves held on to move to 1-1. Warriors quarterback Isaiah Marshall is up to nine touchdowns passing and five rushing over two games, but Clarkston running back Ethan Clark ran for four scores as the Wolves put up the game’s last points during the final minute to prevail. Click for more from the Oakland Press.

Watch list Birmingham Seaholm 21, Detroit U-D Jesuit 20 (OT) The Maples won one game a year ago, but are up to 2-0 after edging the Division 2 No. 6-ranked Cubs (1-1).

On the move Oxford 17, Birmingham Groves 14 On an emotion-filled night at Oxford, the Wildcats (1-1) opened their home schedule by defeating the No. 10 team in Division 2, sending the Falcons to 1-1. Detroit Catholic Central 44, Davison 34 The early hierarchy in Division 1 should see movement as Davison (1-1) was ranked No. 6 and DCC (1-1) was unranked before defeating the Cardinals for the second-straight season. Warren De La Salle Collegiate 49, Muskegon 16 These two have a combined seven appearances in MHSAA Finals over the last five seasons, which on its own to explains the heaviness of this matchup and significance of this win for the Pilots (2-0) over the Big Reds (1-1)


HEADLINER DeWitt 39, Portland 34 This has become one of the best games every fall in the Lansing area – this time DeWitt entered No. 2 in Division 3 and Portland was No. 4 in Division 5 – and the 2022 chapter was another classic. The Panthers (2-0) won for the first time in three recent matchups with the Raiders (1-1) as Elliott Larner took a handoff and found Bryce Kurncz on a 22-yard halfback pass for the game-winning score with 14 seconds to play. Click for more from the Lansing State Journal.

Watch list Durand 56, Montrose 52 The Railroaders have strung together three straight playoff seasons but have something extra to be excited about so far this fall. Durand (2-0) defeated Montrose (1-1) for the first time since 2009, perhaps the best win since the program’s turnaround got rolling after an 0-9 finish in 2017.

On the move East Lansing 28, Fenton 14 The Trojans (2-0) have loaded their nonleague slate again, and after posting one of Week 1’s most impressive debuts doubled up a Tigers team that also had opened in a big way. Mount Pleasant 51, Midland 29 The Oilers’ immediate schedule gets no easier with Cadillac and Traverse City Central over the next two weeks, but Mount Pleasant (2-0) has started as impressively as anyone in the Saginaw Valley League North as Midland (1-1) also was among the Week 1 high achievers. Williamston 22, Lansing Catholic 0 Although the Cougars (0-2) are off to a rough start, this remains a win over a reigning Finals champion for the Hornets (2-0).

Northern Lower Peninsula

HEADLINER Gaylord 17, Kingsley 16 If Gaylord’s Week 1 one-point win over Lake Fenton turned a few heads, the encore against Kingsley (1-1) should have all of northern Michigan taking notice. At 2-0, Gaylord already has won as many games as it did any of the last three seasons – but getting the second victory this fall over a Stags team that had six losses total over the last four seasons gives this story some statewide spark. Click for more from the Petoskey News-Review.

Watch list Traverse City St. Francis 42, Jackson Lumen Christi 35 A matchup of 2021 Division 7 semifinalists played out like one, with the Gladiators winning the fourth quarter to move to 2-0 while sending Lumen Christi to 0-2, but with those losses to the Nos. 1 and 2 teams in the statewide rankings.

On the move Alpena 18, Marquette 16 The Wildcats (1-1) were 2-14 over their last two seasons but could be in for some major improvement after avenging last season’s 49-14 loss to Marquette (0-2). Maple City Glen Lake 34, Oscoda 28 The Lakers (1-1) bounced back from a disappointing opener to win a game that could come into play as the Northern Michigan Football League Legacy standings sort out. The Owls (1-1) should still have a part to play too over the next six weeks. Elk Rapids 20, East Jordan 13 The Elks (2-0) had won a high of two games over the past three seasons, and they’ve equaled that already with this one over a Red Devils program that’s 0-2 but went 6-3 a year ago.

Southeast & Border

HEADLINER Hudson 22, Constantine 20 The Tigers (2-0) ran their overall winning streak to 16 with one of the best regular-season victories of the run. Hudson trailed by 20 points late in the third quarter before coming all the way back against a Constantine program that had won 15 straight regular-season games and remains ranked No. 6 in Division 6. Hudson, last season’s Division 8 champion, is No. 3 in Division 7. Click for more from the Adrian Daily Telegram.

Watch list Grosse Ile 21, Monroe St. Mary Catholic Central 14 The Red Devils (2-0) won just two games a year ago, and hadn’t defeated the Falcons (0-2) since 2018.

On the move Manchester 29, Addison 26 The Flying Dutchmen (2-0) followed up a solid win over Whitmore Lake in the opener by defeating three-time reigning Cascades Conference champion Addison (1-1) for the first time since 2016. Saline 35, Ann Arbor Huron 24 This matchup ended up deciding last season’s Southeastern Conference Red championship, and Saline (2-0) is off to the right start as it looks to repeat while Huron (0-2) is coming off losses against two potential Division 1 contenders. Hanover-Horton 27, Michigan Center 20 The Comets (1-1) have had a tough run over most of the last decade, but started Cascades play by defeating a Michigan Center team that’s 0-2 but made the Division 6 Semifinals last year. 

Paw Paw runs the ball on the way to its first victory, 33-27 over Otsego.

Southwest Corridor

HEADLINER St. Joseph 41, Hudsonville Unity Christian 28 The Bears loaded their nonleague schedule with two opponents that finished the 2021 season at Ford Field. They opened by falling to last year’s Division 2 runner-up Traverse City Central, but came back from a double-digit deficit to claim this win over the reigning Division 4 runner-up. St. Joseph may be the favorite and is certain among the few entering Southwestern Michigan Athletic Conference play, while Unity (0-2) should still contend as well in the Ottawa-Kent Conference Blue after opening with a pair of losses to top competition. Click for more from the St. Joseph Herald-Palladium.

