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131 - 140 of 185 results

Grand Rapids’ Lewis Clingman Named Vern L. Norris Winner

Contact: Geoff Kimmerly, 517.332.5046 or [email protected]
MHSAA Website Media Page: http://www.mhsaa.com/News/MediaInformation.aspx

Student Advisory Council Names Members from Class of 2023

Contact: Geoff Kimmerly
517.332.5046 or [email protected]

MHSAA Accepting Student Advisory Council Applications

Contact: Geoff Kimmerly
517.332.5046 or [email protected] 

2021-22 School Year Classifications Announced 

Contact: Geoff Kimmerly
517.332.5046 or [email protected]?

2021-22 School Year Classifications Announced 

MHSAA Winter Tournaments to Begin Busy Run of Streaming, Radio Broadcasts

Contact: Jon Ross or Geoff Kimmerly
517.332.5046 or [email protected]