Athletes and Officials Accident Medical & Concussion Insurance
Athletes and Officials Accident Medical & Concussion Insurance (updated June 2023)
(This is not intended to be a complete description of coverage and exclusions)
Catastrophic Medical Coverage Form
Since the 1970-71 school year, the Michigan High School Athletic Association has provided participants at each member school and all registered officials with insurance that is intended to help pay excess accident medical bills to administer to injuries sustained in athletic activities under MHSAA jurisdiction. Here are the traditional features:
Coverage is provided for grades 6-12 for all students accidentally injured while students are engaged in interscholastic athletic activities under the jurisdiction of the Michigan High School Athletic Association; namely: baseball, basketball (boys and girls), bowling (boys and girls), cross country (boys and girls), football, golf (boys and girls), gymnastics (girls), competitive cheer (girls), ice hockey, lacrosse (boys and girls), soccer (boys and girls), softball (girls), alpine skiing (boys and girls), swimming and diving (boys and girls), tennis (boys and girls), track and field (boys and girls), volleyball (girls), and wrestling.
All eligible students who participate in interscholastic athletic activities at an MHSAA member school in sports which end with an MHSAA tournament are covered provided their school principal attests in writing and the MHSAA agrees that they were eligible under all MHSAA regulations at the time of the injury. Eligible student athletes are covered while traveling directly to and from a scheduled event as a representative of the school while traveling in transportation sponsored by the school, and while participating in season in an allowed activity under the direct supervision of a full-time school employee or coach designated by the school acting within the scope of his/her coaching duties in those sports for which the MHSAA provides a tournament series.
Student-athletes ineligible under MHSAA Regulations are not covered.
- Students who are ineligible under local school rules but would be eligible under MHSAA rules would be covered if they were allowed to practice with their school team.
- Students who are otherwise eligible but are suspended from contests under Regulation V, Section 3 (contest disqualifications) would be covered if they were to continue practicing with the school team.
Officials must be on the premises of the contest to be covered under the policy.
Sideline cheerleaders are covered while traveling directly to and from interscholastic athletic events as a representative of the school while traveling in transportation sponsored by the school, and while cheering at interscholastic athletic events under the direct supervision of a school employee designated by the school. To be covered by MHSAA-purchased insurance, the activity of sideline cheerleaders at interscholastic athletic events must not exceed the safety norms of MHSAA Girls Competitive Cheer (i.e., the height of mounts, flips, stunts, etc.).
MHSAA Accident Medical Insurance does NOT cover ANY out-of-season activities or any activities occurring beyond the travel limits of Regulation II, Section 6, Interpretation 193, even if those activities are not expressly prohibited by the MHSAA.
This coverage is provided at no cost to the eligible athletes of MHSAA member schools and to registered officials. The MHSAA is the policyholder and pays the premium for this layer of accident medical coverage. It will pay up to $1,000,000 in medical expenses after a deductible of $25,000 in paid medical expenses per claim has been met. The MHSAA arranged program will then pay medical expenses above the $25,000 deductible left unpaid by the parents' or official's insurance or any other sources such as school purchased insurance. A payment of a cash benefit payment of up to $50,000 will be made if a covered person is paralyzed or in a coma within 180 days after the accident. Payment will not be made until a physician certifies that, after a 16-month waiting
period, the injury is permanent and irreversible. This payment is in addition to those payments already covered for medical expenses and must result in disability. This payment is in addition to those payments already covered for medical expenses.
The first medical expense must be incurred within 90 days after the date of the accident. An accidental death or dismemberment benefit of $10,000 is paid if either event occurs within 365 days of the date.
The Claims Administrators' name, telephone number and email address is:
Mr. Bryan Cronen, FIRST AGENCY, INC., 5071 West H Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49009-8501
Phone: 269.381.6630 Fax: 269.381.3055
Catastrophic Medical Coverage Form
Concussion Care Insurance
Since the 2015-16 school year, the Michigan High School Athletic Association has provided athletic participants at each MHSAA member junior high/middle school and high school with insurance that is intended to pay accident medical expense benefits resulting from concussion. The suspected concussion must be sustained while the athlete is participating in an MHSAA in-season covered activity (in-season practice or competition). Policy limit is $25,000 for each accident.
Covered students, sports and situations follow to the catastrophic accident medical insurance (see above).
This program intends to assure that all eligible student-athletes in MHSAA member schools in grades 6 through 12, male and female, in all levels of all sports under the jurisdiction of the MHSAA, receive prompt and professional attention for head injury events even if the child is uninsured or under-insured. Accident medical deductibles and co-pays left unpaid by other policies are reimbursed under this program.
Concussion Care Insurance Form
The Claims Administrator’s name, telephone and email address are:
Carol Grabenschroer - Claims Manager
Ph: 402-351-3807
Candice Little - Claims Manager
Ph: 402-351-3265
Special Risk Services
PO Box 31156 | Omaha, NE 68131
Claim Inquiries (800) 524-2324 | Email:
Mutual of Omaha | 3300 Mutual of Omaha Plaza | Omaha, NE 68175