Watch list Kalamazoo Loy Norrix 8, Kalamazoo Central 7 The Knights (1-1) have struggled more than most over the last 10 seasons, but this was their first win since 2019 and first over rival Central since 2017.

On the move Kalamazoo United 33, Stevensville Lakeshore 27 The Titans (1-1) reversed last season’s 41-19 loss to Lakeshore (0-2) as it bounced back from a season-opening defeat to Berrien Springs. Niles 28, Buchanan 18 The Vikings (1-1) also bounced back from a season-opening loss to hand the Bucks (1-1) their first defeat. Schoolcraft 22, Centreville 2 It’s fair to say defense reigned but both should score some playoff points as these two go on to successful seasons. Schoolcraft improved to 2-0, and Centreville is 1-1.

Upper Peninsula

HEADLINER Negaunee 40, Calumet 15 The Western Peninsula Athletic Conference Copper sent four teams to the playoffs last season. Negaunee was one and now has defeated two more, with Calumet also the reigning league co-champion. The victory over the Copper Kings (0-2) actually was the Miners’ second straight, and they don’t face the other co-champion Ishpeming Westwood until Week 9 – although Week 8 opponent Houghton also is making some noise at 2-0 and becoming one to watch in that league. Click for more from the Marquette Mining Journal.

Watch list St. Ignace 48, Johannesburg-Lewiston 0 The Saints (2-0) have worked through some tough seasons of late as well, winning a combined three games over the last two years. But they’re riding some momentum this time as the schedule begins getting tougher this week.

On the move Gladstone 34, Kingsford 20 The Braves (2-0) have simply impressed over their first two wins, this one over the reigning co-champion of the Great Northern Conference. Iron Mountain 34, Ishpeming Westwood 0 As noted above, Westwood (0-2) was a Copper co-champion last season, and Iron Mountain bounced back after falling Week 1 to Negaunee. Sault Ste. Marie 16, Grayling 7 The Blue Devils (2-0) had fallen 36-32 last season in their first NMFL Legends meeting with Grayling (1-0).

West Michigan

HEADLINER Rockford 31, Muskegon Mona Shores 27 The Rams (2-0) – No. 6 in Division 1 – came all the way back after trailing 20-0 late in the second quarter, as quarterback Mac VandenHout threw three touchdown passes including the go-ahead score 59 yards to Brody Thompson with 4:07 to play. Mona Shores, No. 4 in Division 2, moved to 1-1. Click for more from FOX 17.

Watch list East Kentwood 19, Bloomfield Hills Brother Rice 17 The Falcons (1-1) are playing for their first winning season since 2019 and looking strong after also opening with a close defeat against Muskegon. East Kentwood had lost to Brother Rice (0-2) last season 33-0.

On the move Grandville 45, Byron Center 27 That’s two weeks and two notable wins from the Bulldogs (2-0), who followed up a season-opening victory over Grand Blanc by defeating another 2021 playoff team in Byron Center (1-1). Holland West Ottawa 21, Portage Northern 10 The Panthers are 2-0 after bringing a 26-game losing streak into this season. Grand Rapids Christian 41, Fruitport 34 The Eagles (1-1) trailed by 27 points late in the first half before scoring the final 34 points of the game to get past the Trojans (1-1).

A Morrice ball carrier pulls away during a 68-14 win over Vestaburg.


HEADLINER Litchfield 36, Burr Oak 14 The Terriers (2-0) are one of the best stories of the early going this season, opening with a pair of victories after losing 20 straight games from 2019-21. Litchfield hadn’t defeated Burr Oak (0-2) since 2011 and lost their matchup last season 44-22. Click for more from the Hillsdale Daily News.

Watch list Merrill 36, Breckenridge 14 This could end up developing into a great rivalry game, and Merrill (2-0) now owns a 1-0 lead in the 8-player series after Breckenridge (1-1) won their last four meetings as 11-player teams.

On the move Grand Rapids NorthPointe Christian 51, Indian River Inland Lakes 18 The Mustangs (2-0) are another team that has been especially impressive over the first two weeks, this time adding 51 points to the 65 they put up against Suttons Bay in the season opener. Inland Lakes (1-1) gave up that many only twice in going 10-1 last season. Pittsford 28, Camden-Frontier 6 The Wildcats (2-0) could quickly become contenders with their switch to 8-player, and they’ve looked good so far outscoring their first two opponents by a combined 78-6. Munising 14, Newberry 0 The Mustangs’ defense deserves plenty of praise after stopping a Newberry offense that scored 58 points last week and averaged 36 points per game a year ago.

Second Half’s weekly “1st & Goal” previews and reviews are powered by MI Student Aid, a part of the Office of Postsecondary Financial Planning located within the Michigan Department of Treasury. MI Student Aid encourages students to pursue postsecondary education by providing access to student financial resources and information. MI Student Aid administers the state’s 529 college savings programs (MET/MESP), as well as scholarship and grant programs that help make college Accessible, Affordable and Attainable for you. Connect with MI Student Aid at and find more information on Facebook and Twitter @mistudentaid.

PHOTOS (Top) A Mount Pleasant ball carrier works to pull away from a Midland defender during the Oilers' Week 2 win. (2) An official readies for a play during Sanford Meridian's 14-0 win over Shepherd. (3) Paw Paw runs the ball on the way to its first victory, 33-27 over Otsego. (4) A Morrice ball carrier pulls away during a 68-14 win over Vestaburg. (Top and photos 2 and 4 by High School Sports Scene; photo 3 by Gary Shook.)