Interested in getting additional opportunities for coaches education? The Coaches Advancement program is for you! This is great coursework for new and veteran coaches of all sports. Click the "Register Now" button below for the current schedule. Each head coach of a varsity team hired for the first time at any MHSAA member high school (after July 31, 2016) shall have completed either Level 1 or Level 2 of the MHSAA Coaches Advancement Program (CAP).
MHSAA Handbook Regulation II, Section 3(C):
"Each head coach of a varsity team in an MHSAA tournament sport hired for the first time as a high school varsity head coach at any MHSAA member high school after July 31, 2016 shall have completed either Level 1 or Level 2 of the MHSAA Coaches Advancement Program (CAP). If the head coach does not complete CAP Level 1 or 2 prior to the established deadline, that coach shall be prohibited from coaching in that season's MHSAA tournament for the sport involved and shall not be present at the facility where the MHSAA tournament involving that coach's team is being held. See Regulation II, Section 15 H(4). An administrator or faculty member designee of that school shall be present with supervisory capacity over the school's competitors. Failure to receive reminder notifications (email or other) does not change the requirement of this Section. The MHSAA may substitute an alternative coach’s education program for late hires which will fulfill the requirement on a temporary basis."
The deadlines are:
Fall: September 12, 2024
Winter: December 12, 2024
Spring: April 17, 2025
The MHSAA Coaches Advancement Program (CAP) is an educational program geared to assist coaches in their growth and development as they advance in the field of educational athletics. Value-added benefits of the program include:
INSURANCE: Liability insurance coverage in the amount of $1 million per occurrence. This protection extends to coaches’ performance of duties for the school team during the interscholastic season.
NEWSLETTER: GamePlans is an electronic newsletter that is sent six times a year to coaches who have successfully completed six hours of the Coaches Advancement Program. The GamePlans newsletter contains pertinent articles that will assist coaches in their daily planning. GamePlans also publishes a record of all coaches who have been certified through the MHSAA Coaches Advancement Program.
STATE CONTINUING EDUCATION CLOCK HOURS: State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) are available to coaches and can be used for the renewal of selected certificates issued by the Michigan Department of Education. Coaches who complete a six-hour session are eligible to receive 6 SCECHs.
Coaches Advancement Program Outline
2.5 hours - Coaches Make the Difference: MHSAA Philosophy and Regulations
1.5 hours - Effective Instruction: The Coach as Teacher
2 hours - Managing Risk/Sports Medicine
2 hours - Effective Communication: Characteristics of Coaches who are Great Communicators
2 hours - Legal Issues in School Sports: A Game Plan to Meet Legal Needs
2 hours - Psychology of Coaching
2.5 hours - Additional Coaching Responsibilities: Becoming Aware of your Many Resources
2 hours - Effectively Working with Parents
1.5 hours - The Coach as Performer: Managing Your Time and Energy Level
2 hours - Understanding Athlete Development
1.5 hours - Preparing for Success
2.5 hours - Strength and Conditioning: Designing Your Program
2 hours - Peak Health and Performance
2 hours - Controlling Emotions in Pressure Situations
2 hours - Resolving Conflicts in Athletics
6 hours - Current Issues and Topics In Educational Athletics
6 hours - Current Issues and Topics In Educational Athletics
6 hours - Current Issues and Topics In Educational Athletics
6 hours - Current Issues and Topics In Educational Athletics
Coaches Advancement Program Certification
CAP Beginning Certification = 12 hours
CAP Intermediate Certification = 18 hours
CAP Advanced Certification = 24 hours
CAP Masters Certification = 30 hours
CAP Masters Elite Certification = 36 hours
CAP Masters Elite+ Certification = 42 hours
CAP Masters Elite++ Certification = 48 hours
Certification would occur after the first 12 hours (CAP 1 and 2) with subsequent increments of 6 hours for a total of 42 hours available. Additional units may be written